Veganism is the most idiotic diet choice. All arguments for veganism are retarded...

Veganism is the most idiotic diet choice. All arguments for veganism are retarded. Veganism is unhealthy when going whole-food plant-based it is the MOST UNHEALTHY DIET.
To not eat meat is one of the most harmful things you can do, thus going vegan is an easy way to become a skinny weak IRON DEFICIENT sick looking person.
Also the moral argument is NON EXISTENT.

All logical people, when presented with the facts, eat meat. Dare you to take this though redpill?

Some google searches:
HEALTH: you need to eat meat&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b&gfe_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=atFtWpnuOqrr8Af0t6_QAg
ENVIRONMENT: population&oq=human population&gs_l=psy-ab.12..0i67k1j0i7i30k1j0i67k1j0i7i30k1l4j0j0i67k1l2.342.342.0.3483.
ETHICS: does meat taste good&oq=why does meat taste good&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30k1l8j0i22i10i30k1.18170.21893.0.22181.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Double Dubs
Finally some logic around here

All that animal cholestrol cloging ur artiries and making u stupid not enough blood to the brain

Not enough blood to the back, enjoy da back pains
Not enough blood to your dick, enjoy erectile dysfunction

Enjoy heart attack cardio diseases diabetes obesity inflamatoury diseases trash skins

Plenty of iron in plants, redundant. Also biggest strongest and most powerful and massive animals do it all with plant foods, including 500lbs gorrilas that are 40 times stronger than u faggot

oh and highest life expectancy and least diseases are vegan populations

Your'e right,one of every 3 people in the west get cancer,also one of every 3 people is vegan.
coincidence? I think not.

family murdering psycho detected

he went on dr phil singing a disturbed knock off calling himself a vegan messiah. Shit was heavy cringe

why i get the feel you are a newfag suburban 12 year old that just discovered Sup Forums

Nice trolling Brayden roflmao hehe

the only family murderer is ur mum surving a chicken stuffed with bacon and smoothered in butter, u obese retard that can't go up the stairs

Who the fuck is this candyass faggot?

Bump, because veganism is for faggots, they literally want to change the way the humans are supposed to eat

cause youre losing this argument my negro fellow.
also, lurk more.

child im not gonna argue you with you to convince you to do something that benefits you, you want to die at 55 from stroke go ahead and do it by all means 1 burger at a time

my wife recently decided to go vegan, she has become insufferable because of it. we went to my parents house last night for dinner and she made me call them in advance to tell them she is vegan and therefore requires them to cook her a separate vegan meal.

>highest life expectancy
It's like you saw a video and said "yes, this must be true. It's in a video after all" and didn't go looking any further.
Then again, this is a vegan thing. Facts don't bother vegans.

Are humans gorillas?

Go eat some grass like the pussy you are

haha yeah

Op here, youre a fucking retard and a faggot if you are seriously saying this shit lol.


Your brain runs on that cholesterol you logically comatose faggot.
Thank fuck veganism accelerates infertility, go kill your gene pool cunt.

i think it could be useful if youre into spiritual stuff. or maybe fetish. because you really wanna get some meat but you dont, so its painful. im talking about s&m sort of shit. otherwise cant see any benefits from causing yourself pain

of course vegans just exaggerate like everyone who eats meat is a fat fuck eating nothing but gross over processed meat and have heaps of cholestrol and shit. because thats the only way they can defend being a pale malnutritioned faggot. Life is about balance you pussy. If you eat too much meat you will have those problems, if you dont eat enough you will have the problems vegans have, which is just as bad. only a moron would argue that one side of extreme is better for you than the other. much like the left wing. and most vegans are liberal cucks to. and yes the way animals are killed is sad and wrong but maybe you dont fucking realize there are 7 billion people demanding food so either come up with a better solution or shut the fuck up.

For once I actually agree with OP.


ummm y'all passed on the LEET7?


Vegetarian master race reporting in. Guys, guys... You're ALL faggots.


All vegan/vegertarian co-workers i have are all down with the same cold/flu i got over before the holidays. It just repeats on them, their immune systems are weak as fuck

yeah. imo they are a disgrace to humanity for being so stupid.

idk, atkins gives kidney stones (too much meat).
>the moral argument is NON EXISTENT
Yeah, I just like veganism because it's cheaper, forget all that moral stuff.
>nice searches bro!
Have you considered taking the middle ground? Simply eating fewer animal products (than the standard American diet) is amazing for one's health.