Took a 1mg Xanax last night (Friday) and have a drug test this Tuesday

Took a 1mg Xanax last night (Friday) and have a drug test this Tuesday.

How long does Xanax stay in your system for a non-habitual user?

Should I be in the clear by Tuesday afternoon?

that pic

you're gay

The amount of intelligence you need to process a musical composition of this level is absolutely insane. Even I, to this day, have no idea what the true meaning behind this song is. My people, Gazzy Garcia, better known as Lil Pump is the greatest composer of our generation. There is no question that the complexity and ingeniousness is even hard for people with the highest IQ's in the world to process. No mortal being is on this level. Lil Pump is not a mortal, he is a deity that nobody can describe. He is a gift straight from heaven to bless all of us with a certain level of intelligence for the human race to work towards. Nobody has it yet, except for Mr Garcia. Please everyone, just understand, that he is not only taking a nigga bitch to the movies, he is also taking the human race on a journey into a whole new level of intelligence. Thank you.

depends on how good the test is, you might be okay with like a home or cheap otc test but a lab one might pop u posi

I'm pretty sure xanax takes longer than 3 days to get out unlike the other narcotics

Xanax is a benzo.

drink 1 liter of vinegar and 30ml of isopropyl rubbing alcohol every 3 hours for the next 2 days, you'll be fine.

I'm kinda curious about this myself. If you're a non-habitual user it will probably just be a few days I would think.

3 Days. End Thread.

Can confirm. I was a hardcore heroine addict back in the day and this method saved me big time


Was in the same situation as you are. Simple google search will show u it's out of the system in 3 days

It depends on what type of test.
Urine up to 6 days
Saliva swab up to 3 days
Blood up to 6 days
Hair test, as long as you've had your hair.

Lab guy here. Normally our instruments will detect it for about 72 hours, or three days like everyone else said. Just dont take any more and youll probably be good.
Pretty much every drug is out of your system in 5 days or less except for weed and barbs. Weeds a month and barbs are about up to 21 days.

Thanks. I did some searching and found conflicting results. Some said three days, others said two weeks.

I never take drugs but I was in a car accident yesterday (no injuries) and I was a nervous wreck. My roommate gave me a Xanax to calm down.

This morning I got an email that I was having a drug test on Tuesday. I wanted to ask if I was fucked or not.

So, three days and I should be fine. Correct?

Thanks. I took it early last night (Friday) and my test is on Tuesday afternoon. So you think I'll be okay?

Unless it's a hair test, i'd say youre good. They only use hair in extreme cases or if your company are nazi's about drug use like Toyota or something.

Also, it should be three days. Maybe 2 weeks for a heavy user with a lot of body fat that just quit cold turkey. Where some drugs are fat soluble it gets tricky if you have been using it for a bit.

According to the paper I'm supposed to take with me it's a "Non-DOT eCup Urine" test.

Just googled it, I might suggest an eCup in my lab, fucking hate doing them things, clogs our instruments up because of the high volume.
But that's a urine test so you should be good man

Do most companies use the 5 drug test or the 10 drug test?

My lab gets most of the area's drug tests and from what I remember we test
>Alcohol (Basically tells if you are drunk at the moment)
And probably a couple more so i'd assume the 10 panel I usually do on everyone.

Ok. Just to recap and I'll be done with it...

Non-habitual user (I take Xanax about 1-2 per year) Three days and I should be alright. Correct?

Yeah you should be good. By the book, 72 hour is enough for a non habitual user to test negative. That makes sense since most drugs are cleared within 5.5 half-lives. The FDA says the half life of Xanax is 11.2 hours, so 11.2*5.5 = 61.6 hours. It should be cleared within 61.6 hours not taking into your account how good your body's metabolism is so id say youre good from a medical and mathematical standpoint.

Cool. Thanks for the input.

Good luck nigga.