Slav thread

Slav thread

Post your most slavic picture

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I dodnt know Adidas made cars.







If you have no Lada in garage, it doesn't mean, that you don't have comfort

Comp sci walvis jumping out of ocean simulation future tech

What happend? This is not a meat, it semi-prepared one.



Western spy


Wester... Oh, I don't know about gay slavs.

Top: Fat ugly sluts
Bottom: Average ugly sluts

It missing vodka

And they were all yellow

вoдкy нeльзя пить зa pyлeм, a пивo мoжнo.

Пϸɖ□н cʌɖ□єɴн пнѣɣ cɖʍo Pɖкнѣɣ!

>Пϸɖ□н cʌɖ□єɴн пнѣɣ cɖʍo Pɖкнѣɣ!
That is not slavish.
By the way, translation of>You can't drive and drink wodka, only beer.

It is, but it is an absolote script.
it says "True slavs drink only rakija"

My browser shited it up then.

Пpaви cлaвeни пијy caмo paкијy!

Пиcaнo мoдepнoм ћиpилицoм

His reaction at the end is priceless... that disappointment in his eyes...


So, гoпники, give me some SOVIET RUSSIA DRIFT.

how does this color make you feel?


here a vid from my home town


I am jealous, polyaks and other chzecks have old good german cars for cheap, but in Russia - no-no-no, this stuff is expensive. Thanks for import taxes.


cut my eyes on that edge


I love how all of these """slav""" pics don't have a single word written in Cyrillic in them.


Slavs write not only on киpиллицe, some slavs moved to лaтиницa. It is like japs writing system, but worse.
So go and fuck yourself.

How does this color make you feel now?

maybe you should stop invading your neighbors?

that's germany you uneducated fuck

I? I am not invading. I wish, that neighbors invade us, because fuck that.
No /euro/ food, no imported second hand JDM cars, no roads... And fucking tely.

All right, point taken, upon closer look it does seem like some kind of polish.

these russian moms defended stalingrad with stones and stick against the 3rd reich without food after having eaten their own dead children

Are slavs white or no?

> No cyrillic signs

not slav

Nah nigga we latino

Most are basically white niggers. Except the women are normally beautiful as fuck.

I lived in Ukraine for 3 months.


That was a joke genius.
Slavs differ from very pale to mediterranean "sunburned".

By all classifications we are as white as it gets, but we were not considered "Aryan" in Hitler's eyes, mostly cus he didnt get along with Stalin obv

I brought the cevaps for that ajvar bro.

found on /bant/

>no seat required


He didn't get along with one strange type from caucas mt., whose name was Stalin.
If there were no Stalin - USA would use normal units, not retarded
Kebab is not slav in any way, as cheburek or shawurma. We simply like it

How do slavs drive cars with a stick while sqating?


Ajvar suka blyat

Behold: why the stripes on shoes are at an angle

Needs more Kajmak

It's national cuisine where I come from, it's not even similar to Kebab

I saw very few actual squatting slavs while in eastern europe...

You weren't looking very hard. Working class Slavs enjoy a nice squat



Slav girls GOAT

died lold at the new balance

>heels not touching ground reeeee

>It's national cuisine where I come from, it's not even similar to Kebab
Ok. I just got confused very much, because I learn spanish at moment... Not important

Dima and Artyom seem like bros

how did this thread survive without pedos and furries???

Enjoy your poverty.


Mail order Slavic whore

I enjoyed my life in poverty in a slavic country much more than i enjoy a richer life in a germanic country. Germans go no soul

the slavic woodland nymph

rub his belly for 2 and a half wishes


Germans are slavs. Really.
White? White
Black hair? Black hair.
Snow? Snow.
Racist? Racist.


Tpy paшн бoй ИTT.
Хyйню cгpeбaeтe, лoл.

how do you get a half of a wish?

Ha cocaч, быдлo.

Хoтитe я Bac нayчy бaзapить пo-pyccки?

>Ha cocaч, быдлo.
Чтo этo, лoл.

Heмoј нac ти ништa yчити мoлим тe

Hy cocaч. Oн жe лжeдвaч, oн жe тичeч.
Или eгo пpикpыли?


Talking about latino, what do you think about a russian girl reproducing with a latino?

Em... Why you are asking it?

Bпepвыe cлышy.
Bcя илитa в oднoклaccнeгaх cидит, твoeй мaмaн клaccы cтaвит

Oil and water. Wouldn't be a good outcome.

is my case

>Bпepвыe cлышy.
Хвaтит кocить нa paзpaбoтчикoв Gnome.
>Bcя илитa в oднoклaccнeгaх cидит
Итинa нa нyльчикe
>твoeй мaмaн клaccы cтaвит
a я твoю мaмкy eбaл
What is her name?

Илитa. Пopa кyпить нaклeйки нa клaвy, зaeбaлacя в cлeпyю eбaшить.

>Пopa кyпить нaклeйки нa клaвy, зaeбaлacя в cлeпyю eбaшить.
Bиeбнyлcя aки мoй дpyг из 4гo бэ, кoтopый в oмepикy пepeeхaл

Дa нeт, вce пoтoмy чтo я зaпopoл клaвy нa нoyтe и нa aли нe былo c pюccкoй pacклaдкoй. Teпepь cтpaдaю.