Guys i need some help... i was thinking from so many years... almost all of my life, that i've seen the society...

Guys i need some help... i was thinking from so many years... almost all of my life, that i've seen the society, people and life with a realistic eye but since a neurologist told me that my fatigue problem can come from a lack of physical activity and/or depression my dépression crysis become much more impacting on my life as i realise i'm depressed for so long, yesterday i come back home after 30 minute of lesson at school, i didn't wanted to cry in front of everyone... it was after a night without sleep, the kind of night i spend to talk to myself in a psychological way, figure out all i've done wrong, how i would make some excuse or come back at these moment to change what i've done, when that kind of night come i juste talk, cry a little, fall asleep and wake up all new like nothing happen but this time i couldn't sleep

however after that my mom just ask to see a psychologist because i now know that i didn't see the life realisticly but with pessimism and that block me in life, to get a job and stuff

Where i need you is, you all are dépressed can you give me tips to survive to the March 5 where i will see the psychologist and then get my antidepressant, right now i just sit on my chair and i don't know what to do, i think about suicid almost all the time since yesterday and i think i could cry at any moment...

>PS: i've maybe make some mistake in my sentences, it's because i don't speak english

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someone else pls?


Are you perhaps a greek fellow, with funny looking eyes?

Get over it and get a job. Seriously, I used to have panic/anxiety attacks every single night and most days, felt like I was fucking crazy. I got a job and after two-ish weeks, they were almost all gone. Works wonders, mate.

All I can tell you is that there is stuff out there that you will learn you love and you won't believe that you ever thought of killing yourself because then you never would have found that. Right now to you nothing seems worth doing but I promise in a few weeks/months/years you'll find something that you love.

>lurk for 10 year
>ask help for once with a real problem
>only get a retard to answer me
>Sup Forums 2018

OP, go talk to friends about it, open up to people. It can help, even if it's an online friend, sometimes that makes it easier to talk honestly.


i should for my formation but i can't, fear of fail and lack of motivation
but there's many things that told me i already seen what i have to see, i don't want to kill myself but all the possibility of it get stuck in my head

OP Go talk with some friends to pass the time, open up to them, talk to them and stuff. If you dont want to talk to your family or can't. Maybe keep yourself busy with work.

i'm too pride to expose my fragility to anyone

i should do this but have no homework (i work hard in class and finish everything when most of my friends still try hard)


i'm drown in shit too amigo

It is great that you have accepted that you need help, and are going to get it.

What is making you depressed?

Don't be scared of failing, nobody's perfect. Just do your best.
Here's your motivation: you're helping yourself. You're keeping yourself busy, and you're giving yourself a sense of purpose. Don't get excited about flipping burgers, nobody likes that. Get excited about helping yourself.


Damn. I don’t even have depression and that made me feel good about myself.

i wish you luck with that
>i lose my friend with time
>i get no money since 2 years and half because the first man of the country decide to cut any allowance to anyone wo get 3 year of unemployment, one day before i was accepted in a formation
>i pay 215€ every year to access to school and get to much lesson to get a job
>i live alone with my mother who are pensioner
>i'm afraid to not being enough effective after my formation and fail to get a job and being good at it
>i have to do a mobile application, a website, a traineeship, a presentation of 30 page, for 15 min of speach with a interactive whiteboard and all this for june 18 or i loose my year

i have to get at school from monday to friday between 8:30 am to 5 pm, and i have to get a job for my formation, i can't get another job

Okay. What do you want to do in life, what job do you want to get after school and after formation? Find your hopes and keep them alive; sometimes hope for the future is all you have, and you have to throw yourself into the work you have in the meantime.

all my life i didn't know what i wanted to become, sadly i've no passion i tried many sport and end up everytime with my parents upset because i loose the joy to do it... about the work and the formation, i take a formation to become graphist, i like create stuff, i want to creat stuff like flyers or card for society, or animation like on /f/ but everyone around me told me that what i do isn't enough, the paper i will got at least will be useless because i need a graduate, they said all we study is useless and outdated and that's because the state don't give a fuck about it...

i try my best, i put all in this since the start, i was an idiot when i was young a do anything possible to make trouble at school, so i tried to come back with this formation... and now i hear that all of this is pointless ... i waste 600+ € to my family for nothing and i don't want to told it because we got enough problem with that and my mother is crazy enough to not talk about it with her

You need to make yourself happy as well as make others happy. If you can do what you want, like making graphics to help society, then do it your best and don't listen to people say it's not good enough. They're not happy people inside.

If you're studying outdated stuff, then try learning new and important stuff on the internet in your spare time. It'll be harder and take more time, but you'll be ahead of everyone else that way.

I was a stupid kid too, it can make life hard. But you've changed, and all you can do is your best.

thanks i will do that ;)

at least you dont have cancer in the balls, think about it

>hurrdurr life at 15 sure is hard. Muh durprussionnnn
Underage b&

you win the point here
what if i'm 25?


11/7 cringe

Then you're borderline autistic

Good to know Dr.Bullshit cya

No you truly are. You need advice from a bunch of faggots just to survive a month. Kek

Ho did i say Dr. Bullshit, sorry Mr.Edgyasfuck, keep scroll next time you try to show you're the badass man on the board, also no one care, if you're not here to help return on some gore thread bye

I'm not being edgy, you're just retarded af.
>my dépression crysis become much more impacting on my life as i realise i'm depressed for so long

Where are you from ?

>saying kek
>mock people who suffer
>keep talking about autism
>clearly useless but keep talking to get the last word
and I m the retard one OR the 15 yo dude...


>and I m the retard one OR the 15 yo dude...

Also, depression isn't even real, so stop pretending that you know what suffering is, kid.

Tu fais quoi comme études ? Tu fais faire quoi comme boulot ?

veut faire*

yeah yeah keep scroll i told you Mr.Sasuke Edgyasfuck

Je fais une formation en infographie, une sorte de réinsertion pour les chomeurs, j'ai du faire 4 ans d’étude secondaire condensée en un an pour avoir mon diplôme d'étude inférieur et pouvoir y accéder, ensuite la formation dure 2 ans, je suis a 1 an et demi là

du coup comme job j'aimerais faire des montage photo ou des fond pour des société en général

Ok French fag, just don't forget pic related

>And that was the last word of Sasuke Edgyasfuck, the more usefull man on this thread and the only man who know the real pain on this damn planet

i'm 20 and been neeting for 3 years (2018 not included) i fap 1~5 times a day and want to cry when i lie in bed at night

>want to cry when i lie in bed at night

that's why i go to sleep when i'm sure to sleep directly, if i don't i have the night i told on the first post, i feel you Sup Forumsro

please quote it

Here is a quick guide on how to eliminate depression from your sistem. I have personally tried it and it works wonders.

Exercise you will power. If you are super depressed, sometimes your body feels heavy and unresponsive. Just do something. As an example, I would start slow, by moving 1 time around the room. After you do that, you should feel slightly better. Then continue the chain, clean your room, etc, until you feel that you are in control of your actions (even if you just sit, state it in your mind that you are going to sit down)

Next up is finding a job. As most anons said in this thread, getting a job really helps your mental state. How much of a piece of shit can you be if you at least get some money, joke with some people around you and have at least an activity which you enjoy doing ? You are literally doing better than half the people around you.
These things will make you feel more confident, it will stop some of your mental voices that judge your life.

The last thing would be to identify what is your primary goal in life. Here's how to identify it. First, put yourself in a good mood, like be happy first and be at peace for a moment. This is KEY, because when you are happy and peaceful, you are not compulsive ! And in that state, imagine yourself doing something with great passion and pleasure, something that makes all the bad things in your life worth it. When you identify that, just do that. All your life, no matter what, do THAT !

Bam, no more depression. Now you are functioning well. Next thing you know, you are enjoying life, you love what you do, people love you, women will start chasing you and hang out with you (or boys, whatever). Good luck OP

>it was after a night without sleep, the kind of night i spend to talk to myself in a psychological way, figure out all i've done wrong, how i would make some excuse or come back at these moment to change what i've done, when that kind of night come i juste talk, cry a little, fall asleep and wake up all new like nothing happen

when i read it i thought it was some purposeful and constructive act you had

Thanks i keep that in mind ;)

no, it happen if want it or not, my mind can't stop think or imagine stuff, discussion, it create a lot of situation, and at a moment or another is about what i've done wrong, and there come the nightmare i explain

Depression is a real thing. Clearly you are the autistic one because if you knew anything you would know that depression is present in a person with unbalanced serotonin. Serotonin is a natural mood stabilizer and when it isnt produced enough in the brain, it can result in unexplainable sadness. SSRIs are the type of medication that balance the production of serotonin. Psych fag here.

Still doesn't prove anything. It's just propaganda to get the retards to waste money on drugs. "Oh life isn't enjoyable? Must be something wrong with me, time to spend money on drugs and talking to some random dude!"
Depression is literally just an excuse for self-pity and for the government to make the big bucks

Actually if you have insurance most anti-depressants are free. Look at you thinking you know things.

and the earth is flap, USA doesn't walk on moon and reptilians controls the Illuminati


None of those claims have been proven to be false, so idk if you're trying to mock me or not

>asking for help with a real problem on Sup Forums
I honestly didn't think this level of retardation was possible


Ok? Then the government steals from insurance companies? Still doesn't change the fact that they profit from something fake

>guys look at how well I know Sup Forums amidoinitrite
Newfag gtfo

>proving a falshood
that's logically impossible, you stupid fuck

at least i receive help and advice

Its already proven depression is real. If you think otherwise burden of proof lies with you, and you have none.

how do you post the same image in 1 thread

it's hivemind

Keep the self-pity party going, user. Just cuz you wanna feel bad for yourself, it doesn't make depression real.

the magic of Sup Forums

You deflected my remark exactly how someone who knows nothing about the topic would do. Wanna be a U.S senator?

No u

>actually understanding rhetorical logic and how to compose an argument
user, this is why no one will ever take you or your arguments seriously

Chronic and Severe Depression is linked to specific differences in neural chemistry, therefor, depression is a real thing.

Wikipedia is not a legitimate source.

Hes using an argument that belongs to a frame of mind reminiscent of the 1950s. Where depression is fake, fags get burnt at the stake, blacks eat in seperate restaurants and every man should enjoy 2 packs of unfiltered lucky strikes a day. By golly what a time to be alive

Actually it is, because back in 2012 they tripled their staff to maintain factual pages and correct any discrepancies posted by people who either didnt know what they are talking about or trolling.

Ahh the good ol days

the medical journals and publications used as sources are.
