Athiests are fucking stupid

athiests are fucking stupid

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So, who created God then?

>muh big bang

>mfw there's a positive correlation between atheism and education
>mfw I have no face

3/10 bait anywhere but here
probably 6/10 here

ok sweetie


Thats what makes god, a god, he has no creator, and always was and will be, cant limit god, becuse hes a god.

The first step towards redemption as a human being is admitting you don't have the answers.

Yep. Scientists are also more likely to be atheists than the general population, with the hard sciences having the most atheists.

Then what's to say the universe has always existed

God did

>it came from nothing
Hello, strawman.


Could God create a rock that even he couldn’t lift?



Oooh you're so edgy.

That's some of the cringiest fedora shit I've ever seen. You'll eventually graduate highschool, meet people who have real opinions on religion and realize there are millions who believe god literally just created the universe and stepped away.

It isn't "magic sky man grants wishes" or "life is meaningless look how cool and edgy I think I am" with no in-between.

If he wanted to. But then he could change his mind.


I think they beat christshits by far, though.

Athiest says "we dont know yet". Christian says "magic sky man did it". And christians have the nerve to call atheists stupid? LOL

A lot of the founding fathers, for example, believed exactly that. If you take the fedora off and look at it objectively, the big bang IS god by the wider definitions and your refusal to admit that has everything to do with you and nothing to do with "muh science"

Um, yeah that's not the definition of Atheist buddy.

Not really. Outside of biology they tend to be more of the Old School churches (Catholic, Lutheran, etc). Biologist have a lot of Atheists. Social sciences have a lot of Agnostics, and more foreign/protestants (Buddists, Methodist, etc).


atheists BTFO


Agnostics and atheists are not mutually exclusive

A lot of christians agree with agnostics, atheists and spiritual secularists m8. It's just that they consider the big bang the work of god and see the bible as a set of guidelines that at the time were very good, some of which are still useful, and treat their religion as nothing more than a way to keep their family together and happy.

It's not like fundamentalists are the majority of christians by a mile. A lot are as science-oriented and logical as anybody else and simply value tradition and discipline.

Yes really, because statistics.

Except no, because actual statistics.

Athiests do not believe in gods. Ask us how the big bang started, we will say we don't know... yet.

Forum post. So empirical.
Still the wrong definition.

Shall we just forget how long science was outlawed by the catholic church in most cases? for about 800 years. 800 years wasted.

There was a primitive steam "engine" around 100 BC that Aeolipile, were it not for the dark ages we would not have had to wait until 1698 for it to be "reinvented".

Were it not for christianity we would possibly be colonizing the stars now and answering bigger questions.

>so empirical


Yes, we'd have taken our steam engines to space. You're not retarded, don't listen to anybody who says so user.

did the precogs tell you this? I'm not religious or spiritual or whatever the fuck, but whining about what could have been instead of making the best of what you have is why most people will never take you seriously

You realize the big bang is a theory that most christians subscribe to, that they only disagree by believing god triggered it?

And so is everyone else, what makes you special?

do you actually think "science" was outlawed? like the church wouldnt let them study stuff? youre an idiot lmao

>so youre christan?
>Why don't you believe in the big bang and evolution
>it's just a theory
>then where did God come from
>he came from nothing
Nigger you what

Obviously not but after wheels and horses its the next step up transport wise, if you cannot understand the procession of technology thats your problem.

My point is that thanks to the archaic religeons of the world we are worse off as a whole than we could of been without them. Just think on how many terrible acts humanity has done in the name of a "god".

This. I can't help but picture nasty scabbed-up pimples and a fedora hanging from a hook in the basement wall when I see the "christianity so barbaric we be space kangs by now if catholics no stop progress" retards rant.

We COULD be colonizing mars or something. Hell, we could be pure energy or fucking sex robots in our flying cars since the 50's. Or we could be extinct after a nuclear war circa 1800, it's asinine to assume humanity would be living any kind of way if not for (insert event)

Fucks sake, if not for islam and the deaths during the crusades, the guy who found a cure for all disease would have been born for all we know.

This. Typical highschool "atheist because my parents are religious" argument that is.

Then what's to say god exists?

>was outlawed by the catholic church in most cases

They only accepted some of it.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

That is how they would of viewed it, the "devil" is doing it and all that bullshit.

literally wrong but ok

Everyone acts like it's some philosophical debate.

do you believe in dragons? unicorns? griffins?
then god isnt real either

>Forum post. So empirical.
lol not him, but you realize that's from the Pew Research center, right? One of the most thorough and trusted research organization out there?

>procession of technogy
Oh, so this is age of empires. Thought you were talking about the real world.

Because every culture has followed a particular "upgrade tree" of science amirite? You're clearly underage, user. No highschool graduate would think this stuff.

non-aetheists are fucking stupider

>so you're a christian
>why don't you believe in the big bang?
God did it
>so who created god
He came from nothing

Please stop trying so hard, this is difficult to watch.

What's to say god doesn't exist? Agnostics claim not to know, atheists and christians have in common that they're both convinced they do.

At least christians have a book to go on, atheists are just so cocky as to assume blindly.

I don’t get how you christfags can never wrap your head around the fact that atheists never claim to know the true origins of the universe whereas religions don’t know either but claim to by making up the most ridiculously unbelievable stories ever crafted and tout them as ultimate truth. God of the gaps fallacy once again and totally failing to understand basic concepts. This is your brain on religion children.

Are you willfully dense or does this come naturally with your faith?

>Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
You realize this isn't an ancient catholic law or something? It's just something some guy said once long after the dark ages and wasn't even said in the context of catholicism.

Early European scientists were DRIVEN by their faith you brainlet. They sought to understand the world god had created to be closer to him, no idea where you're getting your disinfo.

Lmao cocky?

Are you cocky that you don't believe in that invisible dude living in your room?

Do you believe in tachyons?

The forums for the pew research center. Yeah, I forgot that anything a DMV employee says is the law because government.

"I have nothing to argue with oh shit"

"Haha totally cringe m8 tryhard moar lmao rekt"

Alright bud.

Agnostic, bud. Nice strawman though. Gonna link me this mythical "scientific skilltree" that every culture has followed?

The obvious counterargument is the non-sequitur that no religious figure / religious person has performed amoral or antihumanistic acts.

1/10 bait.

lol at how fucking stupid this guy is

I'm not religious, user. Atheists are guilty of the same blind faith they mock christians for, prove me wrong.

What's to say Harry Potter doesn't exist? Agnostics claim not to know, non and Harry Potter believers have in common that they're both convinced they do.

At least we have a book to go on, non Harry Potter believers are just so cocky as to assume blindly.

Everyone here needs to stop being retarded.
Christian or Atheist, it is abundantly clear that the God they claim to believe in is RETARDED, WEAK AND PATHETIC and thus cannot have created the known universe. Just read the fucking Bible guys; God or not, the 'God' described in places like the Bible is a cock sucker with NO power.

Why bait for a dumbass non-sequitur? I mean how could he know it'd be used in response when the post has nothing to do with morality?

oooo so edgy. you must be nine

No. Our BELIEFS as atheists are evidence-based surmises. Christian FAITH is completely non-evidence based. That is the direct distinction between belief and faith.

You misunderstand, I was mocking you, for not answering the question by asking something irrelevant. I'm not claiming to know if god exists or know how the universe started, but saying hurr durr, muh book said god did it is retarded.
The question was who created god? A very valid question. You answered with "then whats to say the universe always existed"
The question never claimed that, why would the instant answer to that the universe hasn't always existed be god?
You're retarded



Agnostics, atheists and christians all know Harry Potter is a fictional character, user. What are you smoking?

Your response was nonsense.

Correct It was not written in the context of catholicism BUT it fits just as well with catholicism.

Imagine for a moment. You are the very first human to have created gun powder. Nobody has ever seen it set light to before until you show them. Now in the time having never seen anything like this many people would assume this to be magic or some kind of spiritual thing UNTIL you explained how to them. Heres the problem though, most of them cannot read so have no hope of ever understanding it unless you show them.

Sure many scientists were christian, which is exactly why they were allowed.

Sonic the edgehog kek

>All these smart people were religious when it was punishable to not be religious

I don't care if this hurts you sensibilities or not, but it should have already been apparent to you had you read the Bible, whether you believe or not.

The greatest argument against ''God'' is the Bible itself.

What evidence do you have that god doesn't exist? You'd be awarded a nobel prize and massively famous if you could present any, why are you sitting on that goldmine?

I was attempting to show you how ridiculous it was to say something is true because there is a book. That is utter nonsense and I’m not really shocked that you failed to grasp that obvious parallel between the two


sauce pls (pic related)

First of all, atheists need more faith to believe in the big bang because there is no evidence for it. If it isn't observed its not science.

Atheists also need a tremendous amount of faith to believe in evolution. The primordial soup has long been proven impossible. Proteins are small biological computers that are far too complex to have developed on their own.

Biological evolution is founded on the idea of abiogenesis. Life from nothing. How is that not every bit as religious as Brahma churning the cosmic ocean?

The religion of the atheist is scientism. It is a cult of personality where any idiot with a lab coat and glasses is trusted as being truthful. Where healthy skepticism should exist their is only blind faith in people like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Michio Kaku.

Atheists are blind followers of the blind and they can't learn because they are incapable of unlearning. Their lack of belief is tied to their sense of identity so any hint of creationist ideas are a personal attack. They're the ultimate intellectual cuck.

Says the guy who can't even SPELL atheist correctly

>our belief as atheists

lol. that's still the same as believing that theres a god you dumbfuck only difference is that you're trying to be edgy.

It's not about morality, it's the notion that the poster directly counters anti-religiosity by claiming religious individuals had a large role in development of sciences. In the eyes of a religious person, we atheists will not be "saved" and are amoral because we are not bound by the same religious principles which they are. The entire post is nullvoid by means of this logic. Debased his entire post in one sentence.

Just in case you are missing the point its a quote from Arthur C Clarke, I am well aware it is not an ancient catholic law.

Stop being fucking retarded.

Okay so the universe came about as the result of the big bang which was the product of a singularity made up of the remains of a previous universe that had been compressed after expanded to it's limit in much the same way as a black hole yeah?

Where did the original universe come from? The atheist says "no idea" whereas the philosopher is on the right track with "it existed because it has to exist in order for us to ask this question"

And christians have "god did it" and their answer for where god came from is "god exists because he has to exist"

It's literally untestable, why so assmad over a hypothetical that others have different opinions on? Christianity is tame now, islam is the only violent religion left and the origin of the universe doesn't drive them in and of itself anyway.

Look at the top left newfag

doesn't bother me one bit.
you are obviously very affected though. clearly you are very upset.
why bash something if you don't even believe
in it?

Exactly lmao

You realize chemistry is older than you think, yeah?


Non-evidence is enough evidence to force the only current repository of actual hard-evidence to the top of the logic system. ALL religion is 100% non-evidence. ALL theism is 100% non-evidence.