What am i to expect if i drop 250 micrograms of acid? This will be my first time. Should i half the tab?

What am i to expect if i drop 250 micrograms of acid? This will be my first time. Should i half the tab?

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Expect an ego death

Care to elaborate? Is that a bad thing?

yes. if first timer 120-150 will do the trick

Definitely, honestly don’t overthink the fact your doing acid. The more you think the worse the trip.

You’re* fuck

Op here. Will i be good to work by tuesday?

definitely. 24 hrs since taking and a good sleep u r good

also weed helps if not able to sleep

For the first time I'd recommend half (100-150 ug) unless you want to be blasted to realities you can't even imagine.
Do not expect anything since there is not way to
even remotely guess what the experience will be like. Just keep an open mind, relax and DO NOT try to control it. Let the acid guide you, don't try to guide it.
Have a sitter, be at home (or somewhere safe).

Cheers thanks for the advice. What are some good things to do while im on it

You will get a clear picture of what LSD has to offer.

I would recommend taking half the tab if you are even the slightest bit nervous, especially if you can get more easily.

Ill be alone also

Yeah i can get more pretty easy

Listening to music.

I recommend Nothing Lasts ...But Nothing Is Lost by Shpongle.

Then there is no rush. You'll have plenty of time to experiment and should tread cautiously.

O hope you have a bad trip and jump off a bridge only to survive in a wheelchair

Listen to music, watch some visualizations, look at yourself in the mirror. Walk around the house if you're alone.

Also, have some reminders that you took LSD in case you start losing your mind and forget that you took a substance. Lock yourself in your house/room and hide the key.

Take half the tab the first time.
(1) Try to remember the time you drop - you got 8-12 hours.
(2) Avoid mirrors
(3) First time, don't do it alone. Wait until you have a friend with you. (Never do it alone, its not x or shrooms - can get quite unfriendly, and fast)

This. Shpongle is amazing to listen to while on acid. Also psy-trance and psychedelic music in general.

Do it faggot.

Acid is like the holy Grail in America so I'm calling bullshit

The rush is on Tuesday ill be working 70+ hours a week for the next 6 months

I actually find it quite fascinating to look oneself in the mirror. I don't understand why are people so afraid of mirrors on acid, I've seen that many times.

>can get quite unfriendly, and fast
what do you mean?

psytrance ftw

If you're confident you're going to have a good time, you will. If you're not sure, you might not. If you're scared of what might happen you will have a bad trip.

Straya mate

These are terrible ideas, you'll want to get up early and preferably have the option to go on a nice walk though nature or to the beach. Definitely have a friend to trip with and I wouldnt recommend doing it yourself or at night time the first time. Half a tab will give you a taste of what the effects are, nice visuals and feels but you won't be fully tripping and completely lose yourself. Stay with what you're comfortable with and I can guarantee you'll enjoy it. Happy tripping

Take a wrong mental turn and you could be spending 4+ hours seeing the world through the eyes of a paranoid schizophrenic (among other things).

Acid bad trips are about madness. And you'll convince yourself mid-trip that it's perm.

Listening to music is a terrible idea? Since he said he would be tripping alone in his house, these are the best things he could possibly do.

Don't listen to these soyboys op, I did like 260 on my first time and had a blast. Try to have a friend over when you're doing it, and if you lose something don't try to look for it becasue you wont until you're sober

Well its midnight here and im with the fam but theyre in bed. Is it really that bad being alone and at night?

the best times on acid im alone, its night time and watcing visualisations and psymusic. the whole fucking room is lit

>and if you lose something don't try to look for it becasue you wont until you're sober

Great fucking advice to a first time tripper. You couldn't have thought of anything better?

Starting small is a precautionary measure because you don't know how people are going to react. You don't want to induce a psychedelic-naive person delusional panic attacks or severe PTSD.

Eat it all bro.

dont use weed with it, and you'll have a mighty fine time

Does the style of music i listen to matter? I mostly listen to metal and shit like that

It takes a while, so stay put. First time I hit it, I waited 30 min, assumed that was the whole effect, then ended up at a work party in an art gallery tripping balls.

Also, more fun with 1 other person who hits and 1 person who watches the two of you, a tripsitter.

Yes half will do.

yes it matters

For a first timer you should have someone to watch over you. The trip lasts up to 12 hours and at some point you WILL feel negative emotions. Having noone to guide you out of these bad emotions and/or thoughts, the trip can rapidly spiral down to an uncontrollable hellish nightmare.

>dropping for the first time
>Super excited
>don't feel shit
>play with the cat for an hour
>I do this sober what the fuck
>no visuals
>no ego death
>no effect whatsoever
>next morning ask roommate of I acted different
>he says I didn't act any different, maybe more talkative
Microdosing is fucking lame and overhyped by soyboys.

>at some point you WILL feel negative emotions
thats a lie. dont think like that

Yes, it matters. Metal is very aggressive, I honestly don't recommend it. Try listening to rhythmic music (electronic) and calm music such as ambient and meditation/yoga music.

Rush hour on the freeway can be a beautiful drive user.

Yeah, well maybe it's just me. I always tend to have negative thoughts, but I manage to get out of them.

Nonetheless there is a chance that will happen and a big one at that. Especially if he's alone.

well you should see some visual stuff, colors seem brighter, patterns get kind of messed up and twist

really acid is more mental, your mind plays tricks on you.. you think you see things that cant be real and they arent.. dont try to control it though, you can control your thoughts on shrooms but acid isnt easy to control your mind and it usually ends up bad if you froce it.
on my 4-5th time I ended up taking 30 hits.. I thought it was like 8 and I basically tripped for 24 hours, couldnt sleep for about 48 and basically trashed my head for awhile.

How do you get out of them when alone?

this isnt always true for all people.. he likes metal, it relaxes him and he enjoys it.. electronic, edm, techno always annoyed me and basically made me want to leave the raves I was at.

why would it matter if he is alone or not.. you are a social person, maybe he isnt.

quit being faggots and telling him how he should trip. Its not like there is 1 right way or even a wrong way.
As long as he doesnt kill or hurt himself or others its probably all good.

>What am i to expect if i drop 250 micrograms of acid?

100 ug is perfect for first timer

u so funny

>quit being faggots and telling him how he should trip

He is a first time tripper who asked us for advice.

As for music, experiment with different genres, see what suits you best.

nope he only asked what to expect, not how he should go about it.

Anyway, for someone who has no idea what a psychedelic experience is like, set and setting is most important.

hey op
go theremight help u

am drunk. my bad. anyways theres a "trippy shit thread" in

>set and setting is most important.

this is true but I am just pointing out that just because 1 person prefers a certain setting doesnt mean that setting is for everyone. your prefered setting might push OP into a bad trip and his might push you into one.... maybe op feels best in a mosh pit beating on others and having them slam into him.. not some fufu faggot edm bullshit rave

I've only taken acid with other people my first time...every other time (including now lol... 3 hits of 150ug ganesha blotter) I've tripped alone... probably because i'm a level 4000 autist loner fag and have a strong head but still... I think the recommendation that you require a "guide" is highly individual.

I just did 3 hits of gangesha 150ug blotter... you have kik? we'll keep each other company

I'm an experienced psychonaut


I've been with people who freaked out on 200ug; screaming down the hallways of apartments and shit.
It's not a good time and not worth the risk if they are unfamiliar.

Im about to drop :)

Definitely split that up for your first time.
Dripped Acid 2 times, first time took 120mics, the second time i took around 250mics.
The first drip was one of the most amazing experiences in my life, the second one was one of the worst (had a bad trip, followed by extreme paranoia, and ego death).
Not saying it will be like that for you, but my tip is to start small, and then move to stronger trips as you get more experienced with acid


Expect nothing to happen at all.

I did 300-350 at the first time. It was some psychedelic shit - a cosmos inside a pillow and one pal looking like a mickey mouse. Sauna and shower were interesting.

Last time I took like 120 and it felt fine. Classic music felt like pure euphoria with a short time of psychedelia.

dont be afraid op, i double dropped on my own (400mg) a week after i broke up with my girlfriend and was fine, talked to my parents in kitchen and everything. Also 3 dropped on day after my mom kept me up all night crying (she has ptsd) then i met up with a friend from school who has severe bipolar disorder. Again nothing happened and I was fine no bad trip, even tho i wanted to lmao


you, me same bruda. On your own is the best way

only way you'll find the truth

>showering while tripping
feels like heaven. sauna no
