Why don't modern European homes have garages...

Why don't modern European homes have garages? I know in Scandinavia they do (sometimes) but it seems like every other European country forces you to park on the side of the street.

Garages look ugly and tacky.

Because depending on which country you are talking about, either you really don't have space to build a garage, or you just don't need a car in the first place.
If you live in a nordic country, you either build your own garage, 'cause you have space (for example Finland, 17 peeps per square km) or your apartment complex has a modern parking garage at basement level.

Canadinan, ranting about modern European homes. Fuck off, stone age mongoloid.

Get rid of the driveway, replace it with a garage. Plenty of room

Almost every house has a garage here.
Either that or in the case of my parents/grandparents theres an underground parking deck with basement complex.

Most modern houses have them, maybe you don't notice because they are usually not external.
In many cities though there are a lot of older buildings that we don't tear down so easily as americans do, and they are usually without a garage.
Cities are also smaller in size while cars are a lot, so there is a lot of parking going on in the streets.

>not having a room for your car

what's the point of having garages if you can just drown the streets in old German cars blocking every sidewalk imaginable to a point where the council cuts down trees in the centre so that even more old German cars can block sidewalks

I don't even have room for myself.

And sacrifice what little you have for a yard in a crowded area?

Maybe you should stop stealing them, then.

maybe dumb lazy idiots should stop buying old cars for the equivalent of $1200 because they are too lazy to take a 2km walk everyday

maybe working class skinhead bydło should stop buying old cars to "pimp" them and wake everyone in the district up at 3AM when their shitmobile coughs up toxic fumes in a 60km/h """street race"""

i don't know much about europe but here in malaysia our garage are our driveway and protected by gates and fences
pic related


Neither do Americans because their garages are piled full of shit.

No room

>be American
>build houses visually dominated by car holes
>call it an achievement

I have a garage but it's not attached to my house, only an american would do that

Most people dont have driiveways

Put your yard on the roof dumb finigger
