It's been a rough week. Come indulge in a non-porn webm thread with me

It's been a rough week. Come indulge in a non-porn webm thread with me

animals are fucking dope
luv them 'mals

Dude, that goose is a badass






It's only wednesday, my dude. Must be pretty rough already


It certainly has.
And that was absolutely putrid lmao








Those birds are huge assholes. I have no problem walking far out of the way from them.

No matter how many times I see this GIF, it always seems absolutely surreal. All the people coming out of the woodworks


Absolute geniuses on hand for this one.


Magnapinna squid

This lady throws a fucking full size table across the room, deflects a metal chair thrown at her, then catches a second metal chair right after that. Imagine being her kid and you fucked something up, i'd just run away forever rather than feel her wrath.

I'm high as fuck and I'm in awe. This dude ain't shook.

The strike itself and aftermath to the occupants is interesting, but all those people. Fucking creepy shit.





Are they from the future?


Is that camera controlled with digital input


i want to die what a great pupperoni

I don't understand. Can someone translate this for me?


Nice post. I watched this like ten times.

How much damage did the post suffer

That was satisfying!

Looks like the car that got rekt was passing a stopped car, and it was the intention of the driver that made this video to cause a crash.



Is this how folks with OCD get their cuck on?



Guy on left is a metaphor for society

>jews want to destroy this

Oh what a good boy I see

Yep sure.

Goose has most likely nested in a field and the cows are now getting too close for comfort. It is defending it's nest.

Cows are fucking with the goose because it doesn't seem to be running away from their show of force over the goose being in their field.

Cows are also complete idiots.

Op said non porn

Why isn't the goose an idiot for laying eggs in a field where 1000lb animals routinely walk around?

Love me a non-porn thread



This is why they failed to advance.

niggers goan nig





That's a Beagle alright... they're crazy for food.

jews created this


What did they create?



Hmm, that one might require a band-aid.



You're an idiot.

Complete opposite ends of doge spectrum

My fucking sides


should rename this one. that is actually called turning, not milling.


you know if she would have been offered a bowl of ice cream at that moment she would of eaten it


I hate you

they just came from here maybe

Hey, at least we know they invented something.



sleep tight, pupper

The fuck is the third thing she does?









Furries' pedo-dream

Two of my favorite cat videos ever.

Nerve gas iirc

the fact that ive seen a nig have the exact same reaction to a magic trick fucking makes my day

