A question for Americans

Obama is the most divisive Head of State I've ever seen and heard.

Presidents should unify their Nations. Obama destroyed the US and polarized your politics. Now, a unifying President is impossible.

Just think about it. A Trump's presidency would be hated by half the US. A Clinton's presidency too, by the other half, or more.

The US is doomed. Arm yourselves and overthrow the Government. It's the only way for you to go forward.


dude, you know that USA was born from polarized politics since American Civil War

Fuck off Shitaly - Obama has unified this country .

This is the most polarized election in America's History. Tell me when did a vaguely authoritarian, anti-immigrant billionaire businessman, an explicitly crony-capitalist pro-Goldman sachs woman from a political dynasty who vows to continue by the same guidelines of the previous failing legislation and a social democrat Jew who promises to erase debt fro students and make healthcare free ever compete for an American election, in the same election.

This. Remember the time when Republicans and Democrats were united in making America a better place? Sure they had their ideological differences and they didn't always see eye to eye, but they understood where the other was coming from and there was peace. Then obongo came along.

Obama was always a joke. Dude never held a real job, no one is even sure what he did at college. As Harry Reid summed up, he's an articulate black dude - therefore, he became a Messiah type figure to the left. He basically fit the suit, and was appealing enough to all the different crackpot factions.

A similar summary could be made for Trump from the right. Maybe he'll be able to pull in enough of the middle in the battleground states and take it this time. Personally, I hope he does.

The real difference today compared to before is the issues: tranny bathrooms, fag marriage, Obamacare, gun control, welfare, big government. It's all about complete leftist shit - they control the debate because they control the media and the educational system. When your choice is left or crazy left, there's never any compromise available with the right. Since there's no possibility of compromise, all you have is division. Every election then become, win or bust.

That's not a valid point because every election has polarities.

No its not fucker. America literally went to war with itself before we arent even close to that yet.

Take the Civil War for example - Republicans and Democrats were unified.

Don't be a retard. I'm not Obama fan, but Democracy is half the country, bullying the other slightly less half of the country. Hitler pointed that one out forever ago.

Obama is greatest President in American history.



That was too long ago. I was thinking about the American elections after the 'big shift' when Republicans became conservatives and Democrats became progressives.

yes yes separate and divide scatter into smaller weaker nations you're a good goy.

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This is not even close. There is NO way you will ever get a Berniefag and a Trump supporter to agree on the MAJORITY of the key issues of today. This is unseen.

He is an "anti-colonialist" taken one at a time his actions make no sense, many contradict, but only if you think "why would the president do this"

His #1 goal is to try and even the playing field and undo what he thinks of as damage done by the US and Europe over the last 500 or some odd years.

thats why he lets isis run rampant and overthrows our puppet dictators, thats why he tries to stagnate the US econemy and stoke race relations.

Thats why he is trying to get the US and Russia to fight and wants mass migration of browns

its about undoing what has been done and turning the whole world into basically Pakistan.

AFTER the Civil War, you mean. AFTER the Republicans took back the South from the Democrats with bullets instead of ballots.

Yea guys listen to the beaner on the Internet

This is why we need a white dictator from Christian European lineage.

It's almost as if you import millions of different peoples from all across the world, you stop being a nation.

if only we had some sort of historical examples to teach us this lesson before we made the same mistakes.

>oh wait.

>Obama is the most divisive Head of State I've ever seen and heard.

You must be 14. Bush was just as divisive, if not more so.