I still can't believe they thought this scene looked good enough to air

I still can't believe they thought this scene looked good enough to air.

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It was never meant to be le ebin bad-ass hitjob xD
It was meant to as short, humiliating and clumsy as it actually appeared
Watch shows better, pleb

So is was designed to be terribly shot and acted, lacking continuity from the people who magically disappeared and filmed with a prop gun that looked like a prize from a Christmas cracker?

what gun is that?

Man, the sopranos had some of the worst gun props I've never seen in a show.

>terribly shot
>terribly acted
>lacking continuity
Nice opinions dickhead. where's your proof?
How hard do you want a guy to act while he's walking down a road? What? You felt like he wasn't strolling realistically enough for you? You felt that he should have method acted being shot in the head? Here's an idea, fuckface - shoot yourself in the fucking head.

Any other examples?

there were some pretty shitty "hit" sequences in the show, like this one


>be a mobster
>random italian guys try to block your car and ask for directions
>sit there and talk to them because this is totally fine and not at all suspicious

>0 recoil

Even for a gun that size there would be some, hate watching scenes where people shoot guns and you can tell it's nothing but blanks.

It's really not that bad and it didn't take away from the show or the episode so who cares


s3 is inferior (also, largely s4)

holy shit, is this actually a scene from the sopranos? i thought sopranos was GOAT and a really high quality show to watch. people kept saying it was better than breaking bad.

im not sure if seeing this makes me want to watch it more or less.


>this is worthy of so much (((praise)))

I know. That was horrendous. I am not into guns but Christ. Zero recoil, and the fucking slide didn't even move. My brain went: 'Wtf are we looking at?'

That was worse and less realistic than a fucking cartoon.

Is this a comedy


>better than breaking bad
it's so much better if you're not full on pleb

What's this Sopranos character's famous line?

Slide doesn't go back, no shell ejection, zero recoil? Its like watching a shorty teenage YouTube home movie.

this is the only major flaw


How does that in the pic happen?

it was a different time (you were a fetus)

>no more o' this

A couple different things can cause a "squib round", usually just an insufficient charge. This fool got a bullet stuck in his barrel and kept on squeezing. He's lucky to be alive if he is

Nah, season 3 and 4 were great. But, to be honest, I'm half way through season 5 now and the quality took a nosedive. Someone please tell me if it picks up in the second half.

season 5 is the GOAT season but leave this thread now or someone will spoil it

I think it might also bear mentioning that revolvers allow some of the expanding gas to escape, which would go some way in explaining why the fucking thing didn't explode.

What puzzles me is, why the fuck did he reload and fire another two rounds? That's fucked.

Looks like it was done as a factory test by smith and Wesson, they do these squib tests to see how much pressure the gun can take before exploding and how slow a round can go before squibbing et cetera.

>it was meant to be bad

I know nothing about guns, so I ask: A blank bullet is also a bullet and would have to use the same procedure to be "fired" from the gun? (the gun doesn't know whether the bullet is a blank or not)
I guess my question is if the gun has a sliding part, would it move with a blank?
How do you know when it's a blank on-screen?

Nah, there's some shit that really turned me off so far
>Tony being a bitch about being made fun of
>Chrissy trying to kill Tony after thinking Adriana blew him
>Tony driving out to the middle of nowhere and practically mock executing Chris instead of just knocking him around
>All the shit with Tony courting Dr. Melfi
>Johnny Sack flipping his shit in every scene he's been in
>Everything about that Lorraine Calluzzo character and by extension every scene she's in

They added that "A fucking broad from Whereverthefuck" line in post production right?

thats actually pretty good
>non a shitty on gun like in the OP video
>he reacts to a gunshot in close quaters blowing out his ear drums

That's shooped right? I can't believe I haven't noticed that before, you're fucking with me right? Right?

Well yeah, I gathered if you warp the barrel, the bullet can get stuck. What I didn't get is how it would keep from just disintegrating considering it's plugged. I guess you addressed it although I still question the practicality and sheer sanity (?) of continuing to fire once the first one gets stuck, let alone 6 more times.

I guess this makes sense .


>Pretty good

>Gun has no recoil at all
>Just stares at the gun with no emotion

She died like the week before filming, so they took her head and morphed it onto another actresses body for one last episode.

A FAMAS with tactical grip and short barrel.

I was never too bothered about the gun props, what pissed me off more than anything is the amount of times they whacked somebody in a public place and left the gun and/or their fingerprints at the scene.

even if its a blank, a prop gun fired that close to somebody can injure or even kill them. So it shouldnt cycle anything
and he went from talking to his buddy to pulling a gun out and shooting him in the face. Philly didnt have time to react

there were no fingerprints back then

>no fingerprints back then

>Chrissy trying to kill Tony after thinking Adriana blew him
This is completely realistic though? If anything Adrianna wanting to fuck Tony out of nowhere bothered me.

agreed. something like chris/tony walking around the house when they killed ralph. there's no way they scrubbed every surface of fingerprints/made sure they dropped any hairs. and also chris/paulie killing the waiter outside the seafood restaurant.

but then again, it's a tv show. one has to suspend disbelief.