Leftism on the internet

Why is the left so unpopular on the internet, Sup Forums? And I'm not talking about social democracy or sjw bullshit, but about truly leftist movements who see that there is a problem in today's society.

Generally I see most people unhappy about the politicians who rule them. A lot of people who voted for Trump claim that they did so because he is "anti-establishment" (which simply isn't true).

>Inb4 the left needs heavy moderation.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because that would require some level of compassion and empathy.

Do you think that since we are born and raised in a capitalist society, they aren't as supported since that would require to actively research about the subject instead of just have a general opinion?

UBI roaches infest reddit, go join them

It takes a while to understand where the socialist/communist left is coming ftom and what they mean and their world view. I've looked into it a good bit and while I'm still not a communist I think understanding that end of the political spectrum has been very interesting and helped shape a lot of my worldview.

You shouldn't say that the left is unpopular on the internet, it would imply that Sup Forums is the 'entire internet' when in fact it's populated by most of R*ddit's The_Donald edgelords who are essentially the one telling others ''Hello R*ddit''.

>le ebin Praise KeK le stickman


Because last time communism was tried 20 million died.

Browse outside of Sup Forums, mate

what do you mean by leftism exactly? if you are talking economically its been proven time and time again to be shit and the more economic freedom a country has generally correlates with a higher gdp per capita

>on the internet
they're pretty unpopular irl too, at least here, it must be because they have the habit of ruining everything they touch

Communists and anarchists are literal trash deserving of death. Fuck your genocidal and anti human piece of shit ideologies.

>that whole video
Sup Forums has yet to realize this, but they are the normalfags

Kekistani isnt some pol shit. It was invented by some fat liberal youtuber from the uk.

Because the left right now (at least in the U.S.) acts like a bunch of thugs who have done some insane mental gymnastics.

>Christian Conservatives are evil hate mongers
>Muslims are good

>Yay gay rights
>Don't criticize Islam

>I have the right to protest and speak my mind
>You don't have the right to gather on your campus because I don't like your ideas. You're not allowed to say things that hurt my feelings

>We should have a dialogue where I talk and you agree and you can't say what you think or else your a racist shitlord

>Child molesters and rapists are evil
>Don't let ICE deport this man who was convicted of raping a 12 year old

And on and on. At least right wing nut jobs own who they are.

This is bait but I would take it anyway. Marxism's goal is to ultimately achieve communism, which requires a stateless society.

You could instead argue that marxism-leninism is flawed since it derrailed from it's original purpose.

Can you link some sites? I only know reddit and Sup Forums.

20 million die yearly due to poverty under the current system

you're fucking retarded if you think communism can exist without a central power redistributing wealth 'equally'
humans are not a hive mind, leadership is required for a functional society

Tankies are the true left.

Makes you think.

Search leftypol, I can't link you because the system thinks that's a spam

By "the internet" you mean free spaces like Sup Forums? Because I'd say the internet as a whole is left-leaning, with obvious pockets of right-wing expression. Don't mistake Sup Forums as representing the internet as a whole.

>A lot of people who voted for Trump claim that they did so because he is "anti-establishment" (which simply isn't true)
The right and the left in this country have different ideas about how power is and should be organized. That's why you hear them say things like this.

I'd also say that the left isn't edgy enough to be effective at memeing, but they do have some spaces online.

I'll give you a hint regarding Marxism/communism it came about at a time when philosophy was big into the idea of utopian societies. When tried in the real world they all crashed and burned because they view humanity in the most simple of terms and often ignore the ugly reality of the average human's emotions. I wonder if Marx ever expected anyone would actually try his ideas on the scale of a superstate?

its almost like it failed everywhere

it worries me that someone actually put enough effort into this infographic that it probably isn't bait

and continues to fail

People die/died of hunger and disease in communist societies as well. Look at all the death from Mao's idiot policies (not to mention the environmental damage).

its comparing the communist countries to every non-communist country
its useless to try and refute it because its data is purposely misleading, if you compared actual western countries to communist countries its obvious 200 million people aren't dying every few years and we are living the healthiest and longest lives humans have ever lived

Anarcho-communism for example aims to create a society based on free asociation. The only criteria you have to meet to create a "business" is to have people willing to work with you. Using public means of production, so that means no economic investment, not having competition or a quota to meet and knowing that the people who you work with do it to produce results and by their free will so people works towards achieving something instead of doing the minimum for not being fired are some of it's biggest pros.

Granted that it has it's drawbacks, as a country like this would be way easier to invade.

yes im pretty sure youd be able to mass produce goods that require some shitty hard work and a lot of engineering out of peoples good will

In case anyone is curious these are just a fes of the "utopian" societies in the U.S.


REALLY makes you think

I've been to leftypol and it is prety empty.

You probably went to that polish site, classic newfag mistake.

so can I assume you are working for free and giving all your possessions away to charity?
or are you waiting for the government to force people to live like this completely against the ideology you've created?

Because leftists are faggots

Why does the "b-b-but muh slavery and poverty deaths!" crowd fail so hard at understanding proportions?

Obviously the total death count for capitalism is going to be significantly higher: after all, the overwhelming majority of societies throughout the world for the last few centuries have been capitalistic. Communism, on the other hand, has barely been tried, and yet of the relatively small population that has actually been subjected to communism, the death toll is insanely high.

Communism and other far-left ideologies are fundamentally flawed. Not only is communism absolutely despicable in practice, but even the "it's le good on le paper" gimmick is simply wrong. If it were good on paper, it wouldn't fail so hard IRL. If some structure (e.g. a bridge) you're designing collapses IRL over and over and over every single time in a very predictable manner, then it's not at all fucking "good on paper", it's just shit. There's no such thing as "good on paper, bad IRL", "on paper" should take into account real life.

Marx was opposed to utopian socialism. Engels even wrote a pamphlet against it.

> I'm not talking about social democracy
>You have to be a commie to see problems in todays society

>about truly leftist movements

You have to define what is "Left" or "Leftist". There are many different Leftist sects marxist or non-marxist and have fundamental differences in their doctrines.
Some marxist University Professors in Greece insist that LGBTs (gays etc) are mentally disordered. and that the Capitalist propaganda considers them (the LGBTs) as normal persons because the insurance companies want to avoid treatment health expenses .

(commies and anarchists aren't considered as left IMO)