Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Thread




still waiting for imminent leaks

where can i find this video?



they'e been rumored for a while but no new news.





What a horribly ugly alien







I occasionally enjoy a fap to this alien. I regret nothing.


She seems like good people.
Glad she was never a Yoko Ono to Game Grumps.






Whos that guy and why should i care?

Honestly who keeps making these theads? It must be the game grumps?

Who would like someone who looks like they got a developmental disease?

Also she's fucking married so do faggots find that hot too?

The only people i can think of that are actually interested is either someone with somekind of a stalking disorder or the gamegrumps.

ive jacked to her more than anything

Chic definitely has fetal alcohol syndrome.

i rememeber a thread a while back where someone posted photos of someone who looked so MUCH like holly from gamegrumps

Any particular reason?

Now that would be nice.

yea i mean i know it wasn't really her, but she had the same hair, and several people did admit it looked like her.

fat ass and decent hips i guess thats about it. ootd vids on yt


You got a point

Cum Unum


I was just curious. I know the dick wants what the dick wants.

We get enough obese threads on here

muahahaha nice one

something something airplane forehead



dat bush

virgin detected


Mommy... Was a drinker



I have seen her nude :O


>tfw got linked to a catfish using her photos on a dating website

You've seen her nude in 16-bits, anyways

nice get, but kek that's a shitty catfish. Who are you even going to catch looking like that? Isn't the point to pretend you're someone more attractive?

>unless it was actually Snoozy adulterating under a fake name

I did it as an actual catfish :/ - people just wanna fuck and fall in love - they dont care about looks




Also this picture is an older one from 6 years ago.

helps if i remember picture

what is this from?


She posted a video for lush products or some shit - it was a bath bomb - guess she was naked while doing it and people caught that you could see reflection

some video she uploaded of a bath bomb on her instagram.


The video was only on Instagram btw, not Youtube. She took it down fairly quick once people started commenting pointing it out. It only took about an hour or two I believe, but that was enough to record it forever

Wait, so this is real?

Yeah, few years back, she put it on instagram. I believe it was a video of those bath soaps that explode in the water? And she recorded but she did it while she was naked which makes sense because she was gonna soak or whatever the fuck.
Bad luck with lighting and everything else because it pretty much reflects her naked.
Some CSI-tier shit

nice trips


She actually looks attractive when she's crying ??

>implying she isn't more attractive than me

I'm sorry for your loss

Put your money where your mouth is.


Well you can learn a lesson from Suzy.

It doesn't matter how bad you look; if you market yourself well, you can still get a whole thread of people fapping/ obsessing over you somehow.

Jesus fucking Christ, she is fucking horrifically ugly.