You're at a club and this guy slaps your girlfriends ass

You're at a club and this guy slaps your girlfriends ass.

What do you do?

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Exit photoshop without saving

put a sticky note on his back

Jump on his shoulders as I know he couldn't possibly lift his arms that high to get me

OH BOY OH BOY, he would clobber me! Look at all of them there muscles! I would be screwed! Done for! He would hold me down and pound me with his big black fists. I would be helpless! Totally at his command. He could do whatever he wants! He could crush me. He could kill me! OH BOY OH BOY.


stab him in the pancreas, or liver. then when he falls in his neck. Also I don't have a women.

What is your point? Grow up!

Implying I go to clubs that admit niggers.

thanks for finding me a gf doc


Get right up in his face, that dumbass worked out so much he can't bend his arms. I'd the a rag around his mouth and he'd suffocate since he couldn't reach it to remove it


I ask him how he gets that underwear over his thighs. Did he have to get sown into it?

I would back off

Glass him in the throat, the cheeky cunt.

bet him $300 that he can't put his pinkie fingers in his ears

Punch him in his goddamn face!

Then proceed to get my ass thoroughly handed to me obviously.

Stab him

slap him upside his head, and kick him in the nuts, and when he leans forward from the nut kick i smash a beer bottle over the back of his head,

Well I mean I'm an unstable, short tempered wreck that for some reason is allowed to conceal carry, but I also don't have a girlfriend to slap the ass of... So, I'd probably just get blackout drunk and fall asleep on some barstools

Slap his ass back

Ask him how the hell he got photoshopped in real life.

pancreas, or liver. Then neck

Punch him in the balls and run through a human sized doorway.

Roll, and hope like Hell for quads.


suck him off

Nothing, that nigger will destroy me


pass a speech check to claim anyone can see my gf shows symptoms of pustular hypomyalgia and pay 150 dollars for our freedom of his hyperniggatry

jerk off while he fucks her

>implying I go to clubs
>implying I have a gf

>implying i have a girlfriend
please dont assume i have even a shred of heterosexuality left in me, thanks.

Get a pin and pop him.

I take out a pin and pop him like a balloon

Take a pin and pop him like a balloon

Climb onto his back, safely out of reach

No I mean I'm trained in mma and I have a knife from cross training kali and krav

I'm cutting off those muscles and intestines when I get the fucker down injured

I would do this

Well... probably face him, tell him to fuck off trying not to look as scared as I would really be, and then get completely rekt...

Kite him around the bar and land as many nutshots as I can during damage phase.

Use a needle to burst him like the balloons of this little girl in the park

Hive mind

Also Wtf dude

Push a rusty thumbtack into his neck and watch him slowly die of sepsis

Why would I be at a club what am I 15 with a fake ID?