I'm looking for a partner for duo Ranked

I'm looking for a partner for duo Ranked
>I want to climb
>I'm bronze 2
>I play jungle and support

Other urls found in this thread:

oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=Wholemeal Future

what server?

dude if you are stucked in bronze just give up on ranked, just play for fun, you are obviously not good enough... And if you do find someone to carry you to gold/silver you will fall back into bronze sooner than I cum

Stop playing garbage trash

>North America

I was silver 3 but this season I got placed b2 bc I was playing supports

I'm kinda lazy to climb by myself I could do it but it would be a grid

same, whats ur summoner name, I'll add.

I am currently silver 5, have been for a while, but need a serious partner to climb with.

What do you play?

im mid/top, but I can play support aswell

Who do you main?

Just post name and hope no troll.

This Leona
NA server

hey my dude
plat 2 at the end of last season
ive been meaning to play on the NA server for a while now, i can buy a level 30

Add kaleb12345

Play with me :3

b1 after placements, made to s1 last season. mid/jg, pref mid. add if you phags want to climb together

dc2bar on NA servers

oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=Wholemeal Future
placed g3 solo duo this season, and plat 4 in flex q

top main, but my jg isnt the worst

>kaleb12345 is OP account

NA diamond JG main here boosting cute boys

if you have a throwaway thats almost level 30 that'd be handy
i could ransom a spare silver oce account

boost me pls



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