Okay story time Sup Forums

Okay story time Sup Forums

>Be me
>Highschool, 3rd year
>Biology class
>teacher leaves and tells us she'll be back in 10 minutes and that we need to keep quite
>everyone's yelling
>the autist of the class (not really autistic just sort of socially damaged) kid of the class tries to tell us to shut up
>let's call him Jesse
>Jesse also has diabetes
>I was really in a bad mood
>get tired of Jesse trying to shut everyone's mouth
>walk up to him and smack him over the head with a notebook
>the mofo stands up and slaps me accross the face



>at this point I'm in awe as is the whole class
>I am enraged 'cause an autist slapped me in front of the class
>pick him up by the shirt
>try to punch his face in but am already held by 3 of my classmates
>1 hand free and beat the shit out of his rib
>they somehow get me off of him
>I tell him I'll destroy him after school
>enter James
>James is a school bully that no one likes
>James decides he wants to play the white knight and tells me I'll get a beating by him and his pals if I touch Jesse
>mfw he bullied Jesse for almost 3 years and acts like this for the class to recognize me as an asshat


> Jessie
> James

I see where this is going...


>as I do not want to fight 10 people , I tell my friends outside of school to come just in case
>3 more classes
>still enraged, hungry for tard blood
>everyone wants to calm me down
>Jesse looks at me from time to time
>he shows almost no fear as he's used to the beating
ff to the last class
>ask the teacher to go to the bathroom
>leave with my bag and don't intend to come to class but instead wait for Jesse
>my friends come eventually
>here comes Jesse
>I stop him by a push
>he sees all my friends and thinks he'll get a beating by them
>I'm a man of honor and I tell them to step back
>punch him in the rib
>since it was raining Jesse had an umbrella
>the fucker swats his umbrella on my head
>berserker mode engages
>I run towards him
>swats me again
>feel no pain
>push him on a bench
>proceed to furiously beat his head in
>random guy approaches and pulls me off of him
>jesse runs away
>I go with a slight bruise under my eye


>Smack random guy with a notebook because he tells me to be quiet
>He punches me once

shh, I'm listening to the actual autist of the story

>james never actually showed up but was still threatening me for beating up Jesse
>tell James if he wants to fight me with 10-15 people let him be I don't really care
>Jesse stops coming to school
ff 3 days
>jesse comes like nothing ever happened
>avoids me
>his only friend tells me that the day I beat the crap out of him was the day before his birthday
>he wouldn't come to school cause he was scared of me
>mfw she wants me to apologize
>don't want to apologise
ff to next year
>talked a lot with Jesse after that, never mentioning the incident
>the day of his birthday eventually comes
>mfw he invites me and my best friend
>have a blast at his birthday
>his first time drinking.jpg
>play vidya at his place all night long
>next day he tells me:
Who would've thought, last year you beat me up and this year we celebrate my birthday! But I think it's great tho.
>feel like crap for things I did
>regret it to this day even tho I never apologised I think he knows I feel sorry

It's been 3 years since then and he's literally one of the four people I still hang with and talk to after graduating. He's also one of the best persons I know. Sorry for the messy green text but I had to do this quickly.

I felt some feels.

so basically don't be a dick and apologize?

Lol op is quite the piece of shit.
For fucks sake you get pissed when someone has the balls to defend themselves? Never breed.

So, wait, who's autistic?

Idk if it's too late now

It is.

I was actually pissed cause I got bitchslapped in front of the class

Dude, if he is kind of your friend, do it, for facksake, don't out-autist a fucking potato

I'm the autist lol

Because you hit the kid first. Don't want to get hit? Stop being a piece of shit

Well if he punched me I wouldn't be as mad, I hate bitchslapping. Tho, we can agree that it's my fault

You are a complete piece of shit with mental issues, nobody in that class respected you after that.

Is this a bait? lol

Yeah I think I'm gonna do that I'll bump the thread if it's still up

Your life is sad, and you're the real autistic kid in your class. Triggered beyond the realm of reality because some guy you told to stfu bitchslapped you accordingly.

Nah bro its not too late. Highschool is over with and the past is in the past. Instead of the green text u posted about which we appreciate, you should just say fuck it apologize and clearl your conscious. Think about how you'll feel about it 2-5 more years in the future.

Nah, just apologize and get it over with. Don't make up excuses either. Do over a few drinks and it won't be too bad.

OP here

Thank you for your advice and understanding Sup Forumsros
Bless you all

Yeah have a few drinks say you're sorry and I'm 100% sure he'll forgive you.