I just divorced my (now ex-)husband...

I just divorced my (now ex-)husband. Is there any way I can argue a legal case in my favor for child support so I can continue to take care of my dog, on top of the alimony I'll be receiving starting next month? Any input appreciated.

Pic not my dog, but related.

You can kill yourself with your blood sucking alimony payments you cunt bitch.

You can claim your dog as a Trained Sex-Therapy Pet, to help you move on from atrocious trauma of sex with your human ex, and establish a self-actualizing love of the knot.

The Judge will likely come to Positive Attention.

I'm actually looking for something my attorney could use and have the judge not think I'm a psychotic pervert... Thanks though, hon.

This is one of the greatest videos ever. she fucks 10 dogs, this is the one that she hangs on and cums on

So you want your ex to pay you to look after your own dog?
Am I reading that right?

No, now you're playing semantics games. We had the dog together for about a month before the divorce. The dog is now in joint custody, but it lives with me; ex-husband has visitation rights to see it. That said, he should be paying his fair share while I take care of it, just like with child support (we don't have any kids together, just the dog).



So he should continue to take care of both you and the dog. Noice troll bro.


He should be able to assist me in taking care of it as it is technically still our dog.
>Noice troll
>Everything I don't like is a troll

get lost dumbass

Hey, do that thing where married people get all offended and angry when you tell them that they're going to get divorced because most marriages fail.

Get real upset and tell us how your marriage was different.

So you want the fun, but dont want to pay for it... youre a fucking leech

11 dogs. After 8 the last 3 are forever unreleased. Their Italian host was identifiable.

you should have had more dogs with him before your divorce so you could get more money $$

ITT:We find Op and give this to her ex to be used against her cunt alimony needing ass,. Women never work for anything the just coast on our success until it's not beneficial to them.

>Implying I don't work 2 part-time jobs already
>Implying taking proper care of a dog is all fun, easy work

Implying your a money grabbing whore who doesn't need alimony payments and can afford her own animals. People like you make me sick, just go jump off a fuckin building already. You never going to make your life into anything stealing from others.

God damn user, /thread

You could give the dog to him and he will deal with it eithout expecting you to do anything.
Or you can keep the dog and ask him to pay half of its upkeep, which will be eenied in court.
Dogs arent children in the eyes of the law and if you try and lawyer up on this every judge with judge you for what you are, cos theyre judgy....just like anyone you tell this bullshittery to

Sup Forums unironically believes you can be forced to pay child support for a dog.

I thought I'd seen it all.

>taking away your boyfriends dog
>cant take care of it anyway
>theres a reason they call it "man's best friend", you know

If you bought a car whilst you were together he should pay for half the gas until its 18 years old


if this isn't bait kys irl

You got the dog a month before the divorce?

That timing seems a little weird. Don't divorces usually take while?

I'd rather "she" show tits before she anheros

This 10 times over!

No tits yet, definitely bait