Holy shit guys. My wife left her Instagram logged on and I saw this guy is trying to slidd into her dms. Wat do

Holy shit guys. My wife left her Instagram logged on and I saw this guy is trying to slidd into her dms. Wat do

Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing but logs

logged in to say nice dubs OP




pls help

What's slidd?

Tell him you’re moving to a private IG account and don’t message original account anymore. then set up a meeting and beat his ass.

I have a feeling he's gonna beat me then slidd one done my throat



kys ive seened this pic like 200 times on net

send that thing a picture of your dick

Grow up.


Tell her that there is a faggot that is obsessed with anothet faggot and that he keeps posting pictures of said faggot on Sup Forums

He's so dreamy...

Ask her to share a piece...

Originally, it was claimed that losposts were in protest at, and the cure for, all of the predictable, boring, repetitive, non-random threads on Sup Forums; things like dick rate, loli, WWYD, pics you shouldn't, etc

But now they have become mainstream; part of the fabric of Sup Forums, there's always one or two in the catalog and most accept that they are here to stay. They have become predictable, boring, repetitive and non-random, and most anons ignore them like they do dick rate, loli, WWYD, etc. etc

Congratulations log posters - you have become that which you hate. You have been assimilated.

And what have you become?


what the fuck dude that guy has been snapping my 9 year old human-trafficked sister-wife lately! This guys in for a real tongue-lashing


Nothing. I've just seen the rise of this maymay and watched with interest. Personally, I never thought it was that original, and I've certainly never raged about it, like some do.

>*titter* - he said "Log"
As I said; predictable, boring, repetitive

whew lad


it's time to age a bit, scooter

Push him into the sunlight. What happened to this place. Why am I posting ?

Dubs logged

When you care more about someones excrement than they care themselves.

Ah, a very predictable, boring comment about the most exciting log to slidd down the pipeline in years.
The clogwork log is a system, it is intended be consistent, like a plant.


>Successful white man

>Emotionally heavy


All things the white man loves.

White boi shit fascinates me.

No log poster ever made this claim. That was the the political commentators trying to wrap their throats around something they could not comprehend.
Also, no log poster has claimed to hate these things that you suppose were meant to be eliminated by the log.
Hopefully, the log has been assimilated...by your digestive system.

The person who is making this post has been confirmed to be Andy Sixx magager, Michael Cox. In an effort to bring attention to his clients dying career. The log posts are a metaphor of his shitty personality, lack of talent, faggotry and love of sucking dicks of african american experience.

Wow, just stop right now user.
Most of us don't even have careers to begin with.
Stop trying to shove this propaganda down our throats.

OP just stop. You are obsessed with a confirmed Satanist. If you eat his shit in some satanic ritual you will be condemmed to Hell for eternity

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Andy Sixx's log of shit. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of fecal matter most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Andy’s fecal outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from John Dryden literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Andy Sixx's log of shit truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Andy’s existential catchphrase “Creamy Steamy Dreamy” which itself is a cryptic reference to Coprophilia. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Andy Sixx’s genius shit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. XD And yes, by the way, i DO have a Log of shit tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid. :)

>ass imilated

I'd let her eat my logs.

Racism is for kids. Grow up


Alright, guys. I've had enough of this “log of shit” meme. Im actually one of Andy’s roadies.

Memes aside hes a good guy, very respectful, got invited to his house on 2014 new years eve when he saw me drinking alone on the sidewalk, he just told me to "put on something nice". Needless to say i had a good time, even for a Sup Forumstard, best food i've ever had and that booze selection my god dont even remind me of that.

However he is very sensitive about his shits, for some reason his shits smell obnoxiously bad, literally twenty four seven (could be the touring diet). One of his friends made a joke about it...and now we have this meme. Last saturday i saw him at the mart, tried to make idle talk with mr Biersack, but he sounded very sad, told me he had to hurry up. Now obviously he knows about this stupid meme and pretty sure people irl made fun of him (more than usual). We arent close friends but he is actually a good person, but also old and fragile both physically and mentally.
Now i don’t want to (and can’t) stop logposting but think about it before making fun of him, would you like random people making fun of your sick grandma just because she gets shitter splats, taking it to a level where people scream things at her irl?

We're all kids here.

This guy posting this (OP) is performing a ritual for sure. ANDY SIXX is either pregnant or needs ‘supernatural’ help with conception. The Log is a symbol of life and fertility in many cultures:

“* In India, people had the notion of a large log that supported the world; at the same time, one saw in the log a symbol of a dark life imprisoned by matter or — in a positive sense — a symbol of fertile Mother Earth.
* In ancient Mesopotamia, the log was a symbol of fertility.
* In Egypt, there was a goddess with a log head who helped at births and granted long life and immortality….”

Ok I've ignored it as long as I can but I've had it with this shitty forced Andy Sixx meme. It's just one, maybe two faggots spamming and it's getting me steamed. Just earlier today my friend Andy and I posted perfectly good cock rate and pics you shouldn't share threads which immediately 404'd, meanwhile five or sixx of these stupid fucking log threads are sliding right to the first page. This might be a tough one for you to swallow, but whoever you are that keeps posting this if I ever meet you irl I will cream you. Your meme is shit and I'm fucking dung with it.


Lol what the hell

>steamy hot
>steamy hot logs

The corn needs to be set free

>When the log gets in your right eye and you a little blind now


Let him cuck you, at least that’s what the handbook says.

It is true Anons, this Andy Sixx meme shit ( no pun intended) is in fact an act of Satanism. The technical name is called Coprophila.
Coprophilia is the belief that shit will eventually come to life, and those who consume, play, and/or have sex with it will be rewarded in the next life. While Coprophiliacs claim it to be perfectly natural, even the First Amendment is disgusted by it.

Coprophilia's main figure is Andy SiXX
Religious Practices and Beliefs
Coprophiliacs worship all things shit. While Coprophiliacs lack official scripture, it is a general custom to build a shrine to Tubgirl out of shit (preferably in one's closet) reflecting how Tubgirl shit and sculpted the entire world. They pray at the holy shrine’s base everyday, wishing for shitty blessings. If they are blessed with shittiness, they are absolutely required to use it for good, not evil. Tubgirl is omnipresent and omniscient, somewhat indifferent and oblivious because she is fixated in the ecstasy she radiates to her worshipers. She is a ’multi-faced’ deity, one aspect sucks, licks, and eats turds, another rubs shit everywhere and on everything, and the last aspect of Tubgirl is constantly shitting and re-stuffing shit in her anus and vagina.

>*titter* he said "ass"


We were all thinking it. The log posts are just a physical manifestation of your immaturity. When you grow up, it stops.


Does anyone ever really grow up?

I was on acid and I deleted a bunch of my log pics because I thought it was stupid but now I'm going to re save them and start log posting again,


Kek. When was this? Care to elaborate?

Yeah, you're the one that's stupid user. Start saving.


It was like two days ago, I thought it was creepy and stupid because of the "coprophilia" but then i realized that I'm not attracted to feces and that it is in fact, funny as hell. I even got a pasta added to the site lol


You deleted the logs.
You have to live with that, not me.

Post the pasta

Props to people that stick to their own style tho.
(even if the emo shit has been done a thousand time)

Omg user you're like pasta famous now.

>get diagnosed with throat cancer a few months back
>try numerous treatments and nothing I s helping
>in desperation the doctor says "well there is one more thing we haven't tried, it's a new treatment and is strictly for mature people only"
>I, also in desperation happily oblige
>expect a visitor in a week, said the doctor
>a week goes by
>I hear the door to my hospital room slowly open
>it's Andy Sixx
>I heard you have throat cancer, he said as he unzipped the fly and pulled down his sexy tight emo leather skinny jeans
>he started to approach me and instructed me to lean my head back close me eyes and open my mouth and throat as wide as I can
>the next thing I know there's a huge corn studded clogger lodged right in my fucking throat
>see you in a week, he said as he pulled those sexy tight jeans back up and left
I continued the throat clogging treatment and my throat cancer has been cured. Andy and I are good friends to this day and I have him on call 24/7 to come clog my throat with his logs whenever I please

Fuck, user, so good.

C'mon now user he realized the error of his ways. It's a funny story if you've ever done acid

Last time I did acid I realized...
That I...
Was the log.

Kek. The only time I ever took acid was before I started logging. I wonder what I would have thought of it then. Never doing acid again though, it was not a positive experience.

I was fucked up on a bunch of liquor, some weed and ketamine and I wrote some insane shit about how I had ascended to the "log dimension" and how how I no longer have to eat or sleep and that I can post log threads without a computer or internet connection just using my mind. Too bad I didn't have the sense to save it. Probably for the better

I smoked a bowl of salvia once. I saw the log stretch through time into eternity. I could see the log at each specific interval of time between now and then. I could of stopped it, because I saw it's weakness, but deep down I knew it had to be. This is the way andy would have wanted it.


The weakness of what?

Kek that was you the other day?? I saw that thread lmao. You said something like "just to let you know" before it. That's hilarious

I saw logs without form, logs that smelled months old although they were fresh, logs that came from sources unknown, I saw logs that were not logs at all.
But I cannot prove it to a nonbeliever.

haha yea it was the other day not sure which I've been on a fucking bender


anybody have that log dimension pic? I know I do but i'm still trying to find it buried in my 1700 other log pics

so fucking hot

My whooper where is it


More info? I probably have it


In heaven... everything is logs
In heaven... everything is clogged