Therapy thread

therapy thread
post your worries

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Im an actual therapist, but i need to ventilate to someone because usually its my job to be there.
Why is Sup Forums becoming so infested with trap threads??? Why???????

i worrie abaut op because he is fagott

degeneracy leaked from twitter and facebook

i'm 32 and i've never dated
the chances of me being alone for the rest of my life increase with each passing year

my father is schizophrenic and i believe im developing it

Have you tried going outside?

I don't know if I worry.

I've lost myself.
I'm not the man I once was.

With each day, I get further and further form feeling bad about not being my previous self, and grow more towards indifference and self indulgence.

It doesn't seem like it's bad to most people, because I'm obtaining knowledge, devleoping skills, improving myself, but this is just degeneracy compared to what I was.

I haven't slept well in a long time, it seems like the damage is done, but I still need to accept that I can't truly completely recover from this.

I've lived my whole life with people not understanding me, understanding who I am, but the ignorance and delusion of my "closest" friends still piss me off.
To think that the people who "know" me the most, don't know jack shit about me.

I'm close to getting my car in good running condition, and able to pass inspection, but I can't get myself to finish my work.
I currently want nothing more than to indulge in thrashing my car late at night and in the early mornings.
But that's yet to come. I still need to get familiar with my car before I start really pushing its limits.

My laywer really isn't helping me prepare for what's to come, it's like I could've saved myself the $$$$ and just represented myself.

I sure hope I don't go back to jail; but honestly, it wasn't all that bad to begin with, at least I won't have to deal with the bullshit of my life, for the most part.
So, I don't even know if I truly hope that I don't go to jail.

I've gotten so emotinoal (relatively speaking) compared to what I used to be lately, I don't know what to think about that.
It seems so primitive.
Still not very emotional compared to average standards, anyhow.

The impulsivity, I don't like it, even if It's not all that impulsive, relatively speaking.

Yep, quite a bit. I go biking, hiking, skiing, etc. Going outside does not magically make women like you.

The chances are that women already do like you, you just need to meet them.

I'm a meth addict and I'm afraid of being sober

Try it out, maybe it's not so bad.

29, still a virgin and never held hands or kissed a girl, never been in a relationship

what do?

I have been with my boyfriend for over 7 years (faggot user) and honestly the relationship is just boring and dull. It feels like we are married. How can I make this relationship suck less?

i can see myself falling into a smoking addiction.

firstly you should be honest with him. Second, you need to go fuck yourself, you animal.

I think I might be a sociopath

I was in that same boat but throw in some heroin in the mix. I got sober because my house got raided. Shit is really boring now that im sober been sober for 2 years on the 18th, I miss it. But if it is destroying your life then change it. If your content with where your life is headed then fuck it.

take some solace in the fact that you're not quite me yet

Compared to being high on meth? Yea it is, try meth and stop talking out of your ass.

go fuck yourself.

>Be You
>Meet girl
>Pretend she is dude
>cihill with the cuntress
>your a grown man, you will know when she is down to fuck, trust that feeling
>fuck her
>be happy
>be you
>kill yourself

>what do?
Stop giving a shit.
And maybe by the time you do that, you will have become more desirable, and maybe you'll have attracted a mate.

You can also go ahead and try dating, and being honest.
Don't share to much personal information, but also be yourself, and just have fun.
Members of the opposite sex tend to like fun (or same sex, if you're in to that).

If you enjoy the compay of others, and you naturally show signs of enjoying that (smiling, playfulness, engagement), others will tend to enjoy your company, and you should be fine.

what's outside?

>feels like we are married
you've been together for 7 years
it essentially is marriage at this point
now, if being married sucks, you either fix the relationship or get a divorce, just like other married people


>I sure hope I don't go back to jail

What the fuck did you do?

Honesty is always good in a relationship.
No need to outright say it, but go ahead and try new things, experience the wonders of life together.

>learn how to identify sources that are most likely to be credible
>search on the internet
>weed out sources
>learn information
>utilize information

I'm 25 and I still shit the bed

>Pretend she is dude
not showing any signs of interest is exactly how to end up in the friend zone
on the other hand, showing any signs of interest is exactly how to end up getting rejected

I've done meth once or twice.
After my days of being a shithead were over, I've come to the conclusion that being sober is better.

solid point.
What can i do to spice shit up get strung out again?

Shut up, tweaker. user was trying to help you.

the girl who i went on dates with for a few months i was starting to genuinely like. she said she was very interested in me and seems alright in person but distance. this sounds minor, but ive experienced a lot of relationship abuse and shit people in my life and just want a cringy happy relationship with someone who i can be myself around. i havent genuinely liked someone in a long time, and now just see ups and downs of dating people rather than seeing emotion/love.i feel like ive broken myself because i was diagnosed with severe depression and feel like a loser just typing in this thread on my friday night.

>Im an actual therapist
>Doesn't know why Sup Forums is becoming infested with trap threads.
So you're not an actual therapist.

Sexually abused as a kid, I've been through the therapy thing, but it's starting to affect me again.
I still sleep with chicks, but I dont enjoy it, because I hate touching someone else. Also can't sleep in a bed, haven't done so in about 12 years.
Don't want to go back to therapy because I hate the whole process. I don't want to talk about it with anyone, I'm not in the mood for 'sharing and growing'. How do I keep it all under wraps? I want to forget it ever happened

why does everyone always suggest that the solution is to be yourself?
being myself is exactly how i managed to remain a kissless virgin for this long
i'd probably have better luck being someone else

i don't understand what the problem is

r/tards swarming in
Tumblr fags thinking Sup Forums is edgy

Lost of reasons...unfortunately

that's beyond my pay grade
i'm one of the dateless virgins in this thread, so i won't be much help with relationship advice

Just broke up with my girlfriend earlier tonight. Things went surprisingly well and we want to stay friends. I feel I should be more down about it, but for some reason I'm not? We've been together about 5 months.

>Shit is really boring now that im sober been
Because you're not doing it right.
Joint a martial arts gym and fight people.
Go rock climbing.
Appreciate art at museums.
Get involved in improving your community.
Ask your neighbors if there's anything you can help with (find a quest).
Go to the local race track.
Explor the city and talk to strangers deep questions.
Find new hobbies, and do all of them.

My girlfriend is moderately depressed, anxious, with a lil sprinkle of PTSD in there from being raped. She's like 19. We're both hanging in there but it's rough at times. Still love her to death though. Ah well what are ya gonna do

>why does everyone always suggest that the solution is to be yourself?
Maybe because if you pretend to be someone else, if you do manage to snag some tang, you'll get tired of putting up a façade, you'll think about how she doesn't truly like you, and just likes who you're pretending to be, and get anxious about the backlash that may occur when you're found out?

They've been here since the beginning. Baily Jay was posted daily in dozens of threads like 10 years ago.

I like this guy. A lot. Hes kinky and cute. We talk a lot. He has mental illnesses though so he doesnt feel comfortable with meeting me. But i know because its either hes not attracted to me or just because im some fucking toy.

you can't just forget it but you can practice keeping yourself and your mind in the present moment and prevent it from always wandering back to painful memories. when it does wander back there, don't berate yourself, just notice where your mind went and then guide it back to the present. there's not much more to it than that, I think, it just takes a shitton of practice. like months, or more.

Maybe try focusing more on the emotion/love over the course of 2 years?

i somehow managed to shit the bed once a few years ago, and have no idea how it happened
zero problems before or since

That's okay. So there's 2 ways this goes down. The full scope of the situation hasn't set in yet for you, or this was a good outcome, and saw her as more of a friend than a partner.

Have fun.

Get educated and try harder, but also, don't wear yourself out.



I try to have a longer term relationship, ive dated a lot of people who i thought were close to me or ive dated for a long time and they say im like too clingy or dont want a relationship at the time.

Yeah she's definitely more friend in my opinion. We respect and love each other enough that I see us staying friends and nothing more.

im annoyed at the shit people ive dated and how unhappy ive been with said people

okay, thanks.

>But i know
That's usually the hard part.

pretending probably wouldn't work too well
i'd need to actually become someone else
maybe developing a split personality disorder would do the trick

good. A lot of people can't do that so kudos to you 2 for being able to.
also nice dubs

I just love dogs.

31 year old male, weigh 164, what's the best way to lose my love handles? I've been working out 4 days a week and haven't really seen much improvements in that area of my body. what gives?

Relationships, at times, just take work.
Not much else to do but to keep drudging on.
You keep busting your ass for 8 hours, get home, do something else, get some time to relax, and do it all over again until a break, and then, eventually, you get your pay check, and you just keep doing the same shit.

It's not even exactly about longer term relationships, it's just focusing more on the positive throughout relationships in general.
Most relationships don't work, though.
We're all just waiting until we find the most compatible.
Finding the one who doesn't think you're too clingy, etcetera.

38.Recently divorced. Lost everything. Recovering alcoholic and herion addict living in a halfway house. Have rheumatoid arthritis. Over 50 lbs overweight. Pain is a constant thing. Making literally just enough to feed myself at a dead end job. Bretty suicidal. Just afraid of actually killing myself and leaving a mess for others to find/clean up.

welcome to Sup Forums newfriend
i hope you enjoy your stay here

I've been plagued with horrible nightmares since I got back from the war. I was medically discharged and can't work a lot of jobs, am in constant pain that is likely to leave me an invalid, and developed paranoia, anxiety, depression, and suffer from crippling loneliness.

The only time I can sleep and feel normal is when I hold a woman in my arms; this led me to enduring a narcissistic sociopath for 4 years. I've been alone for almost two years now and the nightmares are starting to lessen in comparison to the pain; both emotional and physical, of the waking world. I suspect that, when I can tolerate them, I'll kill myself to escape while I am still physically able.

There is one other problem: there's a woman who's 10 years younger than me, has terrible anxiety, and loves me. She's a beautiful soul, but has the body of a 12-year-old. I cannot become aroused by such a physique. I feel a deep emotional connection, but absolutely nothing physically. It kills me inside because, if she had a curvy figure, she would be the woman of my dreams.

Thanks for letting me ramble.

it happens like once a week sometimes multiple nights in a row. Tried changing diets and ways of sleeping but nothing works. I've given up changing my sheets every time because it happens so often.

>maybe developing a split personality disorder would do the trick
It's easier to act like you have a split personality disorder than to actually get one.
I think, anyway. I haven't actually looked into intentionally developing a multiple personality disorder.

i think you think you have less control than you really do. your gfs can only be shitty to you if you let them. if you don't know what to say in a tense moment, it's ok to sleep on it, think of what you want to say and how you'll bring it up next time you see her.

It's all about exercise AND diet.

yeah, fuckin sucks. I loaded up on courses for Senior year of HS because college so that's fun on top of everything else. On the bright side she's way lower maintenance than she seems.

(yes, like a good little boy, i waited until i was 18 to post here)

do you have a healthy diet? that's more important than exercise for losing weight

I managed to befriend a guy on some app and he's the closest I ever been to someone in 10 years but I broke my phone
So I got a new and realized I don't remember the password to my old email
And apoerantly he switched to a another community and didn't bother to post the link on his profile
I've tried finding him but I couldn't
I don't know if he switched user names or not
I'm really fucking worried about him

I might just get a bunch of people to search most of the communities in the app

Sorry if this written like shit

see a doctor

Yea for the most part pretty healthy. I don't drink booze at all, I cut out carbs, and only eat chicken, veggies and some times fish. Seems like love handles are the most stubborn part to lost. I guess it's frustrating at time, but I need to work through it.

Thanks, I'll check this out.

A child is beign attacked by a wolf.
You can stop the attack, and defend the child, or you can do nothing.

If you do nothing, it may be or the best.
The child, unexperienced, may just be unable to fend for itself.
If the wolf doesn't kill it, it may just die from something else.

However, if you do help the child, the child may survive, and plow through life to come, improving it's situation, potentially doing great things.

If you leave the child to die now, that will definately be the end of it.

If you do something to help the child, it has a chance at a better future.

If you do nothing, things will stay bad.

But if you keep going on, it's possible things will get better.

True you gotta let some of what your feeling come out.. But I think you should try and resist the urge in the beginning. I think chicks dig dissinterest especially when they dont expect men to be indifferent about them. Cuntresses like confidence and that shit..

Ty user. Appreciate the (you)

my twin sister has the reading and writing skills between 2nd and 3rd grade at the age of 21. i remember having an a teacher tell me i should be thankful for abilities compared to hers. while i perfectly understood what they were getting at but only hell i have been ungrateful.

think it's time get a ged and move out to japan. maybe have an sex change operation while i'm out there...i want to live...

You're welcome.

It's like the only time I feel at peace is when I'm driving like a maniac taking corners at 45mph when the recommended speed is 15mph.

Having a woman in your arms seems like it'd be easier to maintain peace in a healthier and less dangerous way.

Most people who enjoy traps are bisexual

We can chose to look on the bright side, or we can choose to look on the dark side.
It seems like you're going to be alright, user.

Do what you must, but just try not to do anything you'll regret.

>having an a teacher
>think it's time get a ged
>maybe have an sex change
Are you sure your sister is the only one with the 3rd grade writing skills?

You just need to time it right.
When to show interest, and when not to show interest.

I have, I've had blood tests, fecal tests, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy. there's nothing wrong with me medically. I just push them out when I sleep :(

One day I'm actually going to kill a tailgater.

I guess you could always wear a buttplug. Dunno how well that would work, but it would be an interesting experiment.

>she has the body of a 12-year-old
>I cannot become aroused by such a physique
You deserve to be miserable. Fag.
You sound like a weak person who uses some shitty experiences as an excuse to fail. Depending on women, believing they can save you. Ruminating on the shittest parts of your life. Naming off all your mental illnesses. At some point you have to man up and just fuck a 12 year old.

One day a tailgater might actually going to kill you.

Going through a divorce. Glad to be done rid her but worry I wont find anyone better; or anyone at all.

Im fucking lonely, I miss my girlfriend and I wish I had someone that still loved me.

>At some point you have to man up and just fuck a 12 year old.
user, you may have been here a little too long.

You just need to give it time.
Try and have some fun in the mean time.

I've been addicted to Fentanyl for almost a year now. I've quit a few times throughout that time but never for longer than 3 weeks and whenever I quit I just got absolutely horrible depression and terrible withdrawal symptoms. Today I quit again but am trying using suboxone this time. It took away most of my withdrawal symptoms except my terrible restless legs. Anyway, how do I stay sober? I'm sick of life as an addict and having to be high 24/7 or I start getting sick. Literally if I didn't have fentanyl I would start getting sick after about an hour and a half.

Stop getting fucked in the ass and give your asshole time to heal up.