Why is he so hated?

Why is he so hated?

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Retard doesnt know what hes talking about and he lies

no idea who it is

he's basically a troll that started believing his own trolling

He is a loser

He kept upstaging Tim the Toolman Taylor.

good old al borland

spews without thinking

Cause he tells the truth people doesn't want to hear, and their counterarguments are: cuck, nazi, bigot, shitlord, asshole, fucking idiot.. so yeah, they're just scared of the truth

Because he's incapable of reading the things he cites.

Also he's fat.

And from Swindon.

sargon is a poor man's emptyhero

id like him more if he actually had real conversations with people, the "play a video for 20 secs, pause it and then talk for 5 mins" schtick is kinda shitty, you just get one sided arguments aimed at each other all day.

hes just a bit too smug and a bit too self righteous because hes just stuck in his bubble without much negative feedback ever reaching him

he makes crybabies cry

>id like him more if he actually had real conversations with people

You wouldn't. He's completely failed at every public debate he's been involved in.

Hated? Right, you must be from another image board where wild unicorn feminids live.

not even debates necessarily, just conversations.

when he went on joe rogan you could kinda see how immature he is in some ways and how he sort of doesnt see the bigger picture

I love him. He was the best part of Home Improvement

"I don't think so, Tim."

Hahahahahaha classic!!!

He's a bit long winded I think.

Beaten to the punch. Well played, user

alt-right hates him because he's an honest individualist
lefties hate him because he's an honest individualist.
he's not perfect, but he's about all we got.

Joe Rogain is merely a Chad douchebag

too right on that smug part, but he makes good points every now and then. im biased towards him myself, but i feel like sargon is popular for good reason.


at least hes willing to listen to both sides, sargons ego has its own gravitational pull imo

Who's we?

sargon of akkad, political youtuber. cringy at times, but solid 7/10 as far as youtube goes.

voice 10/10

he said "we" not "he"

guessing you arent a native brit

not try saying that without crying

No idea who he is so I couldn't tell you

>Also he's fat.

Because he looks like the average modern feminist.

He looks like a 80% successful female>male trans.

no. why?

"I don't think so, Tim."

people are more easily impressed by english accents when they arent used to them.

he sounds like a whiney pratt to me

Da 1s who wuz kangs n shiet

Check those digits


Are you one of those people who are told something and then go
>do you even believe your own words?

Isn't it about time you deal with your cognitive dissonance instead of accusing others of not being frank?

Normal, educated people that don't subcribe to retarded ideologies such as social justice or alt-right.
People who can think for themselves, etc etc.

>etc etc
well spoken

I guess it takes a special kind of retard to ignore the whole post just to get hung up on a phrase indicating that I don't feel like listing more shit.

Is that Wil Wheaton? Wesley grew up to be fat.

Dumb and smug

because he points out some of the dumb shit people do in an inflammatory manner

individuals that act as individuals will always be hated by members of a group

You clearly don't know who this guy is

What's the point in listening to both sides if one side is clearly wrong and the other right?

well you sure made a point saying that 'normal and educated people' are the only ones that matter and anyone that expresses a opinion that you don't like are 'retarded ideologues', and then calling someone who dismisses your arguments a retard.. you sure make excellent points for your view my good sir

Fat smug british elite who used to be really popular among 13-15yo boys but know even they have figured out hes a dumb retard who doesn't know anything

We just have to disagree on that one

Who live in Israel?

how did you determine one side was clearly wrong?


Israel finances his youtube channel


provide the proof that the Israeli government finances a substantial amount of his earnings

Coz its not 2014 anymore retard

fash successfully bash

1. beats his kid like a fucking pussy

2. rejects a argument because it`s a moral one, then gives a moral argument


Fat godless idiot