You have exactly ten seconds to prove you're not a milennial

You have exactly ten seconds to prove you're not a milennial

>I can talk to a stranger without needing to look at my phone screen every 5 seconds

I am not offended by minor slights against me.

i know that traps are gay

I own my house... no more mortgage payments for the win!

I'm with a credit union and I budget all of my spending

I don't have a phone.


I voted for Trump.

I have spent less than ten dollars on a hamburger.

What is a milenial?

I dont work as a consultant

I own a flip phone. A friend gave me a smartphone (which I referred to as "TV Phones" up until last year) and said he'd pay a cheap plan so I could use only wifi with it. I still forget to charge the damn thing and use the flip phone almost 100% of the time. I remember when anime was more drawn, rather than computer rendered, back when I was 10, and came on the sci-fi channel on cable. Back when censors were shocked by Motoko Kusanagi blowing up a foreign diplomat's head with explosive bullets then vanishing tits-first into the city lights. Back when you could rent a campsite for 10 dollars a weekend and fucking rock the summer camping two or three times a month as a vacation on a single mans' salary, and gas was 99 cents a gallon at the corner fillup. I remember when Looney Toons came on and Bugs Bunny lined up in front of a firing squad before his last request was "I wish I was a Dixie" and then the whole squad including Yosemite Sam were strumming banjos in blackface, and I had NO IDEA why that was offensive at that age. I remember being brought up NOT to use a calculator except to check my work after I'd arrived at an answer with pen and paper.
God, I miss those days...

I used to mow the lawn for Ronnie Van Zant's Daddy....Lacy

I actually have a job

There is only 2 genders, trump deserved to win, and I’m in the military

feminists are inferior people

i'm not a narcissist, which is funny because that's also how i prove i'm not a baby boomer

I'm a "millenial" and I did almost all the things itt
try me faggots

Am "millenial" born 97 can agree to these

Gary Johnson 2020


da fuk a lep oh?

Some shithole I dunno

I don’t need other people to validate me every waking moment and I take fucking credit as well as the blame for my own actions.

The future is now old man.

I still use business cards with my fax number on them.

>i can
you could have stopped there since millennials literally can't

>Did everything
>Still not a millennial
Try harder faggot

Am one and I own my house and understand the value of newer technology
You guys are retarded for not having certain things because it’s too new and don’t like change

I'm not fuckin' retarded

Have you considered the possibility that so many millennials use thier phone when you talk to them because you’re a boring motherfucker who’s got nothing interesting to say?

I remember faxes and pagers.
No disrespect, but do people still use faxes? I mean, I check my email maybe once a month but I figured things like faxes and copiers the size of subcompact cars no longer existed in the business world.

people dont even use business cards anymore dude. hes on the level.

People don't use it, but every business still has one.

>I moved out of the house when I was 18 and never looked back. The only thing my parents gave me after that was a microwave for my apartment.

Yes businesses still use copiers you retard just more modern , faxes are down to a minimum because of of retards like you who don’t check their email , last job we had a digi sender which would scan papers and send them to emails , you guys must work retail or something , business cards are still a thing just no fax numbers coz no one has a personal fax at work anymore

Faxes are still used in law offices, banks, etc. Places where a signature is legally binding and they need one.
For example, when I order my pet prescriptions online, the online shop and my vet exchange faxes with prescriptions and signatures on them.

If you're under 40, you're a millennial too.
You're also fucking retarded for lumping a whole generation together.

Don't forget healthcare facilities. Old people often only have certain things on physical documents.

You know what? Fuck you.
Technology hit the top of an an S-curve peak long ago, in terms of efficiency for the common man. Not, perhaps, for scientists trying to get to mars or discover better energy sources or discover the secrets of how the universe works. But man's nature makes him a fickle, stupid thing. So here's what cell phones alone have done since the 90's. We all own them. We don't keep appointments, because we can just call someone up at the last minute and apologize. At least with an answering machine we felt guilty that our dinner date or business partner might not get the message. We don't have to pay bills on time, as plenty of responsible people did, because we can one-click beg a deferment for the third month in a row from our debtors in exchange for a ridiculous extension on our repayment period, and pretend it doesn't matter. We bitch and moan when everything isn't handed to us instantly. Technology has killed our character. We want and want but we don't consider the logistics and so when we can't get instant gratification, we bitch. Yes, I want warp drive, fast internet, freely disseminated knowledge, and medical solutions. No, I don't want a consistent sense of entitlement that spurs temper tantrums when the internet freezes up.

You would have to be 35+ to not be a millennial
Or under 18

Easy retard , I have done a few things in life cause of my character , you old shits shouldn’t generalize a group of people , especially if that group will have to take care of you in a few years , unless no loves you

I voted for Trump

All of us have done a few things in our lives with regards to our conscience and upbringing. But I was planning on having to work until I kick, like the rest of my generation. If you're the type that gets disappointed when he goes to dinner with friends and family and you can't stand that they're all on their cell phones, I exclude you. But you called me retarded first, you little shitslinger. The one thing I'll give you, is that unlike a lot of millenials, you aren't afraid of a little conflict it seems. Technology doesn't inherently ruin people, but on a case by case basis, pagers through smartphones have been trouble. As have the obnoxious people relying on them.

Yeah... I'm 31.
When I was 10, I thought 31 was kinda old... but not as old as 50. I was like, those guys who are 50 listen to... what? By the time I was in college I appreciated my father and grandfathers' music. Shit, I'mma go listen to some Zep and Pink now. I don't give a fuck if I'm a geezer.

I'm a millennial

I know what you mean though , I worked some government job after the military and most co works over 40 didn’t believe I was one

I hate when my friends stare at their phones when we go out , unless we are sharing memes and they are not just messaging other people if you know what I mean

I once played outside.

He said posting on an imageboard for kids.

I know people using portable devices to communicate more than doing it without it are retards.

a coworker called me a faggot and i didnt blog about it

A good laugh is a good laugh. I brows the chons after hours. When we're in the middle of a D&D session or dinner, I want the fuckers off their phones or laptops or tablets. We talk. If a meme is interjected properly, we laugh. But technology shouldn't interrupt a decent social life that you actually have, right in front of you.

are ''millennials'' generally considered to be more liberal? most of the stereotypes that are applied to them, appear to be more liberal qualities

Sometimes I don't realise that the battery is down in my phone for days.

When I was young MTV played music.

I don't drink frappuccino latte.

If you're born between 1985 and 2005, you're millennial. AKA: the Harry Potter generation. You fundamentally believe in "The Secret" universal powers of attraction, and sort of believe you have magic powers, even though you know that's stupid. You are supremely egotistical and everything you do is a reflection of ego. You think all reality is subjective and if you stamp and whine long enough what you want can be accepted as fact. You wear skinny jeans. You are stupid.

>are ''millennials'' generally considered to be more liberal? most of the stereotypes that are applied to them, appear to be more liberal qualities
Younger generations are generally more liberal, which goes down by age. Happens all the time.

>budget all of my spending
AAAA! That won't qualify! Look at all the generations are in debt.

My cell phone is so basic, I cannot even download apps. That was intentional so dipshits can't involve me with their glass toy play.

I have a $1600/m apartment and I have an arts degree.

I am educated about History

>and sort of believe you have magic powers, even though you know that's stupid.
Started with the star wars generation. It was covered in the movie Mallrats in 1995.

I know what the dial up sound of a 56k modem actually sounds like and still get nervous when someone uses the landline if i'm online incase of MOOF

That's right! :D

Yeah, Gen-Xers who refused to relinquish Star Wars were a primary influence on Millennials' "never grow up" arrested development. But In Gen X that was a weird exception. With Millennials it's the mainstream norm.

They're liberal in terms of ideals, that is, "Help or empower minorities" or "give out loads of tax dollars to those who want it" or "WAAAH! THE WORLD isn't FAIR! Make a law for me!" They're conservative in terms of approach - that is, "think like us, act like us, or else" and "shut the opposition down with flag waving (on an ethnic, rather than nationalist, scale) and "You're overstepping your bounds, we're here to police you. You take free speech too far." In short, they're the worst of both worlds.