Do you squat or sit when you take a shit?

do you squat or sit when you take a shit?
ever since i started squat shitting my bowels actually completely empty when i poopoo and it doesn't feel like theres anything left behind.
not gonna lie this changed my life.
why haven't you started squat shitting?
inb4 andy sixx log thread.

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That looks like a really easy way to slip and fall.

I shit on a paper towel on the floor then put it in the bowl, faggot

maybe if you 400 pounds it is.

I don’t squat as in pic but I use one of the stools and yes it really opens up my bowels and allows me to really empty my ass, also allows for easier wiping

Op my ass with that dumb reply
If u wanna empty your gut you gotta squat, less need for toilet paper too, I have a neater anus that snips my turds off like a cigar cutter

>andy sixx

just use a trash bag u can do it in any pose

That just means you control your anus muscle better than most if you snips them like that. It's kinda gay

You should not squat on the toilet unless you have one of those special stands that attach to the sides. The standard toilet is not meant to hold that much weight.

My anus contracts and snips my deuces at the top, so I'll try this squat out tonight, thanks op, you gave Sup Forums great advice tonight

I was a janitor at a factory and I used to get onto the refugees for standing on the toilets like this. Fucking filthy bastards. It'd be natural if you had a floor to stand on with a hole in it like japs do but this shit is just autism in action. Kill yourself OP.

how much is "that much weight" i only weigh 160 lbs (73 kg), i'm pretty sure toilets can carry that much.

Faggot that never happened to anyone I've known

You need the SquattyPotty

Porcelain is fragile as hell dude.

its actually way better shitting when you squat like that. im not saying stand on the toilet like that but your shit comes out way easier and you get more out when you squat properly. just put your feet up when you sit on the toilet.

they found away to make shitting gay

yea but the toilets are designed to carry enough weight to support a human, unless you buy the cheapest toilet maybe, even then you would have to be a serious fatass to break your toilet. obviously don't do it if you weigh 400 pounds.
>pic related must be you.

toilet seat squat danger

That dude is like 4 of me and I'm a manlet on top of that, bite me.

Just shit in the sink like I do , counter aint going no where

I shit in my neighbors' yard

do you think he wiped his ass before he went to the ER? or did they wipe his ass for him?

What is weight distribution

Yes, but toilets are typically having the weight of a person distributed all across it. Rather than have a central point of weakness

I have always sqauted purely because the toilet seat is really cold on my arse

Plus I've never fallen off. People saying it's a danger are completely fucking retarded and probably fat as shit too.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I hate western toilets. They make taking a shit take 3x longer. I'm gonna install a squat toilet eventually.

how often do you spray the back and miss the hole

why is there no blood in the first frame??

I put one leg on the floor and the other on up on the side of the bathtub so kinda in between

Never done it. The picture op showed is wrong. Your arsehole doesn't line up with the edge of the seat but directly in the middle so it's all good.

Aren't your heels the only thing on the seat then?

Mind your own pooping techniques. How other people move their bowels is none of your business.

No both my feet

i cant squat on the toilet because i'm 6'9" 244 pounds, but it sounds nice.

American toilets are built for 400lbs as default

>why haven't you started squat shitting?
the toilet bowl is too high.
t; not going to perch on the toilet


How you suppose to squat? Don't you piss while you shit too?

Squatting is for subhumans, see slavs, and people who want to die from being sliced open by ceramic shards. I remember a few stories from autists squatting on those bowls attached to the wall instead of the ground and almost fucking dying because they gave themselves a 2nd and 3rd asshole.

>Squatting is for people that want complete evacuations
ftfy. sounds like you're the half-shitting subhuman


fake. there's no blood

just dont shit, problem solved

fucking brainlets

>Just die from sepsis.

I use a squatty


That's just crazy. You can accomplish exactly the same result by using a footstool to raise your knees as you sit.

I turn an old person walker around and lean it against the wall behind the toilet. Then I squat over the opening above the seat and use the front face of the walker as support like I'm doing dips. With all the pressure on my triceps my asshole has never felt better. No more hemmeroids its been 5 months. Sitting strained my anus. Now I can ride a bike again. Or just shit in the top if the toilet, where the float is.