White People: If you dislike being portrayed as villains in the media, stop doing villainous things

White People: If you dislike being portrayed as villains in the media, stop doing villainous things.

Ya'll too, okay?

Are people seriously complaining about that episode, that was my favorite one


Arabs: If you dislike being portrayed as terrorists in the media, stop doing terroristic things.

Americans: If you dislike being portrayed as villains in the media, stop doing villainous things.

Niggers: If you dislike being portrayed as rapists, thieves, robbers, murderers in real life, stop being dirty criminals.
Or don't, and give this bullet in that cop's gun a purpose, which is introducing the pavement to your brains.


Wow, can you try harder to be edgy

Are people actually upset about that episode of black mirror bc white people? You realize almost the entire cast was white, and odds are, the single villain character would be white as well? Has nothing to do with pro-white or anti-white, just how the dice roll

Kikes if you don't want to be gassed stop trying to ethnically cleanse us
If your whole race wants to throw your lot in with niggers it is your funeral

Can you try to be a bigger faggot? Nope, you seem to have maxxed out the scale.

Niggers: If you dislike being portrayed as violent apes in the media, stop doing violent ape things.

Russians: Stop trying to foment racial tension in the US and tend your own garden. You're being ruled by a dictator. Nothing will stop Putin except violent overthrow. It's time for Putin to die.



White People: If you dislike being portrayed as villains in the media, kill all the Jews.



White people. You mean like Jews? Because they're the guy's we're getting the rap for.

Eat lead nigger

Painted 10 years after he died by a man who never met him. Our image of Columbus today.

its not about white people always being villains. its about SJWs screeching every time someone not white is a villain.

Doesn't matter, the point is that non-whites better learn their place if they don't like the taste of lead.

i'll seriously suck ya dick if u can help me find this video

Open ur mouf

I've done nothing you dumb nigger

Stop watching biased media

If you ask a Nazi how they feel about Jews, obviously it's going to be a negative response.