How fucked will be my head if I take DMT?

How fucked will be my head if I take DMT?

Just don't take anything you see seriously.

well the good news is it won't last for hours if you get set in a bad state of trip that you can't handle. It depends on your bodies tolerance and dosage. Each users experience may vary. It's more of a very compact intense trip that shouldn't last more than 2 hours. However start small to gain some familiarity. Enjoy your tip see you next fall.

Temporarily? Significantly. Permanently? Not at all.

How fked will it be if you don't?

everything you see there, is as significant as "reality". It is all just different ways of seeing "reality".

depends on the person. if you’re normally a little fucked in the head then good luck

Not at all.


2 hours? Every trip report stays it's over after a few short minutes.

Not too bad if you take everything you see suriously.

I can't believe no one's ever thought of that before.

I've had DMT and LSD. I prefer DMT overall. It was a shorter experience and it felt cleaner. Even after the main effects wore off, the "after glow" only lasted about 30-60 minutes at most. Where as LSD felt a bit dirtier and lasted way to fucking long.
But as far as how you will feel after, the next day/week/etc. You will be fine with DMT. You can't really over do it like you hear with LSD.

How will DMT effect me if I have schizophrenia? I'm on medication and experience no psychotic symptoms and haven't since a month after being started on medication.

I would'nt do it

Any psychedelic can effect you have you have actually have schizophrenia. I don't have any off hand, but I've read articles and studies on the topic. If people are in the process of developing these conditions (usually late teens/early 20s is when schizophrenia occurs) it can advance/speed up the development of it. And while it is not guaranteed to fuck you up, it is possible.
I would think that DMT is a lot safer than LSD or shrooms. But that is just based on my reactions to trying all of these and how I think it could negatively effect a schizoid.

The peak of the experience lasts about 20 minutes at most, with afterglow effects with anywhere from an hour to two hours at most.

Your head will be fucked up immensely and indescribably for the duration of the drug's effects, but as soon as they wear out you will be your normal self again...

Yeah I did acid three times, twice when I was 16 once when i was 18, in January of 2016, started experiencing paranoia and minor delusions late February, full blown psychotic breakdown and hospitalization when in late March 2016, age 18

I honestly felt similar when I took LSD, and I have never really enjoyed any LSD experience. But I've had DMT several times, and I never felt any of the fear or negative effects I felt while on LSD. The worst thing with DMT is after the main effects in after 10-15 minutes, I always feel my heart beating super fucking fast. Not in a panicking way, but more of an exhaustion. Like I just did a sprint and used all of my energy. My heart usually settles down after a few minutes of coming back to reality.
And I never felt anything negative from DMT during the main experience. Only once was I "scared" and that's because I was around a few other people and one of them said someone was coming in and it freaked me out. And there was the time I was looking at the night sky and thought I was looking at lights on airplanes, so I thought the sky was filled with a fleeting of an invading airforce. But I never panicked once, not matter how weird things got. On LSD I did panic, a lot. So I think it varies from person to person, but you sound similar to me, so I'd think that you'd handle DMT fine. Just go into it with a semi serious open mindset and you'll be fine.

Imagine being left there. Licking all these DMT crystals, eating them, snorting them, putting them into your butt. Monoamine oxidase won't be enough to stop that DMT flow into your brain. You will be fucked up beyond possibility. For a few hours you'll be not a man but a molecule of DMT.

*Joe Rogan intensifies*

probability that jesus and other religions were a shroom/dmt? burning bush along with the maoi inhibz n shit