Are the choices of a christian either:

Are the choices of a christian either:
a) god sends child rapists to rape children or
b) god sits back and watches it happen while wagging his finger and saying "you'll be punished after you've finished raping that child"

Other urls found in this thread:

Right after he gets done punishing people for being born gay, being born into a country where the have no way of discovering Christianity, or sending people to hell because they didn't satisfy his temper tantrums and ego stroking.

its all part of his plan, you see.
300 years from now a transgender gay tyranosaurus rex will discover a book about chils rape.
and it will shock it so much that it will convert to christianity!



Or c) it's part of God's Plan(tm) and just because we can't understand it doesn't mean it didn't need to happen.

Oral Roberts was a social disease.


Well it didn't need to happen because God could just change the plan very slightly to not involve serious child abuse. And he's all powerful.

Omniscient: knows the rape will happen
Omnipotent: could stop it
Omnicunt: sits back and watches

Religiotards love and worship this maggot. Just imagine being that stupid.

The only really important parts of that book are the 4 gospels. The rest is old Jewish history or filler.

No, there was no garden of Eden.
No, there was no giant snake.
No, they didn't load up all the animals on a big boat.

Sorry that is too hard for you.

This whole thread is arguing over our perceptions of a creator based on our existence and not its existence.
The reality is we cannot even comprehend what God is or even verify the existence of God.
Attributing our standards to a diety as if they were even remotely applicable is absurd.

Nigger fuck this gay bible shit

The second option. It's not really that weird if you believe in eternal life.
Most humans live less than 100 years. What is 100 years compared to eternity?


This doesn't allow for numerous teleological explanations, but you don't care.

What if God does exist, but he's just kind of a dick?

What 'ends' do you have to explain?
God cant exist, it is scientifically impossible, he cannot exist while evil exists.

You're assuming a definition of evil, you're assuming god cares about the evil of the world, you're assuming god is directly responsible for the evil of the world. Assumptions are not facts, reason, or science.

Read this again and come back to me

>herp I'm being intentionally ignorant and I can't elaborate on my stupid fucking argument so reread my stupid fucking argument
f a g

>You're assuming a definition of evil,
>you're assuming god cares about the evil of the world
BAD IS BAD. If god is omni-benevolent he would put a stop to anything that is evil,he would decide what evil is by being omnipotent. In religion you act according to gods decisions

>you're assuming god is directly responsible for the evil of the world
God is responsible for everything in religions. He creates everything and causes everything. "IF WE PRAY GOD WILL HEAR US AND DO THIS THING"

According to religions, these things are FACTS.

These FACTS are disproven


Where'd you go buddy?