Are people so dumb they think their bigger tax refund is free money?

are people so dumb they think their bigger tax refund is free money?

how do people not understand that the cuts which occurred to give that extra bit of money will end up costing us even more down the road? the tax bill was a turbocharged method to increase GDP, aka an experiment that will add to the deficit...we’ll be borrowing significantly more money from our kids in the next decade than we planned to. and we already planned to borrow a lot, with $10 trillion amounting to $31,000 for every person currently living in America. this is of course if you believe the CBO

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You sound like you don't have much of a return to file.
You sound poor.
And sad.

Since when does the left give 2 shits about deficit spending? I think the tax cuts are fantastic, but they should be offset with massive spending cuts...

It's not all about GDP, it's about growth... Lower taxes means less expenses... Means companies don't have to outsource to other countries as often... It means companies will report higher earnings which translate into higher stock prices... It means lower prices because expenses are going down... You're keeping more of your own money, what's wrong with that???? The problem is we spend too much

>are people so dumb they think their >bigger tax refund is free money?

Yes. Just the baby boomers fucking the next ten generations right on the ass. Nothing new and nothing will change until all those ass hats die already

He's right though, the republicucks want fiscal responsibility when they are in minority. That all went out the window for a tax cut. I like lower taxes, I just wish the tea party and freedom caucus could have kept up their responsibility. There is plenty of bloat in defense spending that could have offset this cut.

>doesn't understand trickle down economics

>don't se a problem seeing multi-racial couples
wow, you retards are really trying to shift the word to cuck against the ones that are against it?
is like calling a jew a nazisemite.

or slash entitlements... Medicare/Social Security alone are like 70% of the budget

You're right. If we kill all the poor people then everyone will be rich!

The answer is, "Don't think about it, Morty!"

Unless the Dems are in charge, and then it's the greatest existential threat to the United States since the Cuban Missile Crisis! But until then, everything is fiiiine.

if they were dumb enough to put him in office, they're dumb enough to eat up whatever he shits out.

That's right. Because the poor and middle class got shit on with this tax bill. At least you recognize that.

If I put a book in front of everyone who has posted in this thread and had them write down everything they now about how taxes work. Everyone would realize they know absolute dick.

>but they should be offset with massive spending cuts...
What? And you call yourself an american? What about our glorious military? And israel? They need our money!

No... more like review exactly who are getting these programs and should they.

The movements purpose is not redistribution of wealth.

This is a work right?

We're keeping the military, probably increasing it. Need to reduce the other programs.

You know what countries don't have any "entitlements"?
They're called "shitholes."

>sorry everyone, we can't give you all the basic services every other civilized nation offers to its citizens; we need that money to blow up more brown people. I think we missed a few the last time we were there.

gr8 b8 m8, 2nd r8

>too many words for me to understand
>must be bait

Because we are fucking retarded. That's why this happened. For some reason, the parties have both gone to extreme heights of retard levels and we have no sane or intelligent people in office anymore. The republicans are clearly worse at the moment as they seem to have no understanding of root cause or how the decisions they make are going to fuck us down the road. It's a bunch of greedy fucks who either get it and don't care about everyone, or they're just straight up retarded.

Sorry, the redistribution of wealth through the goverment us being reduced. We're replacing it with jobs.

Also, too racist on the skin color.

70% of the DISCRETIONARY Budget. Which does not include military expenses.

You want to save the American Taxpayers TRILLIONS of dollar, you start with the run-away military spending that is bankrupting this nation.

You could slash the US's military spending in half and we'd still be out spending every other nation on the planet COMBINED.

No thanks.
More military.
No more redistribution of wealth.

Also, deport all illegals and save $100billion/yr.

Also this. Some missles that we use a lot of, can cost up to a few million dollars a piece. Instead of figuring out better tactics, we love to defer to launching a bunch of them. And before anyone says yeah but the money goes into our economy. No it doesn't, it goes in some rich fucks pocket and stays there. Just like all of our tax money.

niggers, look in the CBO report, read something for once in your fucking lives...

fyi that's ssi, medicare and medicaid (in billions)

>deport all illegals and save $100billion/yr

literal shitposting in this thread. can't believe anyone is even replying. even if this guy isn't trolling he's got an IQ of about 50 so it doesn't matter how much you argue with him

military spend:

2003 $364.9 $72.5 $437.4
2004 $376.5 $91.1 $467.6
2005 $400.1 $78.8 $478.9
2006 $410.6 $124.0 $109.7 $644.3
2007 $431.5 $169.4 $120.6 $721.5
2008 $479.0 $186.9 $127.0 $792.9
2009 $513.2 $153.1 $149.4 $815.7
2010 $527.2 $163.1 $160.3 $0.3 $851.6
2011 $528.2 $158.8 $167.4 $0.7 $855.1
2012 $530.4 $115.1 $159.3 $11.5 $816.3
2013 $495.5 $82.1 $157.8 $11.0 $746.4
2014 $496.3 $85.2 $165.4 $6.7 $753.6
2015 $496.1 $64.2 $165.6 $10.5 $736.4
2016 Actual $521.7 $58.6 $171.9 $15.1 $767.3
2017 Enacted $516.1 $82.4 $175.8 $19.4 $793.7

No thanks.
No restrictions on military tactics.

those columns should read:

FY DoD Base Budget DoD OCO Support Base Support OCO Total Spending

The opposite of "Redistribution" is "Consolidation". And THAT has been what's going on for the last 3 decades with "trickle down economics".

Let me explain a basic fact of economics to those who think "job creators" just make jobs because they have extra cash in their pockets: IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY.

New jobs are created by DEMAND. You can't have new job creation without demand FIRST. And the way you create demand in the economy is to take the wealth and REDISTRIBUTE it down to the poor and middle class. They are going to be the ones who turn that money over directly back into the economy; not squirrel it away in stocks and bonds. This is basic shit, but conservatives reject reality because their corporate overlords tell them to.

Obama added 10 trillion in 8 years... and did this while record taxes were brought in.

>America does not have a tax shortage problem
>America has a spending problem

Your income does not belong to the government. YOU keeping, investing, saving, and spending your own money does more for the economy than giving it to the government to spend through layers of bureaucracy.

John F. Kennedy understood this. Ronald Reagan understood this.

Just yesterday, I saw an additional $45 in my take home pay. It might not seem a lot, but it's $2340 a year PLUS what I'll save on my tax return.

As for OP's link... that report does not take into account economic growth. We're already surpassing the projected growth numbers from the CBO. It also failed to take into account the growth in people participating in the workforce. That generates more net tax dollars for the government, even when the people are taxed at a lower rate. It failed to take into account worker income rising which, again, generates more tax dollars for the government...even when the tax rate is lower.

The economy is doing great. I know that's not what the democrats want...especially after 8 years of stagnation. They ran against Trump on the promises that his economic plans would fail. Now that they're wrong, they're trying to tell you that success is failure, more income is bad, and that up is down.

You're wrong... SS and Med are NOT included in the discretionary budget... If you look at TOTAL federal spending, SS and Med are about 60%... Military makes up a whopping 16%

Illegals need to be deported.

$100billion/yr cost for them being here.

>vote for trump specifically because he promises less taxes
>economists confirm trump will cut taxes for me
>retarded libtards constantly claiming trump will actually raise my taxes all during his first year of presidency
>trump cuts my taxes and I get a bunch of money back and my tax rate lowers significantly to pre-obama era levels
>fuckin libtards are retarded haha
>couldn't be happier with my boi trump
>shit eating libtards are wrong again

Confirmed libtards are all spoonfed fake news bullshit and never actually attempt to verify any of the retarded shit they say.

saw this video posted somewhere, anyone got the link?


You create demand through competition in a free market. You have Coke and Pepsi. Android and Apple. XBox and Playstation. Competition forces innovation. It creates products that are always improving.

Putting more money in the consumer's pocket fuels this innovation. The consumers can buy the products and services which in turn creates more competition and innovation.

Seriously, user, this is first year economics... where's you go to university??

lol I'm just happy Libs are talking about cutting spending.... fuck yes, let's go!!! Let's balance the budget

Stop focusing on taking money from the rich for your socialist programs.

Using the goverment to redistribute wealth to create an economy is central control... and it fails.

Or we could cut military spending and have the EU pay their fair share, also cut a lot of other governmental services and reduce our debt that way.

The Federal government has gotten too big and needs to be reduced, also people need to stop relying on the government so much.

Somewhat agree... where we can really save is by cutting government bloat. There's duplication of services between the state and federal departments like education. We can cut 10% from the budget of every department and increase efficiency. Then, cutting 1% a year for 10 years and we'll have half the national debt paid off. After that, by decreasing the debt service burden on the budget, we can be debt-free and have an economy where the people who work can keep their money. And, unemployment will be historically low.

Too bad the ever increasing federal government doesn't want people that can support them selves and aren't reliant on these handouts.

That's where cutting the taxes will help starve the goverment. Needs to done in this order to force the issue.

Maybe you missed the fact that we elected a president in 2016 that is reducing government and putting more money in the hands of the nation's producers....

Wrong. Competition does not create demand. DISPOSABLE INCOME creates demand.

Just because Apple and Android put two different kinds of phone on the market, what good does that do if people can't afford either of them?

Amazing how much money you have left over for social programs if you get another country to take care of almost all your security needs.

>security needs

Troll post,
Back to your banana threads.

>Putting more money in the consumer's pocket fuels this innovation. The consumers can buy the products and services which in turn creates more competition and innovation.

Maybe you should have read my entire post...

See, keeping more of the money you earn pays for all that.

I never understand why people think government shutdowns are a bad thing.

Europe has no security needs? Kek.

Last year, the top 10% wealthiest people in this nation took 80% on the wealth created. That is an imbalance that cannot be sustained.

Either we reorganize this economy to more fairly distribute the wealth produced in a controlled organized way...or shit burns.

And that's the choice to make. The 2008 crash was not an aberration, it was PREDICTED. The greed at the top of the economy is causing an imbalance that WILL be market-corrected. But if we let "nature take it's course" then it will not be a graceful market correction, it will be a blood bath. It will be the collapse of the entire global economy on a scale never before seen.

You can dismiss that warning with a hand wave, but you do that at your own peril. You may think you're prepared, but I can assure you, you don't have enough bullets.

We can fix this now like adults, or we can wait until it explodes.

They're a joke... when done by either party. Workers get furloughed, then get back pay when the "shut down" ends.

Fuck that. CUT government waste. The purpose of government was never to be the biggest employer in the nation. It's to provide a national defense, basic infrastructure and other necessities outlined in the constitution. EVERY OTHER POWER belongs to the states and their People.

The problem with that number is the same problem the "occupy" people had in 2011- it counts a corporation as a person...something you people claim to be against. That little number of yours changes dramatically when you count only individuals and not publicly traded companies.

Only when it hurts people counting on checks. Other than that, not an issue.

> here OP that is the argument of trumpcucks
They save 3$ so they think they are not poor. Somehow. Hows the Healthcare, Trumpcuck?

The crash wasn't caused by the greedy rich. It was caused by politicians. Primarily Bill Clinton..

My healthcare was great before the "affordable" health care act... since Obamacare, my rates have tripled and my deductibles make medical care affordable. Thanks for that.

They've never cut off checks, though. They cut non-essential services.

Goverment is never able to fix economics. The stronger the goverment grips, the faster it crumbles.

The ACA was unsustainable. Partly, by design. One of the architects is on record saying it was supposed to fail, so they could create demand then push through single payer.

Bill Clinton signed off on the repeal of Glass Stegall. That was put in place after the great depression to prevent it happening again. It put a wall between commercial and savings banks.

So, it was both the greedy rich (Citi Group) and politicians (Clinton).

We need to go back to the gold standard. The Fed's meddling in the economy has been disastrous.

So..m I'm ok with it then.

Dems shot themselves in the foot on this last one.

Maybe 30 years ago, we could have... although I'd love to see it happen, it's impossible at this point.

Wasn't just the repeal, it was also Freddy and Fannie and the push to get everyone in homes. That created the bubble.

It's actually not.

Oh, I know... every president from Carter on, in some way, contributed to the 2008 meltdown. I could spend an hour discussing all the factors that added up to it. But, Glass Steagall WAS a focal point in the whole mess.

>Obama goes 1.1 trillion over budget in one year
This is fine
>Trump tax plan adds at worst 1 trillion to defecit over 10 years

So let me get this straight:

I said "You can't create demand by giving it to a few wealthy people, you have to spread it wide to the poor and middle class."

And you said "Wrong, demand comes from the free market. Giving money to to the consumers allows them to purchase products."

Which I read as "The free market puts money into consumer's pockets through innovation."

But what you actually did was agree with me, but first you prefaced it with "Wrong." If you're going to agree with me, then don't tell me I'm wrong.

Here's the difference- I want the working people to keep more of the money they earn. You want people to be given money that they did not earn.

You believe that wealth is a zero sum game... that there is a fixed amount of money in the world and that new money is not created. That is not true.

Tax cuts plus reduced spending > tax cuts without reduced spending (Reps) > doing nothing > increased taxes and increased spending (Dems)

It was actually Alan Greenspan who was most responsible for the collapse. It his hands-off policy towards financial market regulation that allowed an environment of rampant corporation to flourish in the OTC Derivatives market.

Freddy and Fannie had little to do with the underwriting of sub-prime mortgages. That was the direct result large investment backs like Morgan-Stanley and Citigroup hiding those sub-prime loans into triple-A rated bonds.

And because Alan Greenspan was a fucking lunatic who burned Brooksley Borne to the ground to prevent her from blowing the whistle to Congress on this shit a decade before the 2008 collapse, and covered up the collapse of LTCM like the fucking dutchboy sticking his finger in the dike, then HE is the one who gets the blame.

But he was just one of many who feel this behavior is just fine. People who are willing to let the market correct in an uncontrolled and disastrous way.

apparently the concept of a zero sum game is too hard for the republitards to get their ignorant dim minds around so as they say, "in a democracy people get the government they DESERVE"

Your two comments do not connect.

No, a tax refund is MY money, it's not "free money". It's money they fucking stole from me in the first place.

Secondly, between the state, federal, fica, etc and what an employers pays in, it's literally 50% of the money is taxes.

So, let's think about that a minute: You work for an hour, make $20, $10 evaporates. You go out to buy lunch, give them the $10, then $5 out of that evaporates again, etc.

What did the government do for you in order to help you earn that $20? Did they do (what effectively amounts to 99.9% eventually) HALF to 3/4 of the work?

Borrow money. Eat a cock. It's all bullshit grandstanding. The economic system is completely fabricated since the inception of the federal reserve and the debt doesn't mean a fucking thing.

>tfw my return is half as big this year as it was last year despite similar wages

Idk why I have a problem keeping more of my money . what a piece of crap. forgive me?













Go back

Also, I want to know how much of that 16% is medical care. I guarantee you that the VA is in that 16% and field medicine etc etc is all included in that as well.

Not to mention that there is medical care and SS in "housing and community" "education" "transportation" "food and agriculture" and "veterans benefits".

I assure you that 90% of the federal budget is expressly to do with welfare in some form or another. Just look at that pie chart and use your brain. 1% on science? 1% on "Government"?

The combined total of the energy department, the transportation department, all of the science research, and international affairs is ~equal to VA care. Someone is stealing shit.

What the fuck did you just type.

shilling on Sup Forums because you don't have the balls to go to Sup Forums
fucking lmao