Jesus i got kicked out of my parents house and im screaming in a hotel...

jesus i got kicked out of my parents house and im screaming in a hotel. i got a job making 1350/month but dont meet rental criteria for apartments which is 1800/month. do i search craigslist for a deal on a house as some kind of under the table housing agreement? ask for a raise from my boss? what can i do

Find a cheaper apt

Suck your bosses dick for a raise

where u from?

bump i just want to be able to drive my car and go to bed without going off my current payroll. its sad that im gonna wake up screaming in a hotel everyday over getting kicke dout of my parents house. im homeless and personally dont want to catch a bus or catch some asshole robbing me since i cant sign a lease

how did you get kicked out of your parent's house if you supposedly have a job? either you, your parents, or the lot of you suck

or rent a room in someone's house/apartment if you can't afford your own apartment


Use apps to find apartments for rent or rooms for rent. Letgo even has a fucking housing section for christ sakes.

i told my mom to shutup about her boyfriend and she kept knocking on my door saying shes in a relationship i told her to shutup again and she says shes kicking me out and calling the cops. my mom is insane when she drinks and its sad.

i think im going to ask for a raise or see if someone can help me with an apartment since i cant even pay rent

Hey mate, search craigslist. How much you need. I landed a job making 135k a year so I can help out if you need. Not gonna give thousands but I’ll do what I can

search craigslist for a room in someone's house or apartment. they're out there and are easy to find in a metropolitan area. if you are in the country then good luck


be realistic op

you willing to give some ass for free rent?


if ur in LA i may be able to help

Leave New York OP or Commiefornia, jesus christ,
if your desperate for a room you should be able to find a room for 400$ (its small as fuck but your homeless right now)

There is also airbnb if your desperate for a place right this very minute

450$ apartments exist in the south come find us OP

Search craigslist for a roommate idiot.

>apartments which is 1800/month
Wtf? Is it some mansion or something? Normal flat is about $300-500

Find a room... Who dafuq u think u are to rent an appartment on your own

Seconded airbnb will help you, there are also other services online if your in need

you should move if it costs 1800 for an apt

Just find someone looking for a roommate. Ask friends and family if they know anyone, plenty of apps too.

That's the income requirement, not the rent. They're probably asking 600.