Black mirror

>Black mirror
>That first new episode of the season
>Absolutely amazing season
>What do you think?

San junipero was done well

That point rating system is just terrifying, this is about social media and our lives from today...

Those tits really are amazing

>the perfect man
>does anything
>says anything
>all to make her happy
>still not happy
women tho

I think you aren't someone who typically lurks Sup Forums and need to go to the place where people of your intelligence level and disposition typically talk.

The system would just be abused. People would sit around all day 5 staring eachother. Or hire asians to farm ratings for them.

Wait, why would you say that?

OP btw.

San Jun>Nosedive>Shut up and Dance, BEES >Men v Fire>Playtest

There would be diminishing returns if you got ratings from the same person too frequently I expect. We know there is some kind f weighting system in place (votes from high Fours count for extra, remember) so this seems very likely.

The rating episode is the most plausible of all Black Mirror premises. It just drives social dogma to its extremities: the popular become more popular, and the losers lose even more.

Because you like something I don't like

Nice try.

He writes like one.

>OP btw

I bet chris evans is super jealous this ginger got to feel up those tits and not him.

Her acting was awful. I get that she was suppose to be forced and twee but Jesus Christ was it annoying.

which episode do those show up?

ah, she was fine. The pacing of that episode was way off.

Look past your waifu/mommy issues and you'll see that it was awful. Felt nothing for her and really wanted to turn off the episode.

San junipero fucked my shit up. Got misty eyed watching it with my girlfriend. Had to hide my face for a second so she wouldn't see what a fag I am

Me one the right

I didn't feel anything for it really, have you had an elderly loved one die or something?

Not that user but look past YOUR issues pal, she was great. It was an outsized, stylized performance and it fit. May be triggering to the autistic.

>mommy issue
projecting much?

whatever bro. that episode was boring.

>this is a 3.7 in Black Mirror

wtf he's like the best looking guy in the entire series?

Nah man. It was just such a beautiful story. I totally bought the romance. It was so well written, so three dimensional. Oh and the cinematography and editing was top notch -- kino, if you will.

They said bc he only keeps to his low-rated gamer bros

Sup Forums is a touchy place

I wouldn't fuck him.

It was alright, wouldn't call it Kino but I'm glad you enjoyed it.

would you have preferred they called you faggot instead?

>that's a 3.7

Oh are women now using the sharp elbow system?

Women have been operating on the pointy knees system forever

do you think she's the kind of girl who could achieve orgasm exclusively from nipple play?

>3rd season
>suddenly threads
>no threads when 1st and 2nd season was on
somethin is fishy here

That face earns the 3.7 honestly

but there were, and for the xmas special

it wasnt as huge then