Asking for sex is considered sexual harassment...

Asking for sex is considered sexual harassment. So how do you find out if someone wants to have sex or not without asking?

By not being autistic

you don't :(

He's kinda right. You're a male, so you take the lead. First you date her and when things progress, you go for a kiss. At a later stage, you just work on her body, caress her. It's not something you ask for, it's something that happens when there's sexual energy.

grab em by the pussy

How would you want a man who is interested in fucking you to ask you if you were interested?

Women spend hours and hours and billions of dollars whining about the importance of consent and when people ask for consent they go to jail. Weird.

Respectfully ask for sex if you think it’s appropriate. Don’t just fucking randomly ask your girl-friend for some pussy you beta cuck

And you know all about that sexual energy don't you

Like this:
"I would you be interested in fornicating?"

>"I would you be interested in fornicating?"
well done

You don't just ask dipshit. That's not how it works, unless you're trying to fuck a dude. Chicks like to be taken on dates and to have romance and shit. Effort is what turns them on, there's literally no effort in "Hey, want to fuck?"

Please name 1 person who has gone to jail for asking

You need consent to ask for consent. Yeah it makes no sense.

“This one can see”

>Asking for sex is considered sexual harassment
Sometimes. Depends on who and when. If it was simple people wouldn't make as many mistakes.

Social queues? comon OP, your not autistic now are you?

There it is. You can't have sex without consent, and you can't get consent without harassment.

Basically the upshot is you just have to guess whether the girl is into you or not.

A later stage? What are you 16? Kiss is first date shit. If you don't get a kiss on the first date, she's not into you, move on. This "caressing" that your talking about is second date make out shit. You keep going forward till she stops you. But oftentimes if you kiss the girl early enough in the date, you can kind of roll it all into one day and try to get laid on the first date. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

When the sexual energy is high, and you start making out with a chick on the first date

ah forget it who the fuck cares


It's fucking orthography dude, who cares? He obviously knows the words, what they mean, and how to say them. Omitting orthographical details is a common practice in colloquial writing, and this is fucking Sup Forums. Now don't get me wrong, I know English has a complex orthagraphical history extending from the influence of countless languages, and I know that bizarre spellings are mostly used as a socioeconomic metric revolving around educational institutions, but like I said, this is Sup Forums. Aren't you in the wrong place bub? To be judging a stranger's socioeconomic standing by their writing.

And don't forget

You know some big words, don't you?

Yeah but don't let it fool you I'm pretty dumb. I'm just passionate about language.

Bro, you know a lot of bit words but only halfway know what they mean.

I wasn't judging his socioeconomic standing, you idiot.

And if you'd been on Sup Forums as long as I have, you'd know there once was a time when proper grammar and spelling were paramount here.

Or you ask her name, see if she's happy (if you're rejected she'll turn away), then you kiss, dance, get a taxi, go home, fall on the bed and underdress each other.

Dates are for 70 year olds.

>only halfway know what they mean.
I've spent years studying this topic, I feel like I have a pretty good handle on the words I used. You may not be intentionally judging his socioeconomic standing (I assumed you weren't) but you are none the less. It's a big part of language, and like I said, this history of English in particular.


Turn the question into a statement.
"I want to know if you would like to have sex with me." Questions indicate lack of knowledge. Bitches don't want guys who lack things. Statements show others that you have expertise. Be an expert.

hold on, I can derail this thread further
are you familiar with the term idiolect?

But the question is do modern woman really want this?

Nobody fucking knows dude, don't ask that. These are all just guesses thrown into a firepit in a deep cosmic void.

You must be very careful not to offend. Direct attempts to approach the subject of sex will make you liable to offend leading to imprisonment. If a girl appears interested, leave consent to approach paperwork nearby , on your work desk for example. If she stops to read the waiver, very very cautiously ask her if she requires use of your pen. Do not make eye contact. If she signs the approach consent paperwork. Take the documents and leave silently. Take them to your lawyer to be validated. You may then within a window of 24hrs ask her what she is doing Saturday as long as you are recording the interaction and have two witnesses and your lawyer present.

idk, that still sounds pretty risky user...


Ask and then back hand the feminist if she pulls that shit

Can someone please make some mock public info posters highlighting the dangers of harassment during asking girls out?

"Asking her what she is doing rape"

"Asking if she would like a drink? Would you like to go to jail?"

#flirtrape #dontaskme

You have to look for indication of interest.

But don't look too hard! That's rape!

Also, the indication of interest will usually be plausibly deniable, so the girl can deny them, if she reconsiders her interest during interaction.

This is horrible advice.

just give it a shot and see if she runs and screams rape or not

You are approaching this as if you are following a bitch’s instructions. Don’t. Look at these feminist whores that are actually hot. They don’t date cuck low test faggots. They date actual men who give no fucks about their cunty attitudes.



Buy a Sexbot.

>ask girl if she wants to fuck
If she says no
>ask her if she likes cocaine
If she says yes then repeat step one

holy fuck the smug self-righteousness of this prick. what the fuck are you, a canadian progressive?

I'm a moderate from Minnesota, and a linguist.

You're a linguist and you don't understand that question wasn't literal?

Shattering your self righteous and overtly false assumptions was important to me. I'm sorry if you don't like what I have to say, this world must be a hard place for you.

You're right, I'm crushed, you idiot. You are the epitome of pseudo-intellectualism, and I'm not alone in spotting it immediately, in fact it wasn't even me who called you out on it initially. The manner in which you go out of your way to put it on display is beyond embarrassing, you must have a lot of inferiority complex-type issues. Clearly, it is you for whom this world is a hard place, but if you want to make it a little bit easier, maybe you should stop trying to make yourself feel better by acting as if you are morally and intellectually superior in a place such as this, when for one thing, most people are practically retarded and don't care, and secondarily, the others are way beyond your level, and look down on you and your 'intellectual' (laughable, dubious at best) dishonesty with more disdain than you look down on the first group. After all, you should be careful not to 'judge strangers' socioeconomic standings'.

I don't blame you for not understanding my motives, after all I say one thing and do another. You've got some good advice there too, honestly some of it I'd just been telling myself a few minutes ago, but you understandably missed a few key points. I come here to practice things because this is the only place I feel comfortable socially. I have a genius level IQ and I'm talented with most things, but when it comes to people I rapidly switch between being a genius and a moron. I'm currently a student at a prestigious university but I don't have anyone to talk about material with. Instead I practiced using my knowledge here in this thread. I also try to practice social skills, which is why I'd been telling myself your very advice
>maybe you should stop trying to make yourself feel better by acting as if you are morally and intellectually superior in a place such as this, when for one thing, most people are practically retarded and don't care

Well anyway, have a nice day user, hope this experience wasn't too draining for you.

Just ask

>Shattering your self righteous and overtly false assumptions was important to me
So, you're have a genius level IQ and you're a linguist, yet you double down, still failing to realize the question wasn't literal?
You reference it yourself (>maybe you should stop trying to make yourself feel better by acting...) still you spout contradictory phrases that sound straight out of some some low rent Hollywood screenwriter's oft-rejected screenplay (>I don't blame you for not understanding my motives...) and again lay it on just as thick with some condescending (also cliche beyond cliche, yet to be sure, glib in your silly little mind) crap like "...hope this experience wasn't to draining for you." As if.... If this is the level students at 'prestigious' institutions are at these days, the technologically induced sociological isolation of modernity has done far more damage to society and its futures than I'd previously thought.

offer a shot of 70/30 insulin for her diabetes - if you stick it in you can stick it in

Only if she works with or under you

Smooth as any of my lines

Soon, very soon, the only legal sexual intercourse in America will be sex between porn stars.

Again I realize the question wasn't meant to be taken literally. Please don't make me explain conversational maxims (though to be honest I'd actually love to). I'm here to practice and learn, and if I'm lucky to inform. Your question made assumptions regarding liberals and Canadians that were inherently false and inflammatory, but I figured you knew that. What you didn't seem to understand was that my being someone relate-able was very likely, so I attempted to demonstrate that fact. More importantly though...

>the technologically induced sociological isolation of modernity has done far more damage to society and its futures than I'd previously thought

It's not technology that brought me to this point. Autism runs in my family, and so does multiple sclerosis. I was luck enough to inherit both. As a result my social skills are pretty sub par, but usually people can't guess that I'm autistic because I've always done my best to compensate. They just know something's off and wonder why I'm so reserved (in person).

That said there is certainly a real problem to be had with the progression of certain communication technologies. Combating it is one of my passions and the reason I study computer science and linguistics. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on the subject.


It's not against the law to ask someone for sex.

You could start by using a different pic.

It’s only sexual harassment if you work together. How fucking stupid are you you cross eyed nigger faggot?

And user, I may come off as glib and my lexicon might predominately be academic, but those are things I gave up on trying to fix. At least for now it's beyond me. If I meet enough patient people like you who knows though.