Sup, Sup Forums

Sup, Sup Forums.
I'm from Brasil and i wanna ask yall a serious question now that the memes has settled down for a while.

As a president, Donald Trump is doing a good work?
Is he REALLY racist/homophobic?
How is your economy and public relations going?

And yeah, i'm dead serious with these questions. The so called "big media" in my country are majoritary leftist, therefore i can't trust them. Some people here doesn't even know that the "border wall" was acctualy built during Clinton presidency.

So, hit me with the truth.
Also, sorry for the bad english.

Other urls found in this thread:

I can give a UK perspective:

> As a president, Donald Trump is doing a good work?
Nope - he's been undermining several international endeavours and making inflammatory statements that other world leaders have to distance themselves from.

> Is he REALLY racist/homophobic?
He's said racist and homophobic things so, yes. You can also add sexist to that statement.

> How is your economy and public relations going?
Economy - stable I guess, no disasters or great improvements either way. PR - terrible. International laughing stock. America gets a bad rep from it's idiot leader.

Media that is not state-run tends to be more leftist in view. They value truth over control. That is probably a good thing.

Objectivity and impartiality should be the motto of journalism overall i guess. Also, unfortunately I can't take much of what you said into account, i need the position of an american citizen here.

I know, just don't expect objectivity from any American citizen.

Democrat = Trump is literal satan
Republican = Trump is the best thing that ever happened to America

Why the fuck do you care in the first place? You come to this place and start a shit thread trying to get people riled up and start a shit storm. Got nothing better to do?

I care cuz i plan on moving to EUA. Brasil will be unbearable soon. Also, if you don't wanna answer the questions, just keep scrolling Sup Forums and gtfo.

No one asked you, you fucking autie. Go back to eating your crumpets and tea while watching your wife get fucked by either a nig or a horse.


I mean USA.

This is probably but but fuck it. I’ll fall for it.

If you’re complaining about mainstream media in your country leaning more far left. Don’t come to the US. The US is getting worse. Were controlled by social media that has heavily influenced our politics. Hillary Clinton can Keep her top campaign aide after finding out about his sexual assault allegations meanwhile condemning trump when the tape of him in the late 90s came out saying since he’s rich women let him do what he wants. He can grab them by the pussy if he wanted to and they’ll let him.

He has said a lot of stuff that the former left presidents such as obama and Bill Clinton said that the lefties lose their shit over. Realistically we have a side that is just full of autism that is essentially trying to run the country. At the same time, has influenced a majority of the people (young generations) that socialism/communism is good, that their side believes in science while claiming transgender is scientific proof and not a mental association, etc. full of irony that gets passed into law. And in general has just become regressive.

lol ok triggered trump-er

none of that hysterical screed answers any of OPs questions.

no matter what retarded thing trump does, his supporters seem to think that just saying 'Obama was worse!' or 'Clinton's emails!' or whatever make it ok.

no attempt to actually disprove or explain the retarded things trump is doing...

>As a president, Donald Trump is doing a good work?

If you have to ask your not paying attention one of the best we have ever had...

>Is he REALLY racist/homophobic?

not even remotely

>How is your economy and public relations going?

awesome and booming

the democrat controlled media and brain dead and brain washed liberals are still doing the propaganda / sheeple thing

As a president, Donald Trump is doing a good work?
he's doing almost exactly what I believed he would do, so no surprise.

>Is he REALLY racist/homophobic?
Maybe, he ran as pro LGB, so not nearly the most homophobic I've seen. Racist, not as much as anyone else, he cares about money and who can get it for him, cares less about skin color.

>How is your economy and public relations going?
Stocks have been good, and big company's have been giving out bonuses. I am hispanic and when I say, "I don't hate Trump as much as most," I get a ton of hate. so low I guess

>As a president, Donald Trump is doing a good work?
Yes. He's making a world of difference economically, and gutting some useless government bodies. Also pulling the US of useless "environmental" commitments that do nothing but move money around.

> Is he REALLY racist/homophobic?
Not even a little. He's never said anything "phobic" at all. Anyone who says he is, should be ignored, as they're choosing to push a lie knowingly. One quote, just bring out one quote, never happened.

> How is your economy and public relations going?
Good, excellent actually. The economy is on track for impressive numbers, and public relations are spectacular with the majority of people in the west. The loud, angry, soy-boy types yell alot, but the reality is most people like trump.

>Media that is not state-run tends to be more leftist in view. They value truth over control. That is probably a good thing.

U fucking high? there literally isn't a single reliable news source today.
And kid, the left is the new religious right, you can't say people who call a male Olympic athlete by a woman's name and giver him an award for being the best woman, and form mobs to ruin the lives of anyone who wont say the emperor has no clothes are more concerned with truth than control

You're a mental midget.

Thank god, someone who answered straight to the point.

I assure you it was not a bait at all and i asked it cuz this year is election year in my country and there is the risk of a candidate who has been sentenced to 12 years in prison to be elected president here (thats how fucked up Brasil is), and he is the head of communism that has been wiping out my country for 13 years.

Well, actually he answered just what i wanted to know.
Doesn't matter to me what Trump supporters say, i'm interested in facts;

>If you have to ask your not paying attention one of the best we have ever had...

As i said before, the big media in my country don't tell us the truth about what happens "outside", they're trying their best to make Trump a demon all the time.

Thanks for the answers. Also, if you are really hispanic, your opinion has even more value to me over this situation.

Um brasileiro com tão bom Inglês é raro, especialmente no Sup Forums

Eu que vos considero a todos um bando de retardados funkeiros violentos que amam religião.

Saudações meu escravo,
From Portugal with love viado!

PS 7-1

>As a president, Donald Trump is doing a good work?
He's detested by both sides of the aisle for being unpredictable. Nobody is sure what he's going to do, he's like a moth or a butterfly. Good work would imply that he's healing and unifying congress to get things done and to that end by making policy. By that estimation, No, he's not doing good work.
>Is he REALLY racist/homophobic?
I don't think personally he's racists or homophobic, I've actually met him in an elevator many many years before he even had his tv show. He was friendly, mostly normal and cool, I recognized him and said "Hey Donald!" and he shook my hand and said hello. Politically, he says stupid things frequently, which can be quite dangerous. Politically he has associated with some racists and I believe agrees with them for larger political reasons, not out of genuine xenophobia, having the support of their demographic is very important to him, their demographic being generally both loyal and sheepish. So, personally he's an OK guy, politically he's a retard imo
>How is your economy and public relations going?
Economy is doing well, as a first year president there is still the Obama overlap to consider, but it's truly going better than most would have thought. I'd give him a pretty good rating on the economy, we'll see happens after his corporate tax breaks come into effect. I'm not a believer in trickle-down economics but what the hell, the deal is done, let's all hope for the best. His Public Relations are off the charts horrific, but that's his own style. I'm not a fan of it but I'm not a hater of it either, it is entertaining if nothing else. As long as he doesn't blow up the world (a true possibility) I'm OK with him.

Thanks mate.
Also, lost all my sides here, u caught me off guard.

>Donald Trump is doing a good work?
Great. The main thing is that he's not Hillary Clinton, who strikes me as a Stalin-in-waiting, she's pure evil and mad for power.
Trump has the bombastic, dumb style that suits the USA perfectly. Big and stupid.

if you think there isn't a single reliable news source today, you are not thinking outside of your country. I know Americans can be insular, but just consider how the rest of world is viewing you right now

He racist in a strict sense of the word, pointing out things like "black employment". From the sotu address sounds like the economy is good but it sounds like he relaxed a lot of regulations and shit to do it (not good).

Vou mudar um pouco o tema e escrever na nossa lingua visto, que se foda... é o Sup Forums

Por acaso em Portugal não se fala assim tanto do Trump, eu pessoalmente acho que é um excelente Presidente e coloca os Estados Unidos à frente de qualquer outro país. Isto claro tanto é bom como mau, no entanto tomates (colhões como dizemos em Portugal) ele tem sim senhora...

Agora pergunto-te a ti:

Diz me o que achas da bancada evangelica e toda a merda do Brasil, assaltos à força toda a qualquer hora, cabeças sem inteligência que pagam dizimo.

Bolsonário os gays...

E a melhor pergunta... porque ainda não sais-te desse olho do cu que é o Brasil?

As a president, Donald Trump is doing a good work? NO
Is he REALLY racist/homophobic? YES
How is your economy Great - Thanks Obama
and public relations going?Shitty - Fuck Trump

>there is still the Obama overlap to consider
I guess so, maybe i asked some questions too soon.

So, he doesn't hate black/hispanic ppl, but he also don't give enough fucks for them?

A bancada evangélica é forte aqui, alguns deles estão juntos com traficantes armados até os dentes no Rio de Janeiro e eles tem esquemas de compras de votos e lavagem de dinheiro.

Bolsonaro não é exatamente o pior candidato do mundo, mas ele é um "tiro no escuro", uma incerteza, as pessoas pensam em votar nele como uma alternativa pra não terem de votar no Lula (que deveria estar preso).

>porque ainda não sais-te desse olho do cu que é o Brasil?
Sou pobre, e atualmente estou na faixa dos 30% de brasileiros desempregados. É a triste realidade...

Internationalism is bad for America fuck you

Fact is he is doing pretty well, I wish he was less neocon on foreign policy, econemy is a+ and we need to stop pandering to racist bullshit the left used to tear us apart

So he is doing pretty good

>but he tweets things I find distasteful!

Is about the only complaint with merit

Delusional. Quit watching Fox.

>A bancada evangélica é forte aqui, alguns deles estão juntos com traficantes armados até os dentes no Rio de Janeiro e eles tem esquemas de compras de votos e lavagem de dinheiro.

Então se sabem disso é pena votarem neles.

Pois o vosso salário para além de baixo a economia em termos de emprego é fodida... Tenho outros conhecidos que me dizem o mesmo...

Acredito que daqui a uns anos haja uma intervenção militar que limpará o brasil e muitas pessoas morrerão, a maior parte não serão lembradas... mas há sempre casualidades...

Força aí meu irmão, sabendo escrever ingles e se falares como escreves podes facilmente sair desse lixo.

Tenta poupar uns trocos e sai daí...

Teem paisagem, mulheres, foder é desporto nacional, teem produtos alimentares fantasticos e até oleo no mar...

É PENA, acredita. Tenho mesmo pena de terem fodido isso tudo, com tanta coisa para dar certo.

Um abraço!

Isolationism will be bad for you in the long run

By the way, despite the looks of it, Brasil is a country made for three types of people: the very poor, the very rich and the tourists. There are corruption schemes everywhere, people are always trying to take advantage of each other, we do not have enough hospitals, there are more homicides here everyday than in Saudi Arabia and as if that's not enough we're having an outbreak of yellow fever that has killed 120 people in January and, surprise, we do not have the money (or the government says so) to vaccinate the majority of the population of a disease declared extinct in the 19th century.

Brazil is not for beginners. And thats why i wanna leave.

He’s not isolationist at all I think he’s too interventionist

Not involving yourself innstupid international organization =\= isolation

Also Switzerland seems fine

>not for beginners

70% Poor
>50% Steal
20% Rich
10% Tourists

70% pay churches monthly to GOD

Sand monkeys.

yeah fine, you won't mind when China overtakes you as the biggest economy, then India too

> As a president, Donald Trump is doing a good work?
Yeh,he's doing okay
> Is he REALLY racist/homophobic?
The racist stuff has been taken out of context by sensitive bitches. Homophobic? Since when does anyone care about faggots? They're the scum of the Earth
> How is your economy and public relations going?
Business as usual
>Media that is not state-run tends to be more leftist in view
Media has always been leftist. They're a bunch of pussies.

Agradeço pelas palavras, e sim, tens razão.
Brasil vai se acabar em uma guerra civil logo e eu não quero estar por aqui quando isso acontecer.

>paisagem, mulheres, foder é desporto nacional, teem produtos alimentares fantasticos e até oleo no mar

Essa é só a parte bonita que mostram pra vocês. O Brasil está se acabando em drogas, homicídios e a maior parte da população sequer tem dinheiro pra comprar um bom pedaço de carne pra alimentar a família; Não chegamos ainda no nível da Venezuela (que foi o país mais rico da america do Sul nos anos 90), mas estamos chegando lá.

Sobre o "óleo" (Petróleo), houve tanta lavagem de dinheiro e má administração por parte do último governo na PETROBRAS (Empresa fornecedora de petróleo) que a maior parte do nosso petróleo era vendido pra outros países e voltava MAIS CARO para nós em forma de combustivel.

Um fato curioso: O Brasil tem a pior gasolina e os piores serviços de internet do mundo, e ainda assim, os mais caros.

É foda.

Sadly, i have to agree with ya.
When the majority of the people is very poor, the only thing that they can do is pray and have a strong faith in god.
But even our "religious leaders" scam and deceive people telling them to donate 10% of their budget to the church (to afford that sweet spot in heaven, lol), or else they will burn i hell or something. (i'm not religious, so i really don't know what happens in the churches and temples there...).

tl;dr: I can't blame you "gringos" for viewing Brasilians as monkeys without instruction.

He's racist, but not homophobic. Pence is the homophobe. Trump has a history of racism going back to when he refused to rent to blacks.

How does being in the un help that, fuck off you globalist prick

What euro vassal are you from? Why the fuck donwe shovel money into your countries and pay for your national defense ??

What a joke

>The racist stuff has been taken out of context by sensitive bitches.
He was sued by the feds for racist practices and LOST. You think he's changed!!!!


> Media has always been leftist

All media ever since the dawn of communication has been leftist?

Der Sturmer?
The Daily Mail?
Fox News?

what a specious comment lol

You are an idiot

His company was sued along with dozens of other companies in then 70’s for discrimination

This kind of shit happens all the time

T. Insurance bro

>Is Donald Trump doing a good work?
Nope, Trump has broken every precedent set for a president, including (but not limited to) not severing business ties and not releasing tax returns.
If you're asking if the presidency is running smoothly, just remember that over 15 officials have been fired/resigned in his FIRST YEAR

>Is he REALLY racist/homophobic?
Nobody is ever going to switch sides on this, but I'd say absolutely. He started the birther movement, elected an anti-gay vice president, straight up boasted that he can sexually assault women, and literally one of the first things he said in his campaign was that mexicans were rapists.

>How is your economy and public relations going?
Public relations: pfft
Economy: It's absurd to say that almost any econonic effects since Trump's presidency are because of Trump (except the stock market). Economic reform is long term, and all the trends Trump has boasted about began during Obama's presidency.
>inb4 "but tax plan!"
If you look into any of the conpanies who are saying they're increasing wages/relocating workers/giving benefits because of the tax plan, you'll see almost all of these were planned before the tax cuts, it's just better PR to say that tax cuts made you do it.
The one thing I can say is good is that January has had the highest wage growth in 8 years, which is nice.

Overall, 2/10 president.

That’s not what happens you are a fucking dumbass

>This kind of shit happens all the time
No, no it doesn't.

>As a president, Donald Trump is doing a good work?
doesn't really matter, the presidency has turned into a reality tv show of a master troll
>Is he REALLY racist/homophobic?
>How is your economy and public relations going?
just fine

really none of this shit matters. it's a distraction

you seem to think I'm advocating for something I'm not.

you're very angry though, calm down a bit, might help make rational decisions, especially regarding your public servants

Being this deluded and wrong about everything

Are you 15 kiddo? Enjoy the next 7 years

Yes it does lol yes it does

Well it did actually happen. So, I guess you should stop talking out of your ass.

I’m not angry at all

Hahahaha seu newfag

Era eu nos dois Posts.

E sim eu sei e vejo até no youtube e grupos no facebook como isso aí é perigoso.

Onde já se viu em plena luz do dia assaltos de miudos como se não fosse nada.

Se vao presos e são menores nem vão presos e libertos.

Sois dos países que pega num computador de merda e conseguem fazer alto overclock e funcionar nas piores condições possíveis...

Sim acredito numa revolução militar e o pior é que já não chegava o governo corrupto + tráfego... vocês agora teem os evangélicos que acredito que daqui a uns anos vai dar merda. Mas merda da grossa até a nivel mundial devido Á PUTA DAS MERDAS DA RELIGIÕES.

Adorava que viesses a Portugal assim 1 ano numa das principais cidades.

Não poder andar com o telemóvel (celular) na rua... COM MEDO DE SER ASSALTADO.

como disse. é triste... mas a culpa NÃO É DOS PORTUGUESES hue hue hue

But, he's right.

You don’t understand class action lawsuits

He goes down to 1/10 for not being able to string together a coherent sentence. Our Framers would be appalled by how easily we've been taken by such an obvious charlatan.

>"You're wrong but I will provide no proof"

His first point is absolutely not true

b-but teleprompter trump is sooo coherent

maybe it's just an American cultural thing, protesting your rationality and calmness whilst shouting FUCK YOU PRICK ARGGH I'M A SHOOT YOU WITH MY GUN MOTHERFUCKER

From the perspective of someone who grew up in a small town and moved to my state's second biggest city...

>is he doing good work
No of course not. Both sides assfuck us regularly. The Dems throw a few bones every now and then to pretend to give a shit, but it usually only benefits lazyfats.

>is he racist/homophobic
He's a 70+ year old rich white guy from NYC, of course he's probably at least a little bit xenophobic. That said, he doesn't speak much differently from non-xenophobes who grew up in conservative areas. Only kneejerk free speech haters think he's SATAN/HITLER/etc.

>how is your economy and PR going
Economy is on its slow downward creep just as it was during the last few presidents, but nothing out of the ordinary. As for PR? Yeah the other leaders are bougies who probably look down on him as the wannabe NYC gangster he is. They're no better, they just play the part of "leader" much better.

I don't follow our media. I usually go to the source and make up my own mind on things. Any podcasts I listen to usually break down the media coverage on top of the actual news.

Providing proof tonretards on b who don’t know shit?

Why waste my time

Nice save, bro

No. His company did it multiple times, he settled then refused to go along with the terms which got him in trouble yet again. His father started the practice of segregated government subsidized housing after the war, and he continued it. You're the idiot who bought into Trump propaganda

>You're the idiot who bought into Trump propaganda
Please be patient I have autism.

Oh, youre one of those "fact haters". Asshat.

I think a lot of people thought he was doing schtick and would drop the "Trump" TV character once he took office

He's either convinced himself he is that TV character, or that was really his character to begin with

Either way, we're stuck with the guy

OP, here.
I must say i was trying to avoid this kind of ruffle and shitstorm.
But man, check these dubs. *chuckles*

Gostaria de visitar Portugal em algum momento, mas por agora eu preciso mesmo fazer o que você disse acima: juntar uma grana e sair daqui o quanto antes.

>He's a 70+ year old rich white guy from NYC
Well, now that explains a lot, actually. kek

...said every pussy since the beginning of the spoken word.

you make up your own mind from podcasts instead of a newspaper?

oh hark enlightened woke one, you sure showing the sheeple how to play the red pill game beeeotch

There was even a song about it by Woodie Guthrie, who was one of the tenants.

I'm glad you glossed over
>I usually go to the source and make up my own mind on things
But thanks for playing

lol you can't expect a nuanced discussion about american politics in a forum largely populted by americans. They've repeatedly shown themselve to be aggressively partisan and unwilling to listen to reason.

He is pretty much consumed with his image and has none of the skills needed to do most of that job well. Most of the economic growth has come from inertia that has built since the crash, which was managed by Bush and the Obama, thank God, since that would be exactly the sort of thing that would undo Trump.

Its mostly our rural and blue collar riff raff.


>implying being homophobic is a bad thing

no harshies, soz bro, just mocking this current trend of dissing 'media'

which just happened to become a thing whilst a president wants to discourage his supporters from believing facts reported about him.

we live in the era of alternative facts alright

This poster didn't graduate high school with any better than a D average.

>He's a 70+ year old rich white guy from NYC
that somehow understands what it's like to be an average working joe in middle america

I can't wait until the alt-right starts going "Did you seriously just assume my race and gender, shitlord?!"

of course, but there's so many of them

Nobody ever said those average working joes were smart. People usually say the opposite.

yup, sounds like he was consistently getting the D

Inagine being this gullible

We're working on it. Of course it'll be set back now that public schools are about to be guuted in favor or private religious schools. Trump is setting up the next generation of conservative voters.


>Is he REALLY racist/homophobic?
No, that's why they call it Fake News

There's multiple lawsuits about housing discrimination and even a folk song about his family.

You're just not paying attention to the things that contradict your view.

>As a president, Donald Trump is doing a good work?

The deregulation has a lot of positives for sure, but I'd wager that there are some downsides yet to be fully understood. Just the nature of our system.

The rest is theater, which is common in American politics.

>Is he REALLY racist/homophobic?

Probably to some degree or another. I don't think it matters though when you consider that most people draw conclusions about other people based on purely cosmetic reasons. Also, you can say redneck or white trash without fear of any negative attention (some give you positive reactions actually), but spic and nigger will get you fired and publicly shamed.

>How is your economy and public relations going?

The economy is better than it's been in a while, but don't fall for that shit where people fully credit or blame sitting presidents for the current state of the economy. There's so much more to it than that.

Overall, I'm just your average American, disappointed in the state of our politics and the general shit tier grade of our leaders and politicians.

Just to add, i dont think anyone gives a shit about public relations.

I suppose that Old Man Trump knows just how much racial hate
He stirred up in that bloodpot of human hearts
When he drawed that color line
Here at his Beach Haven family project

Beach Haven ain't my home!
No, I just can't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain,
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower
Where no black folks come to roam,
No, no, Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!

I'm calling out my welcome to you and your man both
Welcoming you here to Beach Haven
To love in any way you please and to have some kind of a decent place
To have your kids raised up in.

Beach Haven ain't my home!
No, I just can't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain,
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven is Trump’s Tower
Where no black folks come to roam,
No, no, Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!

You what? He was sued by the justice department for housing discrimination. He kicked all the black workers off the casino floor when his wife or a high roller showed up. He has a history of making racist comments going back to the 70's. The claim that he wasn't accused of racism is absurd.

no real hope of any progress in our lifetime

gonna take longer than that for religion to die out

>average working joe in middle america
Of course Hillary would have understood so much better. sheesh, keep drinkin the koolaid

Força! Boa sorte e tenta manter-te vivo :(

A broken clock is right twice a day. The fringes have been questioning the media narrative for decades. Obviously it can be and has been taken way too far in the direction of crazy, but in general it's healthy to decipher the types of propaganda you're being fed as a citizen. You're right that this mainstreaming of "don't believe the media" originated from rightwingers as a way to combat the anti-Trump brigades, but it's like anything in the world--it works in the right doses. Middle-leaning podcasts that break down the media are closer to post mortems if they're not drinking their own koolaid too much and you take their opinions with a grain of salt.

The good news is that the date rate from opioid overdoses in America is over 50% higher for people who live in a rural areas vs urban or suburban residents. Trump has no real intention of addressing the public health crisis beyond " Mexico bring us drugs and Mexico bad!" So you can rest assured that while this addiction runs rampant across the U.S. that all the right people are dying. Less rural filth to shit up elections.

every 'news' source with a budget is tied to producing news that fits the views of their sponsors.

every news source with the capacity (manpower, budget) to report the news also has their own agenda they are pushing.

The takehome here is that there really isn't a single reliable news source today, you just learn to skim articles for facts, discard the opinions, and verify verify verify. The problem with this is that media/advertising platforms like facebook, google, etc are actively shaping what you come into contact with leading to an inability to verify facts. Couple that with scientists or other authorities saying completely opposite things as one another and we have no way of actually knowing the truth.

If we can't trust the 'respected authorities' of society (scientists, scholars, etc - look at what doctors were saying about tobacco a few years ago but they couldn't possibly be lying to us now, also with the H1N1 and SARS outbreak, the who and the cdc actively encouraged doctors not to wear masks even when they knew it was airborne)
>If we can't trust the primary sources, why should we trust the secondary ones?

But thats the point, my friend.
People here just treat politics as they treat a good football game, they are crazy about it and willing to defend their "favorite political party" with tooth and nail, going to the streets to do so if necessary.

As far as the thread went, i could see the most raw opinions i was expecting and a learned more here than with some random news on my tv.

People here are not so different than in NYC, for example, they're just a lil' bit poor and agrssive. lol.

Jokes aside, i learned a lot here today.

Oh, so thats how they are calling Buzzfeed now?

>I'm just your average American, disappointed in the state of our politics and the general shit tier grade of our leaders and politicians

Fair review, but at least you can go out in the streets without fear of getting stung by a mosquito and then dying of yellow fever, lol.

Obrigado, user.


fuck outta here, sambafag

>Americans should base their opinions of themselves on some foreign news agency's agenda
It's good to consider how other countries see you, but they're not here and they have their own purposes for reporting what they report.

No one news source should be treated as an infallible source of truth. There are some that sit on the fringes which are almost exclusively lies. But the truth sits somewhere in the middle where the non-crazy press overlap.

Knowing that is very different from the modern cry that all media is leftist propaganda.

The BBC is, for example, a very good example of an impartial news source which is not beholden to any commercial interests and is only very loosely influenced by the political state of the UK.

Is he personally racist and/or homophobic? Maybe, maybe not. Who knows?

But he knows how to play to people's prejudices. He's a textbook populist who was elected on a promise that he'd be a different leader, that he would give back power to the people but turned out to be just more of the same: typical WASP billionaire who dishes out favors to his country club buddies.

All considered, he's been no different than any other president before him. His only real difference is how media-savvy he is