Have you ever self harmed or just done anything self destructive? What did you do?

Have you ever self harmed or just done anything self destructive? What did you do?

I used to cut in my late teens. Never for attention, nor to mask emotional pain, nor to really damage myself, though. I was just fascinasted with scarification and blood, and enjoyed the rush of endorphins. I used my blood in paintings. It was almost ritualistic. And I just, cliche as it sounds, grew out of it. 34 now. I don't necessarily regret it, but I do want to get tattoos to cover the scars.

pretty much in the same page as you. my arms are fucked, so I do think that maybe a nice sleeve will help with covering the scars, bit they do say that tattooing on scared tissue is kinda hard.

Have tried cocaine? How much would you do?

there are a lot of tattoo artist who specialize in covering scars though :)

My self harm didn't involve razor blades.

I did obscene amounts of pharmaceuticals and illicit narcotics in my early 20s that should have killed me. I had a death wish, but every time I bounced back from the brink of death. Surprisingly I didn't suffer any permanent kidney or liver damage.

I have to admit that i considered cuts one or two times.
But im not an attention fag, and i'd rather being efficient than a pussy.
If i ever attempt to end my life, its not gonna be an attempt


>just done anything self destructive?
Thousands of dollars of dxm syrup, alcohol and research chemicals
Fun times

I got really angry at a party, wanted to fight a chick, and sliced up my arm with a broken beer bottle to show her how loco I was. Was also very drunk at the time. Left light scars.

Why do you do this? I mean, does it feel good? What of the come down?

I cut myself when i was in my teens/late teens a lot. Still have the scars and stuff. Weird that this post came up cause i just did it again out of random and then saw this post.

>was an emofag in highschool
>all my friends cut, it made me curious.
>swipe a razor blade from biology class
>after school in my room.
>draw blade across my bicep with medium pressure.
>decide its fucking stupid and never do it again.

>wanted to fight a chick
Mate, this is lame, even for Sup Forums

knife, burns, hitting.
knife is blessing

>tried starving myself several times
>ended up with an eating disorder

And besides that the usual. Cutting, burning, punshing myself, etc.

I know, was a drunk, emotional 21 year old white girl.
>inb4 tits or gtfo


Tits or gtfo

Stayed up until 3am cooking meat in the kitchen.

I cut Slayer into my arm when I was 15

I regret nothing

Oh geez, i hope you dont mind the mess. Lets get some candles or something, we have a lady here.

Basically any drug I took that wasn't cannabis.

That's hard af user

I've been self destructive. lately i just want to hurt myself by cutting or starve myself

>all that white flesh
I have a few prominent scars from those kinds of cuts, left forearm and a few other areas, used to do it to for every reason from getting off to self punishment to plain and simple relief

still love boxcutters, but that was the same before I ever cut too

usually i don't self harm but if i am feeling really suicidal or numb or anxious it to focus on something else and calm myself

I used to slice the tips of my fingers so it was hard to use my PC, because I felt like it was controlling my life

I scratched myself till blood came and tried to starve myself

Serious question, whats the point of self harm? i mean, it hurts.

I have smoked spice

its a great way to release built up emotion/anger very quickly

Mental problems can make people do drastic things. When some people self harm, it reminds them of what something else other than what they're going through feels like.

I did and I really want to do but my body wont let me cut, too scared of the pain
Thats the best I could do
I for once just want one deeper cut where actually blood comes out
But not deep enough to have scars left forever

I'm not doing it for attention
I'm just bored with life, it feels empty and dull
Oh and I like blood too
Thinking about buying a really sharp knife but no idea what to buy

Cut that out. You stupid bitch.


i'd rather deal with my feelings tbh.
I mean, it sucks, but somehow it makes me feel alive and human.
Sometimes i feel like a flesh robot going through a lot of non-sense until my feelings hit from the bottom

shut the fuck up you fucking bitch. anyone who actually uses self harm as a legitimate coping mechanism is not idealizing anything. it's an escape. stop feeling bad for yourself and do something to improve your life. faggot

So many edgy betas listening to too much Eminem.
Protip: Each scar is a testament to your idiocy to everyone.

I've been homeless twice, never went on the system or panhandled. I visited churches for food and shelters until I found a job and home. Stop pretending like you know people you fucking neanderthal.

No. You're just an edgy fucktard. You aren't cool. You aren't special. You're just a fucking attention seeking retard. Cut deeper next time.

Wait, are you arguing with yourself?

Get with the program fuck nuggets. This is me, AMA

No dumbass. I'm telling the Borderline wannabe what a little fag got he/she is.

I don't know, I have bipolar disorder and back then when I was having an episode, I did it. Feel stupid for it though, because I just have fucked up scars on my right thigh. They're red and I look like a tiger.

You're not going to do shut cutting across. Cut deep & along the forearm at the wrist & put everyone out of your misery. Fucking retards can't even kill themselves correctly.

raarrrw :3

When god weaved the world and laid you to hatch, she intended you to be happy and fulfilled. Don't throw away what she gave you.

Why do you post them on a public Instagram? Are you some kind of a faggot or something?

Does fapping till my cock is bleeding count?

Protip: blood makes good fap lube

It's for attention & "support". Just an attention whore.

Well at least you can admit it.

that's bullshit. blood coagulates and causes chaffing quickly. unless it's period blood mixed with vaginal fluid, but it'll still dry quick.

Fuck you, you dumbass. I'm TRYING to tell the Borderline wannabe what a little fag got he/she is, but your dumbass Borderline wannabe sweet little twink ass got in the way.

I've cut recently due to stress and benzo withdrawals, two cuts have left scars and one is currently healing
I don't have the desire to do it again though, given that the things that were primarily contributing to my stress are not really issues now

i have a hard time regulating my emotions, esp. coping with sadness, my bad temper and stress. to relieve it i usually beat, scratch, bite myself, slam my head against tables/walls. Rarely ever cut myself as i dont like the sensation; also bruises/scratches tend to remain more unnoticed (literally no one has ever noticed) than cuts, and are way easier to excuse if ever necessary.
Also into masochism.

Benzo withdrawals are horrible. I could barely cope with them so started smoking cigarettes like a chimney. Weed helps too.

I visited Sup Forums as a teen

For me it's beacause it hurts. It's really not very logically, but if I'm desperate I just want to throw away everything and marking yourself so everybody thinks your just graving for Attention - so thant they start leaving you - and so on, is a really god start, when you just sit in your room doing nothing else really.

if you use a needle it can make you bleed and the scars won't be permanent

A couple years ago i feel into depression and used an orbital sander a couple times but mostly just a razor blade.

Yeah. I still have the scars and can find the pics of my cut

I accidentally told a friend I browse Sup Forums.
news spread like wildfire.
everyone now thinks I fap to traps, rate dicks, shout MODS, upload rare pepes.

worst self-harm of my life.

Id also burn my self with cigarettes and random things i heat up.

have you gone to a mental hospital? what is your diagnosis? how do ER doctors treat you when they have to stitch you up?

>Yeah. I still have the scars and can find the pics of my cut
I don't have any open cut pics

For me, I use it as a way to get out my bad feelings.
Can't talk to others so I do it.

Yes, diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.

Never really had any bad treatment from doctors and nurses, even when sectioned a few times.

I did had some poor healthcare though. When I sliced open my leg the junior doctor and student nurse in A&E decided to glue the wound close rather than stitch it.

They use superglue, but instead of pinching the wound closed and glueing, they spread it all over my bloody leg like it was moisturiser.

Gave me really bad chemicals burns that hurt a lot more than the cut did. You can see pictures of the chemical burn and the blisters they left on my Instagram page.

ouch that sounds painful.
you said you have schizoaffective so does that means you also have delusions/hallucinations along with a mood disorder? are you in therapy? if yes, does it help you at all?

from time to time i like to just pull out my kabar and slash myself a little bit. i just like the burn of it

How old are you anyways? Honest question.

I cut a little when was younger. Mostly because emo and no friends. This one is on my outer thigh and its more creative than anything you faggots have posted. Its also like 16 years old now.

forgot file

I dated a chick that cut up her wrist so bad they scarred up like armor. Self destructive...every few years she'll come over and I'll play that hootie and the blowfish song. Avoid crazies like that. The fucking is great but it isn't worth it.

Is this considered self harm?

What the fucks happening

ye I'm taking kratom and some gummies from a dispensary that are super high in cbd and they help out a lot too

She's on CB right now. but already took the pump off. Must not have been that bad because she jumped right on the dildo. Moar?

Dated a girl with diagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder who used to cut whenever she felt sad, and coming from a broken family was a lot. I remember I niavely made her promise to stop hurting herself thinking that I her love for me would overcome her desire to hurt herself..... I was wrong. She would call me crying saying that she had broken the promise and I just felt worse about it besides feeling like I wasn't strong enough to protect her. I also took one of her razors but sure enough another one replaced it. Shit ended up destroying me after a while.

Long story short I broke up with her. I always kept a knife with me then one year on valentines day I listened to the CD that me make for me and did shot every time a song reminded me of one of her lies that she loved me. 5 or 6 shots later the knife in my hand was temping me for some reason. I thought about what it must have felt like for her as I dragged it across my hand near the base of the thumb. Did it 5 more times every time I took a shot. I thought it was ironic that just for the night my ex turned me into a cutter. The first cut was a mistake..... The first one always is. The others came easier.

But after that night I didnt do anymore stupid shit like that. Sorry Sup Forumsros for the wall of text. This is just a issue that hits close to home.

What the fuck? Are humans made of fucking polystyrene?

Moar, I am interested


No, and I will never understand why anyone would do such a idiotic thing.

1 time of many. (her)

(arm under shirt sleeve) its kinda hard to explain, some people do it for attention, some people do it when they get mad or sad. For me it was just something I did, back in Jr high I was curious so I did it once just for no reason, ended up liking the way it felt so I did it more but stopped after a while. Then recently about a few months ago I just got the urge to do it again. I just like the way it feels.

Sorry about your ex user. Cutting is extremely addicting because of the stimulation and the numbness you feel afterward. Its like when you have trich, it's the stimulation. It's a sad life to live when you find comfort in pain.

Not if it is your own pain - sadists are pathetic scum though.

haven't in a while

turning 25 really made me feel shit and hurting myself and suicide was on my mind a lot, going to therapy now

still feel like a pussy when I see my little scratches and want to make something much more obvious- which is fucking stupid but I guess I have brain problems

Thanks man, you are kind. It is alright though. It have been 4 years since the split yet I still hope that she is doing better now. I dont know if she still cuts but I wouldnt be surprised. I wish her well. I just grew up and realized that I wouldnt be able to save her and that perhaps all the times I told her "I love you" was just to keep her alive. I is better that I gave myself the adequate amount of emotional distance from her. She is on her 2nd bf after me now and honestly I just wish him the best of luck at this point.

Auditory hallucinations as well as visual. Mainly hear what sounds like people whispering, but you can’t quite make out what they’re saying.

Visually see things that aren’t there. People, inanimate objects, like a cat or a book on a table.

Not on any medication, makes me worse. Makes me a zombie, numb, can’t function properly, can’t sleep, eat too much, are doesn’t help only hinders.

Not in therapy, although I have tried it in the past. Talking therapies are a load of bollocks.

I’m 33.