Why is there suddenly a huge influx of flat earthers?

I have never noticed this many before.
It seems to be a huge community all out of sudden all around the internet
Is the west dropping in IQ?

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shitposting tactic to tar the alternative media with crazy think

99.99% of them are shills, trolls and schitzos.

same shit with the hologram planes on 9/11 etc...

>Is the west dropping in IQ?
>he asked on Sup Forums
wew, just wew

Circular earth theory doesn't make sense. How does the world spin around perfectly every season instead of flipping wildly like a coin in the wind?

> coin in air

1st - there's no wind in space
2nd - the earth does "Flip around" as in changes its axis, only it takes thousands of years for it to be tangible.

The Earth is obviously flat if you just walk around on it. Spherical Earth theory is designed to keep people believing in materialism and consumptionism, that somehow space exploration will solve everything by finding another ball of rock. Well, the Earth is far bigger than the surface of the sun and you can prove it with simple trigonometry. The Greeks measured the sun and moon, just as they accurately measured the diameter of the Earth.

Take the red pill. Don't chase the SciFi Jew.

it's so obvious desu.

plz be bait

poisoning the well to make legitimate conspiracy theories look silly.

>I have never noticed this many before.
Simple. They're the right-wing equivalent of 3rd Wave feminists.

Meaning they sponge off actually concerned people in order to push a full retard agenda.

what this user said


Sadly most Americans are dumber then this man.

Purge us please!

You fucking cuck, I bet you want to apologize to japan about making their ass radioactive as well.

Most americans aren't as dumb as fucking you obviously, go fall on a sword somewhere else you fucking white male

>Projecting this hard

Small penis detected.

Some rapper shit posted about it a few months back. Ended up in popular culture through that and here we are.

It's a God-tier Red Pill.

it started here like 2 weeks before that

its just some kind of long troll / experiment intended to get people to openly debate absurdities and see what the effects are.

When people have been lied to for so long, and finally begin to understand how deep the lies go, they begin to question everything.

Maybe they've discovered the Red Pills and just didn't have the brains to know where to stop.

Yes, the west's IQ is dropping.

There's barely anyone left who knows that the earth is a cube.

The flat earth is probably the biggest redpill there is. Watch any of the videos on ODD TV'S channel covering it with objective fact and if you want to be willfully ignorant and let cognitive dissonance and your emotional attachment to a round earth dictate your life go for it after you've seen the hardest evidence there is.

>earth is a cube
That would be fun. Gravity wouldn't always appear to go straight down depending on where you are. Things could fall obliquely, lakes would level with a slope, etc. And on the edges of the cube gravity would be lower.

Honestly I think the majority of them are just shitposting.

It's the hollow earthers you have to look out for

ITS SHITPOSTING JUST LIKE THIS FUCKING THREAD. If you care about it why are you fucking bringing it up so this cancer gets talked about more?


saged fuck off

Europe and America look smaller on a globe. The jews want us to believe we are geographically insignificant.

Uh but that's wrong you fucking retard that only applies to the Sun not the Moon the Moon is in the firmament the sun is not and if you watch videos about the Sun going away guess what it gets farther away because it's an object in the sky moving why so perception allowed to move farther like a hallway so you just got proven wrong mother fucker try again faggot. Again like I said before you start spouting nonsense watch the videos watch the oven and I wouldn't have to be just rebutting you instantly with something that quick and that easy if you just watched the fucking videos.

This. They're just sliding better threads.

Good thing the Earth is spherical and not circular

Nah nah you got it all wrong

People pretend to be Flat earthers to practice their debate skills against the sphere earthers

that's it really

jesus, now i want a world where old ships just sail upside down everywhere for comedic value.

Heres a cool picture about flat earth if you want

You bunch of bait eating faggots will argue about anything.

> go fall on a sword somewhere else you fucking white male

Jesus, it's like you can see with every word how the penis retracts into a null existence.

>Is the west dropping in IQ?

Yes. Some say that it's due to the massive influx of lower IQ immigrants.


Yeah sure it's all just bait guys. And Sup Forums is just satire and Sup Forums has people with the highest IQ and Sup Forums isn't full of hipsters.

you do know you can observe the curve of the earth with a boat going out to sea.

isn't that due to an actual effect that documented as a side effect of trying to convey spherical maps to a flat one?

Shills. Nobody will take any conspiracy theory seriously, if you group conapiracy theories with shit like that. The momemt you will use this word, people immidiately imagines shit like this.

See that's how you can circumnavigate the flat earth! Just sail around one of those concentric lines. The thing is that it's very difficult to sail on a straight line over such distances, so they didn't notice they were actually following a circle.

>they're only stupid now because they haven't had time to develop really good bullshit like creationists or Jews
>in 5-10 years there will be flat earth conspirators on full force everywhere with really fucking stupid but believably-stupid arguments instead of this shit we have now that sounds ironic and shitposter-ish
Your day will come, kikes.

Pretty sure it's just thread-sliding shill-posting to distract users from legitimate topics and also to discredit the general quality of discourse at Sup Forums.

Visitors will see flat-earth threads, think "this place is full of tinfoil nutjobs", and leave, ignoring important information like rapefugee threads, black crime statistics, and other important topics.

...of course, it could also be that tinfoil schizophrenics have discovered Sup Forums and think it's a great platform to post their psuedoscience.

flat earthers are just shills covering for the fact that gravity as we know it doesn't exist and relativity is a jewish lie

there are no black holes

the big bang never happened

suck mai dick

Gravity is probably fake and just used to justify that bullshit. Hypothetical mathematics rarely turn out to be fact when they coincide with hypothetical physics.

>general quality of discourse at Sup Forums.

yeah because minus the Trump general the discourse of Sup Forums is so so enriching

Typical goyim falling for the round earth Jew. Don't you fucking get it

>The Hebrew word shekel is based on the verbal root for "weighing"

The Earth is a giant fucking Shekel. The root for shekel is "weighing" aka fucking gravity! The Jews are so blatant about this, their currency is a blatant analogy to acquiring more power by controlling the global shekel.

There is no gravity! The flat earth is just constantly accelerating upwards.

Kek, except that would mean that the acceleration constant derived from experiments would show exactly the same everywhere at any place, the constant in question replacing gravity, while actual experimentation shows differing values for g depending on factors of altitude and location.

Same can be said about socialists. I'm seeing way more commies than the last two obongo campaigns combined

gravity is just a theory :p

If the Earth was really moving at 60,000mph we would fall off

Oh huhhh yeah, spacetime is still curved though. There are pockets and bubbles everywhere. But NO gravity!

dayum skippy. at least, until somebody in the far, far future decides it would be hilarious to somehow fling one somewhere.

>flat earthers that believe in space

Actually, since gravity is a jewish lie, gravimetry and all that probably can't be trusted. The people involved in that may be lying and the instruments made to give false readings, etc.

But user, i'm not even jewish and have tested it myself, with the equipment literally being no more advanced than some shaped metal, a spring, a steel ball, a steel rod, some chalk and a measuring tape along with some pen and paper. if you can somehow make solid metal give false readings then i applaud you.

What the hell is this picture?

Why are they using ancient Greek units?

>there are people that think the world being a sphere is absurd
>the sun, moon, and stars still are spherical.

The sun, moon, and stars are optical illusions created by Jews to trick the goyim into funding NASA

The earth also has a slight magnetic pull that gets weaker as you get farther.

Trump voters crawling out of the woodwork. They figure that, compared to him, they don't look as insane as they did just last year.

i had no idea NASA existed since the beginning of humanity.

The Jews play the long game

Because that's the demonstration Erathostene did in 600 BC

It's trolling, isn't it?

They're not actually serious.

i'm proud to be here for the launch of this fresh new meme, and looking forward to seeing whether it births actual flat earthers into existence

maybe i'll even be one of them

All those jewish optics in the telescopes.. can't trust any of those.

>republicans are so anti-science
>literally no differences between women and men or white people and niggers, spics and jews

juden plz

It's a CIA discrediting operation akin to the original UFO hype. They want these hyper-absurd theories floating around to reinforce the concept of conspiracy nuts. That way when people come forward with realistic government conspiracies, they can rile the public into saying "oh I bet you believe in ___ too!" before dismissing them. This one ramped up recently to prepare for the '16 election, since they knew it would be jam-packed with discussions on Clinton/Bush no-goodery.

Some of them are trolls, some of them are just trying to convince the gullible to believe it to destroy credibility.

>looks at a circle in the sky
>"How do you know this if all you see is a circle?"
Fucking globe heads

nah it's just bored retards like me looking to debate absurd crap

Zika Virus

You would say that.
So... really though...
Are you a big guy?


gravity is just inertia when applied to moving systems

redshift is an illusion

einstein was a cuck


we are not great because we have the most land
we are awesome because of something within ourselves and our cultures
the land we own is only awesome because we own it

But the Patriarchy is real!


how does gravity work on this?

Not saying the earth is flat. But there are fishy things regarding our official information regarding space

NASA admits we are unable to pass the van allen belts today

Those intense layers of radiation between here and the moon

Yet we did so in the 60s?

And never went back.

Last civilians, non nasa employees to go up to space exploded before they could get there

Nasa also admits to an incredible amount of images of earth being composite i.e.photoshopped. a quick google search of 'satellites in space' affirms this. Which is another thing.

Officially there are over 5000 satellites orbiting earth. Where are the photos and videos to confirm this?

If the earth was rotating and orbiting the sun for hundreds of thousands of miles per hour and the sun itself is moving at millions of miles per hour.... And its been this way for billions of years Why do we see the same exact constellations over and over again

That space jump guy... Went above earth. Very high. Where the earths spin should be noticeable both visibly and physically. He stayed up there for hours. Then jumped...only to be a few mere miles from the ascension point.. when he should have landed thousands of miles away

If the moon landing was fake when officially its otherwise
Why believe anything they say regarding astronomy.

I would assume from the point of the artist/writer that it would fall on the old general sensibility of 'down is down' and didn't have too much thought to gravity. For anything of that shape to actually be sustained it would either have to be impossibly strong to not just collapse into a sphere anyway or have some weird toroidal gravitational well towards the edges as well as a central well .

You guys need tolerance concentration camp.

The earth is flat you fucking shills.

Oblate spheroid actually.

Could you provide some citation for some of this? not giving a lot to refute here, cuz a lot of this seems to be opinionable crap mixed with misleading information.

sounds pretty cool
would a spinning system with a massive object in the middle also work?

build a high fence around all white people so that the poor People of crime dont have to interact with us anymore

c'mon now nigga you sound less credible than a flat earther

and those can be denounced with a cesna or a telescoep

Not too sure, see a spinning system in that configuration that would not fall apart would have the central mass overpower the centripetal force generating the 'gravity' of the outer edges. or is it centrifugal? god, i know what i'm talking about mostly but i can never get the damn names right if there's more than one to similar forces.

t. lack of sources

also, shit bait

Look it up.

Basically, he new that on one day of the year, the sun would shine straight down that well (ie the sun passes directly overhead on that day, at midday). A year later, he measured the shadow of a tall building so many Stadia away, and by doing some geometry (calculating distances and angles etc) he was able to work out the diameter of our SPHERICAL earth to bout 8% accuracy.

Fucking Legend

proofs blease :DD

Pretty sure this guy is right about the motivation

except is it CIA driven or SJW or JEW or NSA or NRA or...

>Why is there suddenly a huge influx of flat earthers?

There isn't, what are you sliding?

Van allen belt complications


Composite imagery. Multiple similar official nasa releases


last Civilians to be launched up there

Satellite count:
pixalytics.com/sat-orbit-2015/ compare against lack of confirming footage

Look into the space jump yourself. Common sense really