Why didn't Anakin just NOT jump directly into Obi-Wan's lightsaber?

Why didn't Anakin just NOT jump directly into Obi-Wan's lightsaber?

There's a ton of open ground to his sides.

If anakin is darth vader why is his light saber blue

He tried to do a trick. I'm not even kidding, watch the scene.

>anakin in the light, obiwan in the dark
This was the last time they met as friends.

Obi Wan knows that Anakin is cocky and will try to one up him like a rebellious teen.


dude the floor is lava lmao!

Anakin was blinded by anger, most people don't use strategy when they're pissed off.

When the fight choreography is like that, there is no organic way to end it.

It ended pretty organically in The Matrix.

Sidious didn't make him "bleed" his kyber crystal yet.

Because they have to kill all the jedi quick, and anakin already has a saber

Did you even read your own filename? Obi has the High Ground, not much can be done about that.

Pride, Anger, Dark Side Hubris

pretty simple, built up over ep 2-3

>head canon

ok ok ok

but what if Anakin jumped to the side putting him on high ground of equal height?

>Jumped to side
>higher ground

He was at the bottom of the small hill. The only way to attain equal ground would be through Obi-wan's light saber.

So if Obi-Wan is supposed to be Old-Ben, then how come they look completely different? Did he use the force to change his appearance?

Attempted suicide you morons

>The most prodigious force user the galaxy has ever known
>Doesn't just levitate the rock he's stood on away
>Doesn't pull the ground out from under Ben
>Doesn't try spinning straight at him so he's forced to defend

He was going for that sweet play of the game and obi-wan knew he would.

Tatooine was not a good friend.

all of the fights in starwars are dumb, why did anikin not just choke obiwan and throw the saber at him

He already used all of his force points. Anakin hadn't even enough for a Sheev-spin.