Heres the deal, My scumbag family member moved back in after blowing it with a couple who wanted to turn him around...

Heres the deal, My scumbag family member moved back in after blowing it with a couple who wanted to turn him around. He is a sociopath who manipulates people to the point where they don't notice it. He steals from me and there is no way to get rid of him because the owner of the house(a closer family member to me than him) will not put any family out on the streets. Anyone have some booby traps that are easy to make that wont kill him, but teach him not to steal from me?


buy a safe, keep all your valuables in there. problem solved.


what does he steal? money? drugs?

he'd steal any valuables i have i can buy a safe big enough, if i could i would've

not when you use your valuables every day and don't have the money to buy a safe

put a couple masterlocks on your drawers or something.
it cant be THAT bad dude

it's that bad, depraved heroin addicts are more creative than prison inmates with life sentences, He'd go as far to break the dresser and my setup with computer and gaming consoles is more than monotonous to untangle all the wires.

a fucking rude ass note!

hide in your room with bat

a rude ass note he will crumple up and steal my shit after reading

Why don't you just beat him up every time he steals from you?
like a dog he'll learn that stealing gets his ass kicked.

He'll either stop stealing or move somewhere else.
stomp his hands and scream in his face, these people only speak one language and it's violence.

if you're a pussy and you can't fight, then you can't be helped.
move out or have him arrested.

not possible and in that situation i would likely get in trouble

I have thought of this and i would easily kick his ass, the problem is though that any altercations with the police will send me straight to jail along with others in my house, and that is guaranteed. he won't move anywhere else because we are the absolut last people who will take him in, and even then it's one persons decision.

Hidden camera, record him stealing, then go to cos and have him arrested. Alternatively find his heroin stash and make sure next time he takes a hot shot. One less useless junkie on the streets.

set him up. make it look like he was going to kill your mom (obviously the owner of the house)

fake depraved rape fantasies will do too

not the owner of the house, my mother hates him equally and happily would think of a plan to get rid of him with me

he's gay so this wouldn't work as well

Just inject his own drugs in him while he's asleep and make him OD.

good idea but i don't trust it, he probably doesnt have a stash due to the fact that he borrows money he cant pay back to buy drugs with


Then why don't you just passively abuse him?
Call him names all day, trash his stuff, tell people what a piece of shit he is, flick him and smack him.

if getting the police involved will send everyone to jail, why would he risk contacting them if you beat him up?

Where do you live that you can't deal with the police? are you a criminal yourself, some scumbag who can't deal with other scumbags?

steal off of him, fight fire with fire. quit laying down like a bitch and take action, what the fuck is wrong with you pussy nobody is going to save you, save yourself.

this op, mentally break him

We don't want to hear your nigger shit

Move out
Seriously, Go live in a 2br house with 3 other people if you have to, go live your life.

so then u have proof he was there? I thought thats what u wanted?
You want a fucking flashbang? Get a flashbang!
LTL weapon?

fucking kill yourself there's problems with probation and if i start doing that shit the sick bastard will find any way to ruin our lives, some lady who was nothing but nice to him can never see her kids again due to him, you wouldnt mess with that crazy nut either


you get the idea. be creative

i'm not black, i'm as white as white can get

the problem is that we don't have enough money and this house is free

where would i be able to legally buy a flashbang

Who is 'we'? I'm talking about you.

no joke take a shit on your floor. i ain't messing around here, bucko. shit on floor. shit on it and let him step in it. he does it once he ain't trying nothing again. and it'll stop him from stealin other peoples things too. "oh boy." he'd say, "i wanna steal but what if shit step." badda bing badda boom.

Look nigger if he hasn't nicked your computer and mine craft game station he won't shill your fifty cents in change.
Turns out heroin is expensive and whatever you own won't be enough for a dime sake.
Get over yourself.

you said the other people, I wouldn't be able to support myself either, that's why i'm not gone, also i would never leave family in the same house as that nut alone, he's been violent to othe

yeah and then theres shit smell in my carpet and he'd probably still steal stuff

Move out and grow up.. What makes you think he's gonna steal your minecraft machine.
What a little baby you are.

Get a job and move out if he's that much of a problem get the others in the family to send him to the nut house.
Or grow the fuck up get a job and move out yourself.
Fucking child you are.

I meant other people as in other people, Go live with other people somewhere else.

Get a job, or go on welfare, or find a hustle

Fuck yo family, it's their choice to have him there

If you're just going to make excuses and want to live somewhere for free, then deal with it.

and the mad nigger reveals himself to be a probation slave.
Armed Robbery? Assault? Theft? what did YOU do?
Why should anyone feel bad for some worthless nigger criminal who can't even solve his own problems? You brought this on yourself you dirt bag ape

If somebody was fucking my shit up, I would fight them like a man. or alert the authorities to his criminal activities. Unlike you I'm not a criminal probation nigger, and I don't feat police officers. only criminals don't like dealing with cops, and you living at that house makes you just as bad.
You probably don't even have anything worth stealing, assuming you didn't steal it yourself.

get a job and move out nigger

Move out. After reading your responses, you have no other choice.

If it's true, the guy is a sociopath, you're fucked.. If you booby-trap anything, he'll have no problem fucking you up while you sleep (he won't give a shit about the cops).

You can't fuck him up or fuck with him because of your fear of pissing off anybody or getting the cops involved.

Get your illegal ass out of there.

Get a job and move out you pussy hipster fag.
I bet you are a little girl too you faggot bigger.
Move the fuck out and get a job.
>WAH but he's violent
So fucking what move out and you never deal with him.
Jesus fuck youre a loser and a coward.

This op doesnt have a fucking job buts he's afraid he's gonna get his loose change stolen.
I bet this dude didn't even do anything to faggot op.

Point well taken. I never even considered what he was trying to "protect." Probably the only one pair of clean underwear in the house.

bleach in the shampoo

lol i have 53 days on minecraft but i stopped playing a couple years ago

Take my advice and get rid of him off your house. You do not have to accept guests that arent family.

its one persons choice for him to live here we have no say only the owner wants him here

im not on probation a close person is on their last strike and any violation in the house gets them arrested

Funny yet your white trash family must be cucked to have a guest nigger they can't kick out. That's a time bomb for them. Must be fun.

Get a job, rent the cheapest apartment you can, rent some floor space to another broke faggot, or any of your family that also don't want to be there.
Seriously, There are ton's of 'young adults' that rent 2br places, and 5 people live there, and between them they pay the bills, have internet and smoke weed, or hang out at the skate park or mall all day while on welfare. It's not hard.

Then narc on him bro.

i honestly know you're a cretin who doesn't have any real connections with people

My moneys on that's somebody's son brother and OP is the spic cousin that won't pay rent

Should leave that white addict alone bro....

i'm the immediate family of the owner of the house and have lived here my whole life, i'm in college and can't afford that and my own apartment

Lives at home, for free, is fed, for free, has internet, for free, sent to school and college, for free.
Annoying relative moves in, how could this happen to me!?

i pay for my own college, the internet, and we don't need to pay for food, a family member is a food distributor

this is also how i know you've never had a problem of your own and lived a free life with no problems

I'm mocking you for being a snowflake, and your best retort "no u"

lol don't pay attention to the fact that i pay my dues and only return it to me calling you out on being a faggot babied through life

op, are you strong enough to beat him up? i mean heroin addicts cant be that strong right... hit him a few times like 3-5 times in the face/chest to get the point across. if you're not strong enough hit him in the chest to knock the wind out of him make him scared a little get your point across "dont touch my shit, or next time will be 10x worse" all that shit.

Put pieces of paper in drawers/door. Let your family members know you’re setting him up. Show them the paper on the floor that will be there after he attempts to open your door. Proof first. If they don’t care, beat his ass. I’ve been in fights with my sister before and yes, while they say they’ll send both of you to jail, most likely they’ll ask if you want to charge each other and just tell you both to chill the fuck out. Repeat when necessary.

Checked but
user, listen to me.
You, trying to sound like you fit's just a sight for sore eyes. Let's me know that the eternal summer reigns on supreme.

Honestly I'd respect a criminal more than someone that speaks like you.

I don't like cops, and I've been on Probo before for a DUI on LSD because I was with my ex gf and we were doing a little thing called living? Making mistakes? Something you probably assume you don't ever make. And we all could assume you aren't really living, anyone that finds the need to be this heated at random people for their life choices, and to make it appear like any crime entitles you to a life of hellish shit, honestly is probably a way bigger shit bag then every criminal in your closest jail combined into one super inmate to rape your stupid ass.

LmaROFL at Ur lyfe bucko

See, this is why people, and your family pick on you. Their tired of your man child bullshit all day.

didnt read thread

lol can't wait for tragedy to strike your life, you hypocrite

lol you got that from?

dude a junkie wont call the cops on you. lets be real you beat him up what kind of "real" repercussions could happen? the owner of the house kicks you out for defending your property? quit being a beta bitch and quit crying wolf on Sup Forums. just grow a pair.

You've lived at home you're entire life, and want to 'booby trap' your room like a fucking school girl because you feel someone is picking on you.
Despite countless reply's suggesting 'man up or move out', here you are making excuses and getting sidetracked by name calling, again like a school girl.
You should feel lucky said guy picking on you hasn't decided to fuck your sissy ass yet

Dust his underwear with a little fentynol or however you spell it, no one will inspect his sweaty balls for powder, and even if they did, they'd just assume that's where he kept his stash.

a psychopathic junkie who made sure a woman wouldnt get custody of her kids will call the police lol

why would they read your shit thread?

someone has had an easy life and doesn't understand

Lmao how am I
And it did, and since its LIFE I just kept going. Instead of breaking. And yea, the point of probo is to give you a warning, It's supposed to be for those of us that deserve that second chance, that didn't outright steal someone's life from under them, it's supposed to be an alternative to serving time. I was a college student, living in the dorms, failing out and losing my mind. I had a wild night with the girl I loved and I honestly don't regret anything except driving. I could have hurt someone, that's true. I'm lucky, glad I didn't.

But that's not the fucking point.
The point fucking has always been that being labeled a criminal doesn't mean you deserve to be scum. If the law in your land states the weed you like is illegal federally but legally statewide, you're a criminal if you smoke and that right there is what over 25 of the USA MEMBERS are experiencing. Are you really trying to make the point that any criminal activity, from smoking pot illegally/ legally to DUI and B&E's all should get the same treatment? A methed-out violent thug robber is the same as your Great aunt Nancy in Colorado hitting a blunt?

he does that demand they do a piss test. he's on parole right? dude just trust me if he is psychopathic he's smart enough to not call the cops

And you're pathetic to boot. Good job.

SeeCall 911 the instant he drops, they'll narcan him and toss his ass in jail.

Sneak into his room and short-sheet him. Do this every day. He’ll crack

Fart on his pillow every chance you get

Hang a life size Frankenstein poster in his closet. That’ll scare him right out of the house