Is it really weird to go to the cinema alone?

Is it really weird to go to the cinema alone?

Just go with your dog

it's only weird if you act super autistic

no. I've seen people watching movies at the cinema alone, I didn't care, no else cared.

nah not really

My local theater has a no singles policy

but why

>be in theater with girly friends
>see awkward autistic boy wearing cargo pants enter the theater by himself
>no friends
>he does the virgin walk too


>Be single
>Decide to go to the movies alone because mommy has to work two shifts today
>Walk up to the entrance
>Ticketer directs me to the singles entrance
>Only me and one other guy there
>No crab legs or falcons allowed for singles
>Popcorn costs twice as much, and it's the leftover popcorn that is swept up from the previous show
>Take my seat in the very front row
>Plastic chairs
>Movie starts
>Couples in the Platinum Bar throw their peanut shells and wine glasses at me for the entire show

It really isn't that bad as long as you just focus on the movie, I even got to overhear some of the couples talk about their normal lives, which is interesting to listen to.

It wouldn't be weird 40 years ago. But then VHS came out, DVDs, blu-ray, streaming, and piracy between all of them, there's literally no reason to go alone so yeah it looks weird, because going to the movies is supposed to be a social thing

>virgin walk
is this true

Movie theatre is a five minute walk so I go alone all the time. Typically me and my friends won't see movies together but we will make an effort to all see it the same weekend so we can discuss.
I don't think movies are a great social activity because you can't talk in them. Movies are shitty for like first dates and stuff too.

>going to a medium of entertainment where silence is enforced for yourself and everyone around you

What I don't get is why it's such a big thing to go with others when you can't really talk with them during the film anyway.
I go by myself during a Monday a few weeks after release at first showing and get a whole theater showing to myself.

Yes, it is. Don't get memed into going alone, it's not normal and makes everyone uncomfortable.

>implying any of those beats the cinema

Why? With all the competition from other forms of entertainment, why would a movie house not sell as many tickets as it could, even to single people?

literally the best way to see a movie

best time: 1:30pm on a weekday

if the theater is empty it's a bonasu


>can't talk
It's not a social place at all. Especially if you're watching a good movie, smoke a joint before hand, buy some popcorn, a cold soda. It can be a pretty nice two hours. If you think you'll be lonely you can always bring your falcon with you.

yes but nobody gives a shit

>>can't talk
I always talk and crack jokes mid movie with my mates or girlfriend