Walk in room

walk in room
see this

what do

Nicely ask her who she is and if she wants to cuddle

Ask to see ID


why ?

My daughter is at school, why not have a seat over here.

tell her I need moar

Lay her into bed and give her a kiss on her forehead. Then i say goodnight sweety while i close the door.

this is why the planet hates little fascist wannabe millenials

Ignorance of the law is no excuse, she ain't legal she ain't worth it. Plenty of sluts who are old enough to consent to risk it for JB

rape is still rape weather on an adult or a minor doesn't change much

No one said anything about rape but you nigger

Take a seat and wait for Chris Hansen to come out

>Implying anyone would consent to fuck any of you niggers
All sex is rape anyway

>what do
Play w the tits
Train her to give exceptional head

Puck her right in the fussy

>All sex is rape anyway
How so?


it is

Tell my daughter that I love her and that we are going to start doing what she’s been asking for. To try and get her pregnant.

Explain to her how society will inevitably crumble

Weak bait

Take that tacky blanket and set it on fire. Then fuck her.

"Hey, I, uh, got a couple of questions. One - who the hell are you? Two, what are you doing here? Three, why did you replace my leopard print bed cover with a tiger stripe one? No, seriously, who in the fuck are you?"

I'm pretty sure all of these are reasonable questions.

because no man gives himself in sex anymore

So bad you are not even worth debating.

ask if she has a little sister