Can someone give me a tl;dw on the first blade runner movie...

can someone give me a tl;dw on the first blade runner movie ? i want to watch the new one without watching the first one.

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guy's a detective that kills people who were created to be slaves (replicants)

replicants are people

guy falls in love with one named Rachel and runs away

that's it.

Thanks man.


Terrible summary.

Movie is about guys without legs who run on blades. Harrison Ford plays the fastest one who inspires his peers by murdering his girlfriend and then pretending that he thought she was a burglar.

Three decades later, real life blade runner inspired and tries to replicant it to lesser results.

>entirely missing the entire point of the movie, that Deckard was a replicant but didn't know

> Wishes to skip the superior film
> Would rather watch the ultimate inferior one.
Kys faggot

Fuck you, the original is one of the greatest movies ever made.


Debatable. Only two people on set even subscribed to that interpretation.

Ridley Scott interview 52 minutes in

yeah, but one was the director of the movie

hmmmmmmmm I'm just seeing credits 52 mins in

Who is also kinda intellectually bankrupt if you ever read or hear him talk about his own movies.

He got his start shooting commercials for a reason.

Robots are really smart.
They think they are real people.
They are willing to fight, and kill for rights.
Dickerd (Han Solo) has to put those crazy ones down.
Turns out, he is just a robot too.
He also loves another robot woman that has sweet shoulder pads and an owl.

my bad, 50 mins

otherwise the unicorn dream and the origami are meaningless

Just watch the fucking movie.

one being the fucking director

>everyone knows Deckard is a replicant
>Deckard dreams about unicorn
>Gaff makes origami unicorn to laugh at Deckard

makes sense to me, if Deckard isn't a replicant then the whole unicorn/origami thng is nonsense

it's artificial?

Yeah... also the second movie would be a lot less interesting too, the whole baby thing.
Wouldn't be too out of the ordinary if one of the parents was actually human.

The owl? Yes


I enjoyed the new movie but it was sadly lacking in memorable dialog compared to the original

Harrison Ford rides around in a floating car and investigates shit

That's because it IS nonsense. It's shit Scott added in at the last second because Edward James Olmos fucking talked him into it. EVERYONE involved in the production agreed it was stupid and makes no fucking sense in context of the rest of the story.

For basic starters, if Harrison Ford is a Replicant, then why does he constantly get thrown around? If they kept his settings modified to disallow the possibility that he'll know he was a Replicant, why send a weak fucking limited goddamn Replicant to kill a bunch of warrior Replicants?


His continued existence in the sequel suggests everyone but fucking Ridley also agrees.

and yet the last lines of that documentary are him saying that the unicorn is there because Deckard is a replicant

All the memorable dialogue in the original was adlibbed by Rutger.

why put something as utterly incongruous as a fucking unicorn in that movie then? why do it again with the origami?

the only way it makes any sense is if Gaff knew what Deckard dreamed at the piano, the only way he'd know that is if he knew what memories Deckard had implanted

And yet, I don't care because Ridley Scott is one of hundreds of people involved in a commercial project that he didn't even have final cut on initially. It's clear the studio didn't think much of his intention either.

And again, the guy is intellectually bankrupt. In the same documentary, he basically acknowledges ripping off dozens of other artists to create the look of the movie, and then goes onto to claim having created a whole new visual aesthetic at the end of the doc. He's a bullshit artist (IE Hollywood studio director)...not an auteur.

>without watching the first one
You're just doing yourself a disservice.

The studio were really keen to cut "confusing" scenes from the movie after a few test screenings. If the unicorn didn't advance the plot then why leave it in?

The only reason to have it there is to show that Gaff knew about the dream.

And again, it's a stupid idea Olmos came up with to begin with. He also came up with a stupid language he gave so little of a shit about that he didn't even bother to use it in the sequel.

Olmos was an asshole method actor back in the day. He meddled. Scott listened. Nobody else did. Then the rough cut came out and dumbass fanboys decided that Ridley Scott was an auteur whose stupid opinions about the movies he was put in charge of really merited serious discussion.

And yet, look at what he's done with the Alien mythology when given say...he's absolutely ruined it because he has bad, unintelligent ideas about science fiction, horror, technology, religion, etc.

He's really good at shooting things pretty though.

And again, who gives a fuck about Gaff. He's a minor character. The only reason the unicorn thing is given prominence...and again, I cannot emphasize this enough, is because Olmos conned Scott into trying to make his role more important by adding that shit in.

bad bait is bad

the unicorn shit was in there because Harris Ford was a replicant and the unicorn symbolizes that. He's a mythical creature. The fact that Gaff knew about those dreams is because they were implanted.

If anything you shouldn't bother with 2049, the original is much better.

First green text attempt, witness me
>Be detective, official title is Blade Runner (we find and "retire" rogue Replicants, they're created, not born)
> Boss tells me that people were killed by a small group of rogue replicants, would rather be drinking but need money for the sauce and I don't know what else I'd be doing.
>Boss gives me small rundown of group and the possible leader, a military purpose replicant, even stronger and smarter than regular replicants, better not get cocky
>Visit HQ of Tyrell Corp., Tyrell being the "father" of the Replicants, powerful and rich because of his products success
>Waiting for someone to address me presence, see an owl
>Hear high heels clicking coming towards me
>see 10/10 woman, ask her if the owl is real
>She says it's artificial
>Tyrell comes out and asks me to administer a voiught-kampf test, test that looks at your response to questions which reveal if you're a replicant or human on the woman, her name is Rachel.
>Image related during test, she's amazing, think I'm in love, didn't think it was possible, don't let it show, I won't believe it either
>Ask her 100 questions, results say she's a replicant but normally it only takes 20 questions to detect a Replicants
>Tyrell tells me, after he dismisses Rachel, that she's actually an experiment

im getting a feeling 2049 is as disappointing as the star wars 'prequels'; all style and no substance

Rip I just made a green text, hope it's not, I was too enthusiastic to give a green text a shot

Noooo it's not, not at all, it's a great movie. It's also a great sequel, actually

tl dr

don drink soda unless you are a your home waching his movie

>had o hold in piss las 40 minues

(my t buon is fucked on my keyboard lol)

Kek, but rip


Saved you 2+ hours of nonsense. The second is far better and doesn't need much more context than there's robots, but they're called replicants.

I actually enjoyed it more than the original. As great as the original was quite boring at times. The visuals would have been great for the 80s (and they were celebrated for this) but the new one I found far better. It with similar philosophical questions of what makes a conscious being, and adds another dimension that I honestly think we are already beginning to see - the role of AI in combating loneliness through relationships. An AI like Joi isn't far from being developed, and with how convincing some of those sex dolls in Japan are getting it's not long before neck beards have one more reason to never leave the basement.

how about watch the old one and not the new one. The new one sucked baby assholes and was 4 hundred hours long

Nvm fuck it, too lazy to do this 2 more times
The big questions or conflicts in the movie are if since they're created and not made, should they have rights? They're treated as property and considered it, when they rebel, they are "retired" with a bullet, and what does it mean to be human?

>Hollywood exec scum bags saw a book
>said "hey, we could fuck this shit up"
>so they did and illiterate garbage eaters ate it up
Stay away from this dreck

Watch the fucking movie moron

old movie nothing like book. kinda neato, sorta dragged. Book was practically trash. movie meh

Totally enjoyed the book, but reading it before watching the movie was a mistake, I could not enjoy the movie because of that

The new film confirms that ain't true, it's now officially bullshit

It's actually better than the original

underrated post