Would Germany have won if FDR never aided Britain with the lend lease act? Why did FDR choose to side with globalist and communists over nationalism?

>Would Germany have won if FDR never aided Britain with the lend lease act?
Probably. For starters the UK would have starved if the Germans could have mounted an effective blockade, and without lend lease they would have struggled to beat the German air/sea campaign

FDR was a Jew communist traitor piece of shit.

The Bolshevieks under Stalin were pretty Nationalistic.
I am not gonna say they were better than the Nazis, but you can't deny they shared some similarities .

You know we have a history board now, right?

I don't understand all these faggots who talk about how Hitler would have invaded America and take over the world. He wouldn't have been able to even if he wanted to, the logistics and insane size of the U.S. makes it near impossible to invade.

The U.S. Should have stayed neutral. We'd be better off now if we had.

Just gonna post some Stalinist architecture.



Man, Turnbull looks great in this.


And here's a comparison.

Got sick of 600 gorillion kike letters

I can't get behind how self-absorbed Stalin was or any communist dictator for that matter. For an ideology that claims to be for the community of people there is an awful lot of individual worshipping

you need icons to anchor the culture and unify people

There was a lot of propaganda and jazz about Stalin being the father of the nation, yes, but as far as I know he did live a relatively modest life himself.
That statue on the top is actually not meant to depict Stalin if you thought that, it is meant to depict "the free proletarian."

Russia still would have won, but would have been tremendously weakened, and would not have ben able to take over eastern Europe. The correct strategy would have been to allow Germany and Russia to fight it out to the end, and we could have easily wiped out the depleted remaining Russian forces. An even better strategy would have been to ally the US and Britain with Germany, and eliminate the Jews, communists, niggers, and sand niggers. FDR was the biggest douchebag in American history. Except maybe for Lincoln.

Rosenfeldt was a Jew and Stalin and the Soviet owed Jews hundreds of millions of uninflated shekels.

>Russia still would have won

The pride of Amerikan publique education.

It's not that stupid, it may even be true.
The German plan was to destroy the Soviet army, which they failed, and then the Soviets managed to stop them from reaching Moscow by themselves before foreign aid started to come falling in.

...another winner at losing. Fuck off pamplemousse.

Just the facts. Russian population was over triple that of Germany's, and Germany had to keep an eye on England. US involvement was not necessary. I knew you Japs were small and weak, but I didn't know that you were also stupid and ignorant of history. I should have known, though, because I hear that you guys portray yourselves as victims in your history books, and conveniently gloss over your numerous atrocities and sneak attacks. In the US, when someone hits someone from behind, we say that he Japped him. Memorializing your nation's cowardice and treachery. PS, I never set foot in a public school classroom.


Not Japonais Amerikan but you are fat and quite stupid.

>It's not that stupid, it may even be true.

...and streak of failure is unbroken. JEWDOS!

2 nukes


It was his funding of the Soviets that destroyed Germany.

Do you realize that every word you have written is spelled wrong? And you are stupid? I'm glad we nuked you fags, we should do it once a week.

Nah, we provided only token assistance. We sent nowhere near enough to make a difference. The arctic convoys and American assistance were absolutely miniscule, just a symbol of American support. Russian built their own tanks and planes and guns, US was not needed at all.

Did your mum shit out any non impaired children? Pass the keyboard to them.

FDR was a communist and surrounded himself with communists. (((Alger Hiss))), (((Harry Dexter White))), (((Henry Morgenthau Jr.))), (((Lauchlin Currie))), (((Maurice Halperin))), (((Abraham George Silverman))), (((Victor Perlo))), and many others.


That wouldn't have happened because Communism was funded by America to begin with.

>In the US, when someone hits someone from behind, we say that he Japped him
I love this

stop using the "echoes" no one here actually uses them, you NSA plant

This, FDR personally donated money to the Spanish Communists from his personal checking account. He was committed and didn't care about getting "caught" because, until well after his death, being an out and out Stalinist was not a social problem in the US. A normal person might reasonably conclude in those years that the future was solidly red. The blacklisting of the McCarthy era was actually a counterattack because open Communists had controlled Hollywood for years, and the first thing they did was to make Party membership a requirement for employment. Many of the "squealers" who spoke to McCarthy were actually normal people who resented the behavior of the Communists, and who had been forced to join or support the Party just to have a job.