God is a femboy debate me if im wrong

God is a femboy debate me if im wrong

god has got a cute lil trap dick debate me

No debate tho when you're right


no one can prove me wrong I am immortal

Well, at least one of the major pantheon is a femboy. Khorne would say they're a faggot though.

khorne prolly got a cute wee wee too


What do you call a femboy who is smarter, faster, and stronger than you?

a god

Dude you lib tards couldn't find a real pussy if it was made of metal and your dick was a magnet. Go back to milking your chickens Euro trash


Every god that has ever existed is a trap

but can you prove to me that every god isn't a cute femboy, therefore, everyone is a femboy


god has an inverted penis now

i see no wee wee i no likey GIVE ME WEE WEE OR GIVE ME DEATH

always had and always will be a femboy he has a penis

We are talking about the chaos gods.

Where we're going, we don't need proof, just fabulousness.

and big ol wee wees also checked

Don't need proof? so you can't prove that ur god isnt a femboy?

Dude you are so dumb. One day you will meet god and HE is going to have a huge dong but no tits. And he's not going to like you calling him a trap. Go back to milking your chickens dude I'm so sorry for your loss. God doesn't play dice and he only has time for straight people.

>God created man in his image

Explain yourself

big ol milky slurpy mmmmmmm me want tits god tiddy mmmmm

listen here fuck head your talking about god's dick when YOU WONT THINK HE HAS A DICK he always wears a cute plaided skirt and HE WILL fuck me raw

Humans are femboys

There is not more than 1. He is a man and he doesn't like your Euro trash faggots fucking with the USA. Gtfo if you don't like pussy. You coming back when you like pussy. Biiiitch. I got my chickens with milk and you just trying to fuck a dude in a dress. Smart life choices homo.

first off im a American and im trying to have god rape my ass in his cute lil skirt
if you can't prove that he isnt a femboy i dont want to hear it all your doing is calling me a euro fag but after god is done with ur cum filled ass you will be that fag

im thinkin bout an orgy i dunno about you, what color thigh highs should i have them all wear?

i want his boner to lift his skirt to reveal whats underneath

You keep saying that to your self but god is straight. He doesn't want to fuck you even if you are a girl.. he's got higher standards. Third World fucking plebs like you trying to poison American culture are so fucking dumb.

I'm white not third world in the slightest but believe it or not god IS gay

higher standards as in buying cuter dresses and panties i agree on that one

God would not wear a dress. Read the fucking Bible, like 1 Corinthians or something. Luke 13.. I can't remember the exact chapter but they are adamant about god being a man. They say HE for hims sake. Stop it now. You will never be able to drink the holy milk for he will smite all the chickens from your European Union and your England won't be able to help either. So just fucking except defeat.

Defeat? The only defeat i will be feeling is up my ass shooting hot cum GOD IS A FEMBOY SISSY he loves dick he is gay you cannot prove me wrong they called him a "HE" in the bible because he is a femBOY he has a penis that he will use to fuck me