This chick could make me cum so fast

this chick could make me cum so fast

She probably has dried cum of jew producers on all of her clothes

she is hot.

I love that her 2nd gen of fake gamur gurls knocked that 1st gen of fake gamur gurls off TV. That means Felicia Day camels on twitter all day about her farts and we get to watch Olivia Munn in horrible comic book movies.

your first paragraph is the only thing i understood

This Gif looks like she just goes around biting off dude's weiners.

They were the same gen of cancer.

>your first paragraph is the only thing i understood

The first round of the gamer gurls on shit like G4 were people that knew at least nominally how to play videogames that they tried to make look alright.

The second round they just got a bunch of hot girls and taught them how to talk the talk and play Mario Kart.

How many times do you think she's had to watch Aaron Rodgers suck off a dude. I bet it is more than 5 hotdogs

you sir are indeed plebian

I really people wouldn't have started making fun of Reddit for the le gentlemen sir bullshit. they were unironically doing it for at least a year.

I like to think Olivia is jilling off while watching A.A.Ron fucks some twinky West Hollywood barista.

not true but i can think of another word that starts with p and ends with n which I am. patrician

The irony of it all is that it was the haters who made reddit a cancer on this site.

>The irony of it all is that it was the haters who made reddit a cancer on this site

Reddit did it to themselves but they are totally unaware of how stupid they sound in the comments threads.

That whole *tips fedora* thing wasn't a meme Sup Forums made up. they were actually saying that shit for real.

>tfw no half Vietnamese gf

this chick would not give me the time of day because I do not have any clout in the entertainment industry

post her pusy pls?

how her footgame?

olivia munn was sexy as fuck when she was on attack of the show. i used to wank to her and imagine putting my penis in her ass

>i used to wank to her and imagine putting my penis in her ass
Ew, why would you put your penis in a girls weird places?

Naomi from IGN is hotter

congrats, you're the reason she ever got anywhere with her """career"""

I want to cum on her mole

too bad she is a cunt and needs spray painted body makeup to look normal

she's ugly

superior gamerfu coming through

longnecks of notredame

those tits are terribly perky