If there is no God, can we do what we want? Are we free to murder and rape? While good deeds are unrewarded?

If there is no God, can we do what we want? Are we free to murder and rape? While good deeds are unrewarded?


>can we do what we want?
Yes, but laws
>Are we free to murder and rape?
Yes, but laws
>While good deeds are unrewarded?

Are you absolutely sure there is no God? If not, then is it not possible that there is a God? And if it is possible that God exists, then can you think of any reason that would keep you from wanting to look at the evidence?

>Are you absolutely sure there is no God?
>If not, then is it not possible that there is a God?
>And if it is possible that God exists, then can you think of any reason that would keep you from wanting to look at the evidence?
Not possible

Would you agree that intelligently designed things call for an intelligent designer of them? If so, then would you agree that evidence for intelligent design in the universe would be evidence for a designer of the universe?

its a stupid reductionist argument. stop it. go and stare at the sea for 8 hours and get away from your media blaster screens.

>Would you agree that intelligently designed things call for an intelligent designer of them?
>If so, then would you agree that evidence for intelligent design in the universe would be evidence for a designer of the universe?

Is there anything wrong anywhere? If so, how can we know unless there is a moral law?

>guise my mucus drain hole is right over and connected to my feed hole, it was intelligently designed
>guise I can not breathe and eat, I'm intelligently designed

. If it takes an intelligent being to produce an encyclopedia, then would it not also take an intelligent being to produce the equivalent of 1000 sets of an encyclopedia full of information in the first one-celled animal? (Even atheists such as Richard Dawkins acknowledges that “amoebas have as much information in their DNA as 1000 Encyclopaedia Britannicas.” Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker (New York: WW. Norton and Co., 1996), 116.)

>guise I have no clue how genetics works or what my genome contains

That probably sums it up! We are free so try and do the right thing. Unfortunately no rewards. Deal with it!!

Would you agree that nothing cannot produce something? If so, then if the universe did not exist but then came to exist, for example who made bigfoot?
wouldn’t this be evidence of a cause beyond the universe?


The moral drive of compassion and empathy is built into your brain as a human. You just have to pay attention to yourself. Sit and think for a while. It's in you unless you're a tard, and even then it probably is.

>If there is no God, can we do what we want? Are we free to murder and rape? While good deeds are unrewarded?

there is no "reward".

and what stops people from murder, rape, or any other foul thing is their own morality. After all, there's countless devout followers of gods who do fucked up shit and think its perfectly fine.

>Would you agree that nothing cannot produce something?
>If so, then if the universe did not exist but then came to exist, for example who made Bigfoot?
Bigfoot isn't real
>wouldn’t this be evidence of a cause beyond the universe?

If every law needs a lawgiver, does it not make sense to say a moral law needs a Moral Lawgiver?


god is dead


Where's a dead body, DNA or skeleton

Which god?

No that's stupid.
It's not a law, it's just shit that we do to live together in a happy and productive way. It's the reason that we are successful as a community oriented species.

"There's no fossil record of anything fitting the description" of Bigfoot"

No i said where is a dead body, DNA or skeleton. People think Bigfoot still exists, if a breeding population of a large bipedal ape existed, we'd run across at least one skeleton by now. But we havent

Why must there be a reward? Are you a child?

If an effect cannot be greater than its cause (since you can’t give what you do not have to give), then does it not make more sense that mind produced matter than that matter produced mind, as atheists say?


What's an endothermic reaction?

Go murder and rape and let me know where that gets you.

In the light of the anthropic principle (that the universe was fine-tuned for the emergence of life from its very inception), wouldn’t it make sense to say there was an intelligent being who preplanned human life?

Yes, I can do what I want. Amount of people I want to murder = 0, amount of people I want to rape = 0. I'm an emphatic human being that cares about the well being of others and I don't need a god to tell me so.

Why just human?

Cuz there is no bigfoot


I don't into sky wizards

No? Then how can you look at nature and not believe in God?

Even if this "being" that your beta cuck ass is fixated on existed, he would not be directly involved with us. Your degenerate brain is so fixated onto humans when this world is so vast that our "intelligently designed brains" could not comprehend it. Humans are not the center of the universe, im sure a "higher being" wouldnt give a shit about its, as you can see with natural disasters that take innocent lives, "good" or "bad" since your infantile brain still works with terms such as those.

I understand genetics, evolution, biology, biochemistry, chemistry and physics


Because we arent degenerates like you

Would you agree that it takes a cause to make a small glass ball found in the woods? And would you agree that making the ball larger does not eliminate the need for a cause? If so, then doesn’t the biggest ball of all (the whole universe) need a cause?

right and wrong are entirely human conceived notions. Morality is a farce created by a systematic downplaying of our natural inclinations but unfortunately we are both human and live in a human society so we are contractually bound by simply being born, to abide by the rules of our culture.


no we are still bound by the laws of man. even if they are shite

I now understand why you believe in god. I am so sorry for you.
Much love brother



yes and no. with god there is no reason to enforce law on earth since there is a final judgement (heaven/hell). In absence of god we are left to make the rules and govern ourselves, and since most people don't like being murdered or raped we create laws to impede that.
The director David Cronenberg said this (and I'm paraphrasing): I believe in heaven and hell, but not in the sense of an afterlife, but that the earth is heaven or hell depending on what we choose it to be. So you can choose hell (raping and murdering freely) or heaven (where good is rewarded) but it is a difficult unending balance since people love to rape and murder so much.
I prefer JG Ballards reading of Naked Lunch. (again paraphrasing) You are either living in your own nightmare or someone else's. ie. the choice between your own fantasy about what the world is, or the constructed fantasies of the builders of society. Also go kill yourself

Should there not be a way to keep one’s descendants, who are still on earth, informed so as not to waste their time and money? Otherwise, the paper money will be pocketed by someone not related to you, and you will not even know about

Jew detected

i do murder and rape all i want, and that number is ZERO!!!

i am a good guy because it is the right thing to do, not because of some fake promises in the bible that comes with a warning of an imaginary hell,

there is no god, there is no devil, no heaven or hell, as you can see by this picture of a christian enjoying the afterlife

If those suffering in this life are being punished for deeds in a previous life, then why show any compassion to help the downtrodden and needy? Are we not just tinkering with their karma and delaying their punishment to a further life?

Regardless of it being a human concieved notion, there are still things that shouldnt be done because of universal morality

Why do viruses exist then?

If you need a god to tell you not to murder and rape you are not a good person to begin with.

Yeah, go ahead and do that, OP. See what happens

Morality is a joke. Does a sun feel anything morally conflictive whem it super novas and burns entiee planets to dust? Does bacteria beat itself up emotionally when it kills someone? Nothing other than humans in our ecosystem both globally and cosmically feels remorse or any kind of moral obligation. Right and wrong are not inherently key to the operation of things in the universe...

Some fucker pops up every week or so with the never ending story girl and starts using the most basic bitch religious apologetics arguments
t. someone who studied apologetics for 5 years and later became agnostic

>While good deeds are unrewarded?
good deeds are rewarded by people liking you and being willing to help you with getting what you want, making life easier. But someone who needs an imaginary friend to tell them not to rape probably doesn't understand things like "other people" in the first place.

Empathy is a social survival trait, not the product of whatever fucking man in a cloud you wish to hold responsible for your choices or lack thereof.

Fucking hell do I hate religious nut jobs...

All I can gather when Christian's make these statements is that they are murderous rapists who are only held back by their belief. So it just makes Christian's look like horrible people hiding behind a mask of morality that is set by believing lies. Anyone who is inherently moral doesn't need religion.

The mental gymnastics some people go through to say but what if there is no god everything goes to shit makes no sense.
Its survival of the fittest, meaning if you are a bitch boy you get dicked by everyone. God or no god.
Its how nature works

That question doesn't make sense for the statement he made. Which is observably true and simple requiring no further explanation.

God is real. You are a retard.

>Are we free to murder and rape?
actually the muslim god alows us to rape women and kill unbelievers

>God is real.
What is god? There is no immortal creator. The abstract concept of mankind itself may be seen as some form of god, but that's still pushing it.

I have no animosity towards atheist because I used to be one. Christians are in no way superior to non-believers because God is no respecter of a person’s ability, social standing, or wealth (Acts 10:34; Rom 2:11). God doesn’t look at the outside as we do, rather He looks at the heart (1 Sam 16:7). We too must look, not at the outside, but at the soul of that person as someone that needs saving. They may have very good reason not to believe in God, but we all know that belief doesn’t alter what is true so ask them sincerely why they became an atheist? Show them respect but ask them what their reasons for not believing in God since they lack all knowledge of all places in the universe? Why can they not deal with a God and that exists?


I havent been here for month's, you are a real trooper!

Still i remain the same also, so go fuck yourself and your god.

PS: keep going for jizzus, still you will never beat him.

Since atheists claim that there is no God, why do some have such hostility against those who do believe in God? Why do some seem to have a mission in life or an axe to grind against Christians or Christianity and even against God? Why do they detest a belief in something that they themselves don’t believe in? Since there is no Santa Clause, why don’t they go up to every Santa Clause they meet and rail against them or not existing since both don’t seem to exist to them?

You keep coming to Sup Forums for rage, you know what happens here.

Well, you started it... like all religions trying to impose their "faith" on us

We dont detest, we just love to joke about your imaginary friend :D

Presents? its 2018... society is money, good gadgets, showing off, fake afction for family... duh?

My question to you is... are you retarded?

Do you...know any atheists in real life?

I am atheist. I like shitposting and hearing all the stoopid christians on here

If you don’t believe in something, does it mean it doesn’t exist? In other words, does what we believe change what is true? An example was that humanity was convinced at one time that the earth was flat but their “concrete evidence” of looking at the earth and seeing nothing but flatness didn’t make the world into a flat surface. What atheists believe and don’t believe cannot make something true or false.

There is ZERO evidence to argue for the existence of god. Stories don't count, there is just as much "proof" that the easter bunny exists.

That doesn't mean god DOESN'T exist, but in the face of an absolute lack of anything resembling empirical evidence, assuming that god does exist is foolish at best.

Does that mean there is no such thing as morality?


You don't need god to tell you right from wrong. Anyone that needs religion to know right from wrong is a broken person who is one life event away from being a criminal.

intelligent design is the mindset of idiots who don't understand basic science.

Then wouldn't it take an even more intelligent being to create the intelligent being? Who's gods god?
Your whole argument is pointless unless you apply the same rules to where God came from.
Stupid fucking Christians.

We know about Aristotle was opposed to Plato’s “First Cause” but his own theory of causality is still an argument from universal causation. Plato’s basic argument in The Laws (Book X) was that all movement in the world was an imparted motion, and since everything is in motion, who or what caused that first movement? Who or what was the first cause of the universe? Where did matter come from? Was there a singular point of the beginning of the universe and all matter? Since matter must have a cause, Who or what was that cause?

No. Not at all.

Because morals are not laws.


The idea is that the highest being exists outside of time and space, therefore God didn't come from a where, or when.
Also god's intelligence would be incomprehensible to humans and may not seem like intelligence to us at all.

First gen atheist? lmao.

Your flaw is assuming it was intelligent and/or designed and therefore asking the wrong questions. Our own "intelligence" is in placing labels on things and remembering them to regurgitate later. Basic pattern recognition. The universe is neither designed or intelligent because it is inanimate with materials within it coalescing into self-aware lifeforms.

Plus I am sick of the Andy Sixx and are traps gay threads

You've choked on the log?

Thats a gross negligent understanding of physics. What to expect from God luvin murica

Fuck, I am getting tired of seeing this Neverending Story bitch. Stop preaching, leave us alone.

Fuck that faggot that keeps posting that. If that's you, fuck off faggot

Really, you like Andy SiXX log of shit better or how about are Traps gay?


They're all an eyesore. This one just showed up first.

So it's ok for God to be an atheist but not for people?

You must feel very lucky that you just happened to be born into the right religion. Imagine if you were born into a Muslim family, or a Hindu family.. you'd be fucked right?

How do you know god's the highest being. What if he's wrong and he was created?

Your parents were christian and I can understand why you would be upset.

Yes, therefore there is no god

No one knows anything. It could have been fluctuations in the time-space continuum.

But does that mean logic needs to go out the window?
Why use faulty illogical religious reasoning against me?
I'm simply giving a logical, general interpretation of the average christian view.

Unlike Jesus, I don't get upset. What a fuckwit that cunt is. Throwing tables around, killing figtrees for just following the law of nature that he allegedly created.
It amazes me that any person can believe fairy tales in this age.
Fuck people are dumb. Fuck religion is dumb.
Religion just shows how gullible people are.

"Ohhh if I believe that I get to go to heaven? Sign me up!"

Selfish greedy Christian pigs.

And then they try and take the moral high ground. Hahahahahahaha your God is an evil prick! Hes a fucking murdering piece of shit.

But there is a God.
You just need to comprehend life and it's value.
Thou art God

The world has only existed for 30 years. I know this because I'm 35 and I remember being born around that time. The Jews were invented a few months ago, and similarly, God existed between 10 and 8 years ago, but has since died of AIDS.