I am the reincarnation of the Prophet Muhammad. Not a joke. Ask me anything

I am the reincarnation of the Prophet Muhammad. Not a joke. Ask me anything

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Why da fuck you let this shit happen, bro?
Get your shit together

That picture isn't the prophet.

If u god the why u nigger?

you are right, he should be over a fifty years old with characteristic syphilitic nose and raping his 9 year old bride

What did you think of this wonderful film?

If you’re illiterate, how will you read these questions?

Are you ready to be stoned to death by the Right Wing Death Squads?

Who is your rightful successor?

I got bored half way through. Whatever...

I will not have children but since I am God I guess Jesus?

I will not have kids but since I am God then Jesus?

Are you ready for the final crusade?

Chris here....give me more attention!

Do your followers know you're a faggot ?

why are you reincarnated and not with your 72 virgins in paradise?

This dude not a mohamad dumb. He is Ali.

Are you going to blow yourself up for posting a picture of yourself?

This entire thread is Haram. Death to the non-believers! LILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILILI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pretty fucking funny 10/10 totally not green screen

fuck you op you ruin my night. right now i let my goat quiet and have to jihad

How do you like your women?

Because I needed to get rid of evil and fix the deities in this life. Plus, I am soooooo amazing guys. Im an upgrade for Muhammad

Young. Like 8

I think we all know the answer

>Underage prepubescent

>So tight that tears roll down her eyes with every thrust

More more moreeeeeee or you all go to Hell!

were you nigger or sandigger?

kill yourself you fucking sand nigger

are you retarded?

No just a regular nigger

who's gonna win the superbowl

I didn't do the capcha thing so I thought it didn't post....

God won't tell me yet and I won't wait but if you keep asking hell tell you eventually tell you and you could win big bucks!

Is this your first psychosis?

Were you an atheist ?

Opinion on modern niggers and sand niggers ?

Why would you choose Sup Forums as your platform?

Damn. Yes. For like 11 years. This n I pretended to be a Satanist.

I tried Reddit but no one saw it. I even posted it on Islam and ask me anything. Plus, I like Sup Forums.

Why do you smell like camel shit?

MOREEEEEE I can't believe i have to say this I'm the Prophet! Infinite agony lady's and gentlemen.

Are kikes really just kebobs in drag?

Why are your people not eating pork ?

OP you do realize that this is psychosis you are experiencing right now? Just kidding, of course you aren't. Welcome to the wonderful world of schizophrenia, my deluded friend.

What will follow is you getting deeper down into the rabbit hole for some weeks or months, until you start to do some real crazy shit, could be starting to setting shit on fire, vandalizing stuff, trespassing on others property, until police gets involved and you get admitted to your local mental health ward.

First they'll probably give you haldol, which is heavy shit. Have fun with that, and a shitload of temesta. After some weeks they'll switch to abilify, or latuda or some less heavy neurolepic, and less temesta. After some months you'll be free again if you behave like a good boy in there, and are lucky enough that the meds work for you.

Then you'll still be a bit delusional about it all for years, and most probably will be on disability for years, until you sort through this whole shit. Could take you a few months, but most probably, years. Then you'll slowly get better after years of therapy and medication, if you take them daily that is and show up to therapy like clockwork. After five to ten years you'll be fit enough to work again and live a normal life, and pick up where you've left.

Just thought I'd give you a quick heads up. Again, welcome to the wonderful world of schizophrenia!

I just sent you to hell for 3 seconds. Did you feel it?


No OP, didn't feel a thing. Look I've been through something similar, twice actually, so I know there's no way of convincing you that you need help. But yeah... you have an "interesting" future ahead of you. Good luck, you'll need it!