I lost my 6 figure job, my wife passed away last month, and I've moved back in with my parents. I'm 30

I lost my 6 figure job, my wife passed away last month, and I've moved back in with my parents. I'm 30.

Fuck this Sup Forums. I'm out.

Other urls found in this thread:


good way to say bye is with a gun
aim it to your head from behind

Cool. Suck a tailpipe for me.

First dubs = number of ambien I take

99 get

I don't have a gun. Plus I'd rather just OD on sleep meds and peace out.

First dubs = how many I take. Could be 00? Could be 99?

Your ass still doesn't have enough to actually go and die off that shit. Like, honestly, you're better off putting a shortage around you neck and a doorknob then sitting down.




Also timestamp

Shoelace. Fuck phones and autocorrect

you should have saved some money if you had a 6 figure job so you could invest in a business

What job did you have?

What happened to your wife?

How did all of this come about?

Dubs get, hopefully

Rolling to put OP out of his misery

I have over 300.. With a bottle of vodka I'm set.

You give up too easily. Life was never meant to be easy. If it was everyone would be successful all the time.

The power of kek compels op to down 99 pills

You could fall even lower than that. Suck it up and move on.

I was in marketing at a fortune 5 company. Won't say which one. My wife had cancer and died getting a transplant.

00 suffer

OP, before you go, please drop real LSD ( no stupid research chemicals ) and get your hands on some DMT.

Fake no doctor prescribes that quantity of ambien I've been on it for years and can only get 30 at a time

Cya, flyboy

How long were you and you wife together? What’s so shitty about living with your parents? Do you have any money saved? Could you just get another job? How’d you lose your job?

Get yourself a real Loli, life will get better.

What job did you have


Got any money saved I could "inherit" off ya?
Sorry for being a Jew, I'm just a Tard in need.

I'll take the bait. Don't be stupid dude, use the money you must have saved up and take some time off from worrying. Trading in the known for the unknown is a stupid mans move.

Seriously OP. Use it before you lose it.

This is her a few minutes before her heart stopped beating. We were together 5 years.

Welp, it was nice knowing OP

Don't fuckin do it


My pops went through the same thing last December. Do what he did, get a fast car and fuck hot women. It's a stop-gap, but it gives you the time to find your way again.

do something newsworthy
perhaps involving a politician

>Fuck this Sup Forums. I'm out.
Stop being a pussy.
It always hurts most in the beginning, you'll be fine.

yah u gotta take it with alcohol in order to OD for sure.

In the off event this is for real, please think hard about what's best for you and your circumstances. If it's suicide, then I wish you good luck and a peaceful exit my dude.

Okay, bye...

Worth a shot.

If anyone doubts whether or not I'll be successful, I'm sweeting the deal with klonopins.

Could be 99 ambien and 99 klonopins?

Send all your cash to my PayPal first thanks

OP don't kill yourself. You need to join a GYM. Exercise will make you happy. No joke. Tinder is also cool for getting your mind off stuff.

Get a new hobby to ease the pain dude. I like cars so I do stuff to my car. Just do something.


If i get dubs, thats the number of years you must live and negates your pill consumption. Let's begin...

Change my life, and help me pay my stupid loans.

I’ll be your life friend after that.

Don’t do it brotha.

32 pills


32x3 = 96 or all of then


You have revolved your life around work.

Why didn't you want to kill yourself when your wife died a month ago? You're a workaholic and your desire for success has pushed you to this point.

Even dubs (which you asked for) has told you not to carry on with what you're planning but you're still hellbent on offing yourself. Whatever dude.

I take ambien for PTSD-related insomnia and trust me 99 of those babies and alcohol would be a good way to go. Gets you stoned as fuck and will cause ur heart to stop. Probably would only take 10-15

But real talk tho, sleep on it. Wait a week or so. Almost succeeded myself about 4 months ago, roommate found me before i died rip. But I haven't been suicidal since- sometimes it gets better.

If you're sure though, be warned u could do some crazy shit before u go - ambien highs are something else. Wish you luck on whatever you decide to do with the rest of your life Sup Forumsro

Used to exercise. Nothing to live for anymore. Good suggestions though. Never tried tinder.

Also more clonozopam!

what was your job in

Nah. I lost my job way before she passed away.

have a will you could leave for me?

Fucking download tinder right now and just start scrolling through girls. It's hella fun dude I'm telling you. Don't even use any pictures just scroll for the fun of it. Sounds fucking retarded i know lol

You live old, OP. It's my afterlife.


Can I get your Netflix account?

And workaholic? Definitely not. I left because I wasn't performing anymore.

Also my wife wasn't exhibiting major symptoms. Just on the transplant list for a new organ. It's a >90% one year survival rate whicih includes fat old people who shouldn't be alive anymore. She's only 30 and didn't make it.

Bumble is ok. As well.

First of all, I’m sorry about your loss.

To earn 6 figures at 30 is an amazing thing. Think about that.

There’s more to life for, I’m sure.

you hit rock bottom, nowhere to go now but up.

do it on stream.

Naughty naughty.

LD 50 is over 600mg user better get a head start and start swallowing

Yo man I know you're hurting but you gotta remember that people have gone through far worse than you. Imagine the suffering slaves and shit went through for their whole lives. Maybe that could motivate you a bit. You're prob white and from the west so you're good dude just ride it out.

Nah. I'll include my location as I'm downing them so you can check the local paper in my area tomorrow.

trips have spoken, waiting the delivery

Was it a cock transplant?

Fair point. It doesn't change the fact that I hate my life and no longer want to continue.

OP here. The gods have spoken with trips. 111 ambien and 111 clonozopam.

Just do it on stream

Has everyone resigned to the fact that 99% of these threads are bait?

Ignore these faggots OP. If they were talking to you in person they wouldn't say shit.

you don't say genius, you are probably the only one give 1% of credibility for anyone in Sup Forums


OP post your debit card info I'm poor and I need help.

>Fuck this Sup Forums. I'm out.
Taking the cowards way out

Something u should also consider is who's gonna find you and what that's gonna do them. Do you really want to put that shit on someone? especially one of your parents, since im assuming you're doing it in their house. That can break a person for life, man.

But if you do decide to go through with it at least leave a nice note, may help a bit :)

1% we might save a life

Imagine you was looking after yourself the same way you would look after somebody else in the exact same circumstances you are currently in.

What would you make them do to help them get out of their situation?

Give it serious thought, because that's how you escape this pit you've fallen into user.

Im sorry op. I can't offer you anything but my sympathies and fellow human feelings. I hope you find what you're looking for and find peace. I'll see you in the next life and am having a drink on you tonight

Go on a holiday with life insurance from your wife and worry about a job later

Good luck and safe travels. Hope you find the peace you're looking for.

My first handful. 20 of each.

This, people are only happy when the overcome suffering

Got that yellow fever boi?

don't worry every pain and looniness and regrets will end soon....

good night sweet prince


ambien will hit you hard without warning, may wanna post location if you're planning on it. See ya man, I'll pour one out for you tonight.

Not feeling anything too heavy yet. About to do my second handful.

Just a little lightheaded

OP how do i get rich

be careful op you might pass out and throw up all the hard work

post location or youre fake and gay

Dont kill yourself man, times will get better.

Normally kicks in anywhere from 5 min to an hour, but it kinda comes out of nowhere. Alcohol speeds up the time as well.

It's a good way to go honestly. Glad you won't be suffering in your last moments- you've already been through enough.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. What if you find another 100k+ job the following year?

Send money to the PayPal and change a life bro.

You can still change yours either way.

Just, no. That's a massive gamble on whether that trip becomes salvation or damnation with that set and setting from depression. While it might be able to turn his life around it can just as easily drag him through hell and get arrested and sent to somewhere more miserable. And I wouldn't wish that hell trip on anyone..

why not run into a forest and take a fuckload of LSD instead?