You guys are the experts on evolution and looking at nigger skulls, so I wanted to get your take on the sloped forehead...

You guys are the experts on evolution and looking at nigger skulls, so I wanted to get your take on the sloped forehead. Does it indicate higher thinking or lower?

Evolution isn't real

Your gold isn't real.

Sad but true

phrenology is a pseudoscience

Sure, brain size has nothing to do with intelligence. That's why Whites have larger brains than niggers and men have larger brains than women.

Thank the Gods smart people still exist

God is real. Jesus is real.

Deus Vult

assuming you are white if whites are so smart why are you so fucking dumb at biology?

evolution is real though.

now the concept of one species transitioning into another over a long time--that's total bologna.

Evolution is real but it's impossible to transform into a new creature.
People living in the Himalayas as have developed larger stronger lungs this type of evolution is real, God made us all perfect and we are capable of adapting to any environment we live in.
British who settled in Canada evolved to be comfortable in the cold, the British who settled in Australia evolved to be comfortable in the heat.
But it's impossible for Canadians and Australians to transform into a new type of human

Flat forehead is better.


I think people with smaller forehead's are smarter.

Look at a monkey skull. Does someone's skull look like a chimp's? If so, they have "homoplastic" traits; in other words, their skull growth genes are largely still the same ones inherited from chimpanzees three million years ago.

>the sloped forehead
Well, since the forebrain governs things like empathy, and social awareness...


>Experts on Evolution and looking at nigger skulls

I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did, Desu.

>God made us

Someone's losing fucking ground here.

>There are multiple gods

Brains between different races are not only of different size, but of different structure as well. Skull structure accommodates for these differences as skull structure evolves to accommodate the brain inside it. Thus difference in skull structure also implies difference in brain structure, which leads to the conclusion that there are mental differences between races. Unless of course you believe the notion that everyone is equal and brain structure is irrelevant, in which case you must also accept that you are equal to creatures such as a pig or a bat - after all, the main difference in intellectual prowess between us and other mammals is the brains' size and structure.

Seriously guys, read this.Golden.

Tl;dr - Blacks have difficulty with abstract thinking and that's why they look childish to us.

Lower. It indicates nigger tier thinking.

Buttmad slopie detected.

I am 50% English and 50% Scottish. I have a slightly sloped forehead. I took the Mensa IQ test. I paid $75 for a supervised test (included brunch and a lecture on economics and real estate). I scored 128 on that test. I dated a Russian/Hungarian girl some years back. She had a perfectly straight and flat forehead. I've had dogs with higher IQ than she.

Sloped forehead in Europeans is a neanderthal thing

left CM, right Neanderthal