What’s wrong with me Sup Forums

What’s wrong with me Sup Forums

lookin nasty as fuck

Are you that fucking retarded? It's called callus from your skin being dry.

dude!, you have syphilis

OP, are your hands really sweaty? Mine do the same thing if so. Its called hyperhydrosis. Go to your Doctor and they can give you some pills to take.

super aids

Congrats OP your hands know labor. The only thing hands know around here are dicks and keyboards.

2much fap

fap hand

better soap?


skin cancer from the second hand smoke

You smoke like a fucking retard. What’s it like to have your life controlled by your addiction?

>"Im so fucked up"

Nice quads sir.


You come to Sup Forums

Are you a dishwasher by trade?

You're supposed to wash the jizz off your hands.

Psoriasis, or that new strain of aids that kills within 3 months.

You smoke

But the problem with your hands is actually quite benign, I had it a lot when I was a kid. You can keep it at bay and even get rid of it completely with proper lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise, etc, but they also make drugs to help too.