Be me

>Be me
>High school sophomore, beginning of august
>Fourth block is English class
>I don't mind English, I've just always hated it since my teachers were absolute "weirdos"
>Ms. S was no different
>She had a very strange obsession with Ladybugs
>41, single, owns two cats named Red and Spot
>Never goes a day without mentioning ladybugs
>Fucking ladybugs
>Her room was immensely decorated with those red and black fuckers
>Get an idea
>Manage to compile $50 through chores and shit
>Go to some garden store
>Ask big bro to drive me to store
>He does but makes me listen to Nirvana
>Big bro is 20 and I've just turned 16
>Ask him to buy as many ladybugs as he can (store didn't allow minors to buy them)
>He agrees, takes $5 for himself (for either gas or weed)
>Comes back with 6 or 7 bags, totaling at around 10,000 ladybugs
>I start giggling like an autist, plotting my plan for tomorrow

yes please

dont keep us waiting user


Part II

>I stash the bugs somewhere early in the morning so they aren't squished under my binders
>In my locker is fine (PE was third so I can grab them right before)
>Bell rings, first block
>Sit through class, thinking of where to place the little fuckers
>Second block, finally got it: in her desk
>Third block, PE
>Ran the mile, sucked ass but I finished in time
>I head back to my PE locker and grab the red and black bugs
>Notice a few of our soldiers have perished
>May they rest in peace
>Grab the bags, flick the dead bugs out of locker
>Carefully place into bag, rush over to English
>Unbelievably, Ms. S left her door slightly ajar for Student Gov.
>Notice room is empty, sneak inside like a Seal Team 6 Member
>Open her desk drawer where she keeps pens and shit (she's very organized, I'll give her that)
>Place all of them into drawer, few escape
>Eh, just a couple. Who cares?
>Exit classroom, leave door slightly open
>Looked untouched
>Stealth level increases 60+
>Wait in bathroom for a few minutes, bell finally rings
>It's time for everything to com into place
>Leave restroom, walk over to class
>She's outside door, smiling, revealing her piss yellow teeth
>I take my seat and pull out my binder, waiting for the event to unfold

hurry up....

Shouldve typed it out before

Mfw ladybugs all died

Should've fucked her wearing a ladybug costume

Op is fag
Fag is op

Where you at, OP?


I feel teased.


Part III
(Computer crashed, sorry for delay)
>She walks into class and takes her seat in chair
>Notices one of the escaped bugs
>Talks to it in a "baby" voice
>"Hey little guy, how are you?"
>"Are you lost?"
>No, he's a warning
>She smiles at the bug and reaches for binder to take attendance
>Starts to open the drawer
>A swarm of red insects burst out all at once
>Literal fear is on her face
>Screams along with a few other students
>9,500-10,000 lady bugs all frantically flying around class
>Currently laughing my ass off in class
>She opens door and forces them out
>Most of the bugs escape, others just chill on desks, backpacks, etc.
>She runs out of class to fetch the principal
>He comes by, sees about 500 or so bugs remaining
>He lines up against wall outside, teacher crying subtly
>"Who did this? Huh!? Who did this?"
>Current Mission: Do Not Laugh
>Mission Failed: Snickered
>Principal looks right at me
>"Was it you?"
>No, I just thought it was very funny, I replied, giggling
>"Well... Who did it?"
>"It was user, I saw him"
>How could I forget?
>I completely did not notice the kid in the corner, sitting on the floor, designing a poster for homecoming
>At this time, I knew I was fucked


Bump for interest




Lady bugs are savages.
I had two praying mantis in my garden for bug control. Around October they lay a nest full of like 900 baby mantis.
In the spring it hatches and they fight for territorial rights. One season a I found two lady bugs eating all the baby mantis. Wiped em right out.

Shut the fuck up nobody goddamn cared about fucking insects really sorry too much tequila

Bro, I'm going to go to school for entomology take that back.

Hahaha rollin


Rollin for what? Fucking newfag

Rolling laughing goddamn it

you saved it there new fag but it was a bad save

Rollin this cock right into your mums fat ass!!

Part IV: The End

>Suspended for about a week
>Parents find out
>Angry as the devil
>Big bro comes to me, says that was very unexpected of me but very well worth it
>Go back to school after suspension
>Here best friend give me new name after the event
>The Ladybug Man
>Could do better, but 16-year -old me thought it was the funniest shit
>PE ends, time for English
>Walk in, slightly in shock
>Every piece of red and black décor had been ripped from the walls
>Even the calendar was replaced with a generic one with dogs on it
>Teacher not wearing any red or black
>Probably traumatized her
>She sees me and scolds
Just smile and wave, boys.
>Makes her angrier
>I sit down and try to catch up on my work
>Pretty caught up, friend help me out
>Teacher gives lecture about why treating animals is important and shit like that
>She makes me write essay and report about ladybugs
>Do it, get an A-
>Time passes, near April or May
>Almost everybody forgot about the Ladybug incident and the Ladybug Man
>I didn't
>No, I can't do that again. I can't do lady bugs again
>Look over and notice she's wearing black and yellow with honeycomb earrings
>This is where I plan my second attack

Thank fuck op is back


fart on my dick lil dude

from the way you right this if it is even real you aren't in highschool anymore so what are you going to do fucking bee bomb her house like holy shit


The story was in the fucking past you fucking retard oh my fucking god I wish you would commit suicide, fucking retarted piece of worthless fucking shit go fuck yourself I honestly hate you with every cell in my body and I wish you would commit suicide

write*** ^^^

Go on...


you better post that story too, if it ever came into fruition


Just dropping in to get those 5s for HeeJin.


Part V
making this one quick
>Somehow get about 500-600 bees, wasps, hornets
>Any nasty black and yellow bug I can find
>They're harder to find, but its all good
>Spent hours trying to find Ms. S house
>Got it
>Big bro drives me again, $10 this time
>Did this at 5:00 am
>Walk up to mailbox
>It's one of those single ones on a stand, not the big community ones
>Place package of bees/wasps/hornets inside
>Few escape again, one stung me
>Little fucker
>Close the mailbox lid, raise flag, and shake frantically
>Now we wait

>Fourth block rolls up, we have a substitute
>Holy shit it worked
>He subbed for a week until Ms. S came back on Monday
>She's bright red, covered in blisters
>Feel a little bad, but not really
>She just sits down, goes on computer and ignores class
>She quit two days later
>mfw made a teacher quit because of ladybiugs

that awful user holy shit

You're a terrible person. At least you're in the right place.

op went from hero to villian
