Not because of me. I didn't force him to stay here illegally.

think you meant CELEBRATE op

>illegal immigrant comes into the country
>he should be allowed to stay! It should be illegal for illegals to come into our country!
>it's OUR country, it should be allowed for EVERYONE

Do you see the problem?


>Kurt Enuchwald

if he raised a family he had time to get a green card. his fault.

Have a lifetime to get legal. Doesn't get legal. I deserve the apology not him.



this thread, a white man who wants to accept illegal immigrants to make himself feel better about the fact that his ancestors were also illegal immigrants


bye bro sorry i would have voted but my state is red as fuck so my vote wouldn't have mattered.

i'll have sex with your wife while you're gone to ease the grieving process.

>a (((white))) man

Illegal against who's laws?


Apologize for what exactly..?
I don't understand the problem?


Sorry our politicians didn't get around to getting a permanent solution to your forced illegal immigration and instead opted for bandaid options until someone came along and forced them to actually do their job

Someone illegal getting deported because he was somewhere he shouldn't. Taking real American jobs. Not paying his fair taxes. Stealing from people who immigrated legally. And fathered children in a place he shouldn't be just because his own country is a shithole

How come nobody ever mentions the fact that his family is perfectly free to return to mexico with him? Apparently the government handouts the rest of the family is getting (more now that "provider" is gone) is more important to them than staying together.

Breaking news: family abandons father as he is returned to his home country. Father is devastated as his wife and kids tell him their love for welfare checks is stronger than their love for their own flesh and blood

Well...if the man isnt supposed to be where he is then it isnt anyone but his own fault. And why isnt his fam being dragged away too?

The mighty trump lord

Fuck him,and you

He's being dragged away from his family forever.

By sending him back to the country he came here from illegally. His family is not allowed to follow him. In fact, he's not being sent back, he's being shot and placed in a mass grave with all the rest of the illegals that are being rounded up.

Oh, wait, that's not a thing that happens. I guess he's just going to have to bring is comparative fortune to the shithole that is Mexico, buy a big ass fucking house with his American dollars 15 minutes from the border with Texas, and complain that his family has to drive 2 hours to see him.


Well whaddya know

Nice dubs. Should have posted the actual tweet though faggot.

I'm mexican, this is hilarious.


okay, here it goes...


- faggot user 758567860

> he is being dragged away forever

oh, is he? I thought he was just being deported because he's an... illegal alien? so they're killing him too? Well, I guess in that case, yes, he won't be able to, you know, come back to visit or FUCKING START THE PROCESS LEGALLY.

People like Kirk Faggot are at fault for making things seem worse than they are.

Fuckin' Trump!


go back to your country you wetback and feel free to bring your family with you. I've worked with illegals and all they do is talk about how great mexica is even though they risked their life to not live there anymore. Ellis Island is open anymore and labor jobs are getting scarcer by the day. We need to take care of Americans first.

>unless they literally served the country then they're welfare queens

Bye :D



>he won't be able to hear u soon

Huh I had no idea the only country with internet access was America.