Yo /b i went cold turkey on cigs for about 5 days now im craving one so bad i dont know what to do now...

yo /b i went cold turkey on cigs for about 5 days now im craving one so bad i dont know what to do now , so what are you guys smoking on i used to smoke marlboro red and newport shorts
>also general cigarette thread

cold showers, and try picking up an ecig from a gas station. That shit helps

Marlboro menthol smooth

Smokin on a e cig as we speak it helps me keep my mind not thinkin about smoking but still have this urge

My friend once gave me one of those got this insane head rush

Newports were my shit before I quit.

how did u handle going cold turkey ?
rly need some help

Try chantix, it help me quit

I didn't. I "mostly" quit when I got home from Iraq my second tour, and I'd just bum smokes here and there, or maybe grab a pack or two when I went to the field. When I got out of the Army I just dropped it after I had tapered it down as I neared getting out.

So with me it was a major change in my life that helped me walk away. I'm not really any good for advice on that.

i saw some nocotine patches in target thinking about picking them up

The first time i quit it was for two weeks and i was so on the egde all the time i was always mad or bored

Man i quit smoking . I forget why. I think because i couldnt drive to buy any (i live waaaay thr fuck in the country).
And i started landscaping where everyone chain smokes so it slowly made me want one. And the first one i did was so fucking nasty.
Also smoking on acid is disgusting like you can just feel the cancer entering you

But i really need to quit before it gets any worse. Been smoking for almost 3 years straight after i started again.

Not giving a fuck goes a long way OP.

convince yourself that if you smoke a cigarette you will die. Psyche yourself out. Shit does terrible stuff to your heart. If you smoke a cigarette again, you WILL have a heart attack or stroke. Keep that mentality.


Try chewing gum

Once you start noticing the cardiovascular signs of a heart-attack, you will quit smoking. It's like getting punched in the face. It might be funny while you're drunk but eventually you'll just look like an idiot.

i found that there is a book where u smoke a cigarette while u read it and at the end u just like dont even need it
>not rly buying it but at this point its worth a shot

lol, this is the reason I smoke. I don't wanna live forever, bro.

Buy some pipe tobacco and a pipe, then smoke that until you run out. The nicotine levels are lower, and it will occupy your hands at the same time.

I'm trying to quit too, buddy. This is how I'm doing it. I noticed when I ran out of pipe tobacco that I didn't feel the craving that cigarettes end up giving.


Start vaping, fag. It's cheap and it takes away all the dangers of smoking, but still gives you the satisfaction of nicotine and the act of "smoking" with your hands and mouth.

Don't do it faggot. Be a fucking man and quit? Have some self control. You telling me you're too impulsive to stop doing something that is aging you and eventually will kill you?

This. I'm only 24, but after a check up a couple years ago, and only smoking for 5 years, I was told if I kept smoking I'd most likely suffer a stroke or heart attack before 40.. It's fun and games until you're in a doctor's office and shit gets real when you see that your body is breaking down in front of you.


More like practical, impractical and why. Vaping is the easiest way to quit and stay quit for good. Buying a pipe and pretending you're Clint Eastwood is retard and quitting cold turkey doesn't have much of a success rate.

nicoderm patches

try em

ecigs, vaping, true signs of a beta. just chew a tooth pick or a carrot

It doesn't have a high success rate because the average man has become soft, feminized and void of any inkling of determination. Do you want to be that sort of 'man'?

also do cardio. like in a park.

You know, you vapefaggots sure do like to try hard to get other people into vaping.

Are you mad that most people choose to be straight and aren't gay?

Can the damage be reversed?

It's doesn't have a high success rate because nicotine is a physically addictive substance, retardo. There are tons of manly men who died far beyond their time because they were too stubborn to quit and refuse to accept facts. There is nothing wrong with increasing your chances of quitting with help. But you can preach your muchoman fuckery, I've seen enough uncles and dads spend a lifetime with that attitude about cigs and never lived to see their grandkids.

for the most part yes
as soon as you quit your body does a pretty good job getting back on track, takes a few years though and you never do go back to how you were before smoking
exercise and eating right also help aid your body
there is some irreversible damage you could never fix, but most of your body will start to heal

Of course, just after a couple days, the damage is already reverting. There are timelines all over the net, but quitting does in fact means the damage will be 100% after a decade reversed where heart attack and stroke is concerned- to that of a person who has never smoked in their life.

no idea i heard about it on a mac demarco interview

Look I smoked for nearly ten years, a pack a day at my heaviest, and was able to quit easily. Did I often want one? Of course. But I didn't because I'm not a petulant child. You going to defend the obese fucks next? Give me a fucking break.

it looks like they literally put a cigarette on a copier and scanned it

Wrong, the increased risk of cancer from radioisotopes within the tobacco lasts over 30 years, the lungs are incapable of removing those radioactive metals ie polonium, so they stay forever releasing a/b/g particles

My dad was a heavy smoker for more than 20 years and he went cold turkey no problem im tryna do the same but its hard as fuck

If you smoked in the first place for ten years with knowing the risks involved, you're automatically a petulant child. You quitting doesn't erase the fact that you were retarded for a decade.
There is no reason in this age of cheap and easy vaping tools to quit cold turkey if it's hard for someone. I can also walk barefoot every day in the desert to work out, but that doesn't prove shit other than I'm a moron who likes bragging rights.

I think you are actually right there, lazy graphics are lazy.

I like smoking while on LSD, both pot and cigarettes. The cigarettes are a n ice smalll stimulant to to keep me.up to speed with my train of thought

>ur a child for smoking
>try vaping today!

I quit smokes yesterday and I don't really crave one but I didn't smoke for very long and don't think I was addicted at all I only smoked for about a month

We all got a head rush from these. It was the best high. Really got into smoking because of these things. No longer smoke now since almost 1 decade.

Yep. Was it your point to agree with me but look retarded while doing so?

I have those speakers at work.

You limp-dick little faggot, you're an enabler. You really should just kill yourself. At the very least please don't propagate your genetic material to future generations.

How is telling people to quit smoking enabling them to smoke? Are you actually that fucking dunce?

>Are you actually that fucking dunce?
Can you even construct a proper sentence?

I could bike to work every day.
I dont though.
I drive a car.
Becuase its easier.
Does that alsl make me a "petulant child"?

Youre retarded, really.

>getting baited this hard

The only thing you're going to be smoking, is cock.

It is a proper sentence. Are you fucking with me at this point or just can't argue for shit?

Last I checked dunce is a noun, not an adjective. Check mate. I win.

Stop bad habits ASAP. Simple. One can rationalize why. I ask myself this question "Ultimately what am i trying to achieve and how can i best go about achieving it?" Don't focus on words like truth, best or healthist but if you want a buzzword use "professional". Like a hitman, tackle those goals to achieve elation.

I am trying to exercise and eat better sensai but it is difficult. I suck at cooking and don't seem to be getting any better. I have quit smoking and lost 40 pounds since last year but I am struggling to hold on

OP I read in one of your posts that you already have a gas station e cig. That’s good. Pick up a Juul if you can afford it next time. Comes with all you need to be set up. It uses nicotine salts instead of just regular freebase nicotine. It’ll hit you faster, and harder, but not last as long.

If you can ween yourself off with the Juul or something similar, great. If not and you still feel the urge you should pick up an actual mod and some juice you enjoy. Fairly cheap to get started. Anyone who calls you a fag for vaping is retarded.

Have many people called you a fag for vaping?

Nobody actually. I feel bad for the select group of people who need to call someone a name because they’re upset by other people making a change.

He's right you know. You might've meant "dense" but saying, "Are you really that fucking dunce" is like saying, "Are you really that fucking shoe".

Novelty will help you enjoy new food types while only eating food which will rot within a week. Find a farm, hunter or fish market nearby to score grass fed meat. Your gut will love you and this sensation will motivate you to become as fit as possible. Take only cold showers. Wim Hoff method in shower. Meditate. Make your bed daily. This change isn't temporary and not welcoming the new level of yourself will be your biggest setback.