Why aren’t Australians allowed to protect themselves with guns?

Why aren’t Australians allowed to protect themselves with guns?

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because our government is a bunch of children more worried about how much they'll get paid.

They’re cucked worse than Sweden

is that real

VERY real


melboure is full of libtards that refuse to punish minorities for anything short of murder

Jesus. normally I'd ave a giggle but I just don't know what to feel here

>australians with guns
now why would you want to do that?
america is bad enough

You mean the lower rape rate?

Because we don't need to?

Australia has one of the lowest crime rates in the world for a developed country. It has a world standard of balanced laws and regulations, along with successful integration of a multicultural society. Australia is frequently used as a template for the direction of a model society; attractive public healthcare and education benefits, successful economy of both local and exported trade, equal balance of culture in arts and sport, extremely safe anywhere you go, and among the best food in the entire world.

Conservatives and rightwingers endless moan about how bad this country is when in reality almost every conservative/right government when in power has done nothing but degrade the overall quality of this fine nation.

Australia is an example of getting modern, forward thinking Western sensibilities right in a globalised climate. I love my country.

Welcome to Marxism friend. Where justice is dependent on skin colour


>balanced law and regulations

>completely ignores picture in OP

Port Arthur

I hear kangaroos are the police in Straya

>forward thinking
>one of the lowest carbon pollutes
>highest forced adaption of green energy technology

U wot

the people I know who live there don't bother reporting crimes because nothing will happen

helps the low crime rate

because its a fucking nanny state

There's already a thread for this, you faggots.

how can Australia be so modern if it doesn't exist?


I was going to ay something insulting about Australia, but this Aistralian judge has done a much better job than I could:

Judge Gaynor said the shocking offending by Mawien was entirely out of character and could be explained by his use of the drug ice.

>"I am satisfied it explains this dramatic and terrible change in a person who was normally … a quiet, kind, respectful and rather humble young man," she told the court.

>Prosecutors had urged the court to sentence Mawien to a stint in adult jail or a youth justice centre for his part in crimes which they said have become worryingly prevalent.

>But Judge Gaynor said Mawien's excellent performance on bail, young age and otherwise excellent character warranted a deferred sentence.
>"Had you been older, had your behaviour before and after this offending been any less impressive, had the expert assessments and references from respected members of the community been any less supportive, I would not have hesitated to adopt the prosecution submission," she said.

>"The courts are always anxious to promote and support proved and demonstrated reform in an offender, particularly when that offender is young.

>"This is not based on concern necessarily for that particularly offender … but more based on the premise that reformation is the best protection in the long term for the community at large."

This. My brother was a cop for 8 years.

He would go to a call out, that was the 7th or 8th time in a week it had been raised because the original calls weren’t responded too.

Goodie, i just have to snort drugs before I murder someone, and its not illegal, no crime has been comitted because i took a substance and that absolves the entire situation.

Australia exists mate, despite the country being drenched in sun-light they still pay quadruple the amount Americans and Europeans pay for electricity

>Mawien will be allowed to live in the community with strict bail conditions for 12 months, before serving a two-year community corrections order which will include community service.
I think it *is* too lenient for a violent crime, but he wasn't "absolved"

yeah but the aussie chestbeaters will never admit this stuff or count it

And the other who pleaded guilty and did not get a sentence?

That’s because they’re ignorant fucks. I know for a fact Ambulances arrive at places usually 10 minutes before police.

Got to give non-Australians a fighting chance.

>the people I know who live there don't bother reporting crimes because nothing will happen

>Low crime rate

I was broken into 4 times in one week. You're dellusional.

Perth 6025fag here, even in one of the better suburbs north of the river, nothing ever happens unless it's a noise complaint after midnight

6027 here this is true the cops don't seem to give a shit unless they're revenue raising.