Just started watching Black Mirror

This was the most thought provoking episode of a show I've seen in years. Is the rest of the series this good? Why aren't more shows this good?

There's usually at least one great episode each season, with the others just being alright.

I wish there were more anthology shows where every episode is a totally separate story. I think we don't see those very often since they're very risky financially. For a show like breaking bad, somebody watching the second episode is almost guaranteed if they watch the first. But when the episodes aren't connected at all, you don't have that kind of reliability.

Don't forget to watch the Christmas Special as well. That one is my favorite.

You'd think it would be the other way around. You can start watching anywhere making it more accessible. That's how TV used to be anyway.

3 season is the best so far.
1,3,4 and 6 are all great episodes.

I just started watching as well. This episode was garbage to me, user. Like it was written by a 14 year-old girl.
Muh bad society, muh capitalism. It was real fucking boring.
Social commentary is fine when it's within its own thing, but this was JUST social commentary, and one that didn't even raise an interesting point. Only shit that we've heard a million times already.

>Muh bad society, muh capitalism
The ending literally says that thinking that way is what keeps people down

First 2 seasons range from "good" to "great"

The Christmas special is probably the best episode

3rd season is mainstream average shit. Ep 3 and 6 are ok

>Thought provoking
DUDE consumerism is bad.
DUDE gamification?? wth lol?
DUDE voyeurism I mean what's the deal with that??


It's not about that, it's about fakeness being what make people miserable. Same with s3e1.

I hate this
>duh my social issues

People will never be happy.

FWIW, I think most people agree the third episode in Season 1 is the best one.

At least that's the impression I get on Sup Forums.

Go watch The Twilight Zone or some shit, it will blow your mind.

Black Mirror has nothing to say about anything.

>has nothing to say about anything.
literally your posts
kill yourself

>in the end, it truly was, Black Mirror...
dropped this shit right then and there

My posts are saying that Black Mirror brings up meaty themes relating to contemporary society and does nothing with them, they're just background decoration for a lazy story written around an pre-conceived twist.

Yeah if that's what you took away from it i think you're missing the forest for the trees here. The episode contains an incredible amount of depth beyond the shallow facade and that's the point. It's actually a really clever sort of meta-symbolic genre deconstructing framework to hand some deep cutting criticisms of humanity at its most primal level.

Think about the MC who follows the sort of character arc you've seen a million times, except when he begins to fight the system, in this case trying desperately to break out of a fake reality always trapped in a box or looking at a screen, the reality he ends up escaping to, fighting for, is just another box and just more screens. You never see the outside, just a view through a window. It essentially is a critique of human nature. The nature of humans is to want, even need to be trapped inside boxes made of metaphors, despite the self deception of wanting something real, wanting to be free, etc. It's the Truman Show if Truman braved the storm so he could build a new and "better" fake world in which to enslave himself willingly, "free" from the shackles of fighting against his nature.

Honestly I could say the way this is all communicated in the episode is so heavy-handed that I'm suprised you just see MUH CAPITALISM or something. Disappointing.

>guy becomes so cucked that he turns into Alex Jones

Its like Bill Hicks' biography

No, there are only a couple more good episodes.
Don't skip White Christmas special.
S3 can be safely skipped, redundant dragged out horseshit.

Well if you're so smart why don't you make your own tv show then huh pal oh yeah that's what I thought have fun spending the rest of your life critiquing minor details on an Bhutanese torma decorating forum you fucking knob

It's me, Larry David.

Can we all agree that Ebil Ginger Star Wars Nazi did some fine acting in S2E01?

>This was the most thought provoking episode of a show I've seen in years.
holy fuck watch more tv

>that episode with BDH


The second episode has miles more depth than anything in the first 2 seasons. Maybe you should read a book instead of watching more tv.

That episode with the mentally ill criminal theme park was fucking insane. In all of these episodes I could spot the "tweest" a mile away but that one totally threw me off.

it's a crap. all the sterilized world they show is shit, over exagarated. no soceity would or could evolve to those

You must be either 12 or american to fall for such shallow bullshit.

It's a fine show to tip my 'dora to.

whats this guys name?

I found the episode about Sup Forums pretty decent

Since Victoria alwas has her memory wiped, from the moment she wakes up in the house would her actions throughout the day be the exact same every single time?

it was shit tho

The ending of that episode is literally the worst thing I have ever seen. Literally

jerome flynn was a plus

>over exagarated
what is hyperbole

Probably not because other environemental factors change.

Skip The Waldo Moment.

They literally predicted Hilary

she did instinctivly know there was something wrong about the guy in the van when they were heading into the woods.