Anybody else have a weird attraction to this walking skeleton?

Anybody else have a weird attraction to this walking skeleton?

Too bad if you fuck her she’ll die

over under on her living for another year?

She has a nice fat and pretty pussy


I gave her a year tops before death or being sent to rehab and that was like 2 years ago already. Maybe she's immortal

There’s a morbid attraction there. Although, I imagine disappointment when seeing her naked. Unless we’re talking about those beef curtains she flashed on YouTube, amiright?

Someone needs to force feed that bitch, she's literally one skipped meal away from total organ failure.

I would be terrified to fuck her, what if her pelvis breaks and the sredded pieces cut my dick

Here it is. Eugena's cooney.

I just want to force feed her protein and take her the the gym

Oh she has already done shit loads of damage to her liver kidneys stomach and intestines. It will take years of recovery and medicine to fix all she has done.

hmm are you kidding if they force feed her right now, that would be the way to kill her the time for that was years ago probably

I've always wanted to see a longer clip of this. Why the fuck is she standing on the chair.

It's a fucking shame too because she was actually pretty fuckable before starving herself to this living death

10/10 would allow to lower weightlessly onto my throbbing cock

She was pretending to be a cat, pawing the chair with cat ears on...and showing a pussy slip. She was accused of doing it on purpose by some. Maybe it was the way she looked at the cam after her clam made an appearance.

Her liver has to be in horrible shape. How many years has she been like this?

I'd have to see the whole clip from before she got on the chair.

well its just that she has a hot face(with all the makeup) and if she just ate more she would be 8/10 small titay goth gf

She was on the thin side but probably healthy like 3 years ago, since she started vlogging she's been a skeleton


Yes and I don’t understand it she literally pisses me off while simultaneously giving me a boner

She looks like she has been having issues with weight for a long time. She can go for a quite a few years more but its going to start putting her in the hospital soon.

she would look fat standing next to me

Pics or GTFO

She has an incredibly attractive face so no. If she gained some weight, she'd be... well she'd be nothing special really. The only reason she's famous is because she's skinny.

Sheesh, what a decline

God I know theyd be terrible to look at it but fuck do I wanna see her naked, and even better get fucked hard

>that look she gives the camera